19. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 9 : Ferris Wheel-Hyungwon

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Third-wheeling isn't exactly new to you. Especially when your two best friends are dating each other.

The both of them, Myung and Choonhee, started this dating thing a few weeks ago. And at least once a week, they would invite you to "hangout." Maybe somewhere like a cafe, or to the movies, but it always ends up with you third-wheeling them.They would pepper kisses on each other and do everything else. Sometimes you wonder why they would invite you in the first place if they're gonna act like it's a date, forgetting you at some point.

You totally understand the fact that they invited you because they don't want you to feel left out because of them dating, moreover you were the one behind their relationship, helping them come out to each other, but if it's just gonna be you third-wheeling them, you'd rather not.

In fact, that's the case right in this very moment. They asked for you to come to a carnival with them and here you are, standing in the middle of the madness and being separated from them.

"Ugh.. typical," you said as they ignored your phone calls. You were pretty sure they're somewhere on here together. You sighed while looking around one last time, your eyes searching for the appointed humans in the crowd.

Predictably, you gave up on searching for them after a while. You then remembered that the carnival has some kind of dock, so you decided to check it out, maybe enjoy the breeze from the sea if it's open to the public.

You then started walking around, to where you think the docks are. The walking session got your uncovered hands cold. And so you slipped your hands in the pockets of your jacket. You then stopped your tracks as you felt something brush with your fingers. Pulling out the thin material, you realized that it's a ticket for one. You then remembered a few moments ago, when you and Myung and Choonhee arrived here, you three bought tickets and distributed them equally.

And so, here you are with one ticket in your hand, not knowing what to do with it. You started looking around and noticed the bright giant hamster wheel, resting on its stand, spinning gracefully. "What a coincidence?" You thought to yourself.

Your feet then started to automatically approach the attraction called "Ferris Wheel" that had caught your attention without caring if you'll look pathetic, sitting there alone. It wasn't long after you started lining up until you finally had the chance to give the ticket to the worker.

The man lets you in and you were silently excited to be on top. But then you heard someone standing in-front of you asked, "Is this seat taken?" referring to the space next to you.

"Umm, no," you answered, scooting to the side to leave some space for the guy. The tall figure then moved to sit next to you. "Thanks," he said to you.

You replied with a short smile and soon the protective rods were pulled down and you felt the wheel rotating. The air felt a bit awkward because of the stranger's presence. Stealing glances from each other and others until he finally has the courage to introduce himself.

"Umm.. hi, I'm Hyungwon," he shyly said.

"Oh, hi! I'm Y/N," you answered with a soft smile.

He then started a conversation, "Hi! So, did you come here alone?"

"Well, no. I came here with my friends. The two of them are dating, so, I guess, you know where this is going," you said.

"Aww, third-wheeling. That sucks," he briefly responded.

"Yeah, it does. What about you?" you asked back.

"I came here with 6 of my friends. But, they seem to vanish," he said.

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