12. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 2 : Champagne-Minhyuk

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Stunning, smart, and annoyed. Those are the words you would use to describe yourself in this very moment. Your father, who's known to be powerful and rich, was again invited to a huge social event. Being his only daughter would only mean going to the events with him and your mother.

You certainly didn't hate going to fancy dinners to see what the host is boasting about, but you are a one introverted girl. So, if you can slip from your parents hands and stay in the library in your house, you will. Maybe invite someone. Minhyuk or Changkyun. Or sometimes being alone is great too.

But, you can't. Not this time. Your father insisted on you coming. And of course you texted both Minhyuk and Changkyun to ask if their parents were invited as well or not. And the point of their answers is that what goes for you, goes the same for them. Their parents were also invited and asked for them to come along.

And so here you are, standing in your high heels beside your mother, with an elegant peach-coloured dress wrapping your body. The off-shoulder dress covers you from your neck to a few centimetres above your knees. Your face was covered with make up and golden earrings were hanging under your ears.

You could only listen to the boring small talks that the guy managed to pull with your dad. Your eyes wandered around the room, hoping to find Minhyuk or Changkyun. And to your luck, you spotted MMinhyuk in the corner of the room.

He's pretty much in the same state asf you, wearing a tux with his hair fixed, standing beside his father who's chatting with a couple. You could see the boredom splattered all over his face.

You then excused yourself from your parents and walked over to Minhyuk. His parents spotted you. "Oh, Y/N! Hi!" his mother cheered.s=

"Hi! Mr and Mrs.Lee," you greeted back.

Minhyuk then shifted his facial expression from a bothered one to a relieved one. Maybe he's glad that you gave him the chance to escape the boring podcast that the old ones are premiering right in-front of him.

"Can I go now?" he politely asked his parents.

"Sure," his father said.

And with that you and Minhyuk bid a mini goodbye to them and took off to somewhere else in the huge room.

"You're a total Godsend," he said to you while taking two glasses of Champagne.

You then take one of them from his hands and sipped, letting the liquid slide in through your throat and send the warm-tingling feeling. "I know I am."

He chuckled and you both stopped to stand by one of the pillars that's holding up the ceiling.

You both then chatted while getting a view of the whole room. This is certainly better than listening to random people offering your parents weird products just so they can get a hold of your dad's money. But, you knew your father wasn't gonna invest in some random things. Since you were sure that you're not going home with your parents, you texted them, saying that you'll be fine with Minhyuk.

Adding the word "Minhyuk" or "Changkyun" would be the golden ticket. Since your dad worked together with their dads, you three tend to meet a lot. It pretty much gets to the point where your dad would entrust you to both Changkyun and Minhyuk.

So, you're here on your second refill and are now leaning on the second pillar, your convo with Minhyuk seems to be long lasting.

"Shouldn't you go easy on the champagne?" Minhyuk asked.

"Nah, I'm fine," you said, "besides, you're here. And also, I've told my mom I might go home earlier."

Minhyuk then noticed your shaky legs. Wearing four inches high heels surely isn't a great combo with getting drunk. "Do you wanna sit?"

He then declared, "Let's go find somewhere to sit," getting a hold of your wrist, guiding you to where he spotted empty seats.

Once you're seated, you took a sip from your, now full again, glass. Minhyuk can't take his eyes off of you. Rather than being stunned, he's concerned. Let's just say, he has seen you in your drunken state. From then, he could conclude that your alcohol tolerance wasn't so high. And you, getting drunk here, wouldn't be the best scene for everyone to witness.

Minhyuk did try to distract you from getting refills, but as predictable as it is, he failed. Apparently, the conversation isn't enough to make you forget about refilling your drink.

Changkyun finally managed to make his first appearance in-front of you two. Greeting you and Minhyuk before sitting beside you. Seeing you spacing out a lot made him realize that you weren't fully sober.

"How much did she have to drink?" Changkyun asked the older guy next to you.

"I don't know. Four maybe," he shyly answered.

"You're older than her. Shouldn't you be able to stop her?" Changkyun asked.

"Ugh.. you're older than her too! Have you ever succeeded in telling her what to do?" Minhyuk snapped back.

"Okay, you've made your point," Changkyun said, "You should probably take her home."

"Yeah, I'll do that. I'm just waiting for my car to get here," Minhyuk answered.

Well, of course, his main goal was getting you home before you went crazy. And so, he managed to text someone to bring his car here.

And what a great coincidence, a few sentences later, the one who had brought his car informed him that the car is ready. Outside.

He then said to you, "Y/N-ah, Shouldn't we head home?"

You could only reply with a hum.

"Let's go home," he said before taking your hand and dragging you outside. Changkyun could only say, "Be careful," while watching Minhyuk make sure that you're walking properly. God, those high heels are total killers.

He finally places you in the passenger seat before walking to the other side to drive. The ride wasn't that interesting, since you're drunk and sleepy, which was a true blessing. He could focus on the road.

A few moments later, he cheered as he succeeded in getting you out of the car and getting you inside the house. Even though it requires him to carry you, he's still proud. Long story short, he tucks you in. A few questionable statements were heard from you, but he waved them off, since you're drunk.

He took off your earrings and placed them on the desk. Being the gentleman that he is, he also cleaned your makeup and neatly placed your heels in the corner of your room.

While doing so, he heard you calling his name from where you are. You're laying on the bed and probably half asleep.

"Minhyuk-ah," he heard you mumble.


"Saranghae," you mumbled.

Surely, he was startled by the statement. His cheeks were burning and he's fully grateful that you're drunk.

"Nado saranghae," he shyly answered before turning your lights off and heading out.

Closing the door behind him, he could only think about what just happened.


Word count: 1185 words

A/N: UWUWUUW How did u like it?? Let me kno juseyo!! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIKI!! Ily!!

Andd, as usual, thanku for reading!! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!! Thankuuu..

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