40. [30DWC] Day 30 : I Like U-Wonho

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Lee Hoseok. It's the name that the whole school is familiar with. The guy who broke girls hearts easily and the one who is friends with 6 other guys that's just like him. Fuckboys with different personalities and traits.

And there you are, friends with them. Out of everyone in school they picked you. You, Yeo Y/N, the introverted, straight-A student. The one who killed others with her death glare when they're being out of line. You never opted to have a boyfriend this time around, especially when you're in school, the one place on earth filled with idiots.

Out of everyone, they picked you. Maybe it's because you weren't like the other girls, who are usually, "crazy over them." And you accepted them. They became the first 7 idiots that you agreed to tolerate. Besides, being friends with guys is usually more fun. Plus, extra protection(?). They weren't exactly weak or "nerds." One of them is even the captain of the basketball team. Some played soccer or even went to the gym a few hours after school.

So, it's sort of a win-win. They earn one 'normal' female friend, and you get 7 guy best friends.

The girls in your school were jealous of you. Well, who wouldn't? And they can be really mean sometimes, but you candle them well. Sassy remarks and clapbacks are stitched to your brain.

Plus, the boys are also helping you fight off those comments. They would feel guilty sometimes when they witnessed you being dissed by others because you're hanging out with them. But, you didn't mind. You let them in after considering everything, so, it wasn't completely their fault.

So, for short, you're human diaries to each other. It's great having them around you rather than having chatty girls talk about random gossips.

In which, you hold their secrets and they hold yours. From the smallest to biggest. You hold some of them in your hands, and they hold some of yours. But note that some doesn't mean all.

One of the secrets that you don't know is Hoseok's feelings to you. It wasn't a secret that you didn't prioritize dating at all when in school to the guys. All of them were aware of you wanting to thrive in school and not fool around.

That fact just made Hoseok feel uneasy. He wants you, but he doesn't want you to ruin your friendship.

The guys were, too, stuck. They wouldn't want to give the wrong advice. They tried to assure him that it's not gonna be so easy, and he knew that, of course. They tried to not bring up the topic when all of you are together, but Hoseok knew that you need to know sooner or later.

And so, it was almost 10pm, but you're busy. And hungry. You're in the middle of working on a presentation. It's due in three days, but history isn't the easiest to learn about now, is it?

You then got a text from Hoseok, "Hey."

"Hey,"you replied.

"What are you doing rn?" he asked.

"Nothing, just making that presentation. What's up?"

"Oh I was wondering if you wanna come with me to get McDonald's. It's on me."

You then checked the time. It's almost 10, not that late, and you're quite hungry. So you agreed. A few minutes later you found yourself walking into his car and saying hi to him.

He didn't talk much but he was a bit jumpy, probably because he's nervous, which was of course understandable. He's planning to tell you tonight.

After getting there, he ordered your favorite and his too. The two of you sat down and started talking.

"Thank you. I haven't said that," you said to him as you reached out to take one of the fries. He then sets your burger in front of you and answers, "it's fine, really."

You then opened up the box and picked up the burger, taking a bite from it. "But, why so suddenly though?"

"Umm, l-listen, Y/N," he said to you. You eye him, putting down your burger down and clasping your hands together, "I'm listening."

He swallowed and spoke up, "I-"

"I-," he kept stuttering. He's nervous. You can't tell.

"Spit it out!" you told him.

"I like you."

You were speechless. Taken aback from his words. Your eyes were slightly widened as you tried to process what he just said. "I like you."

Short and clear, yet hard to swallow.

He watched you, waiting for attention, but you're speechless.

"I know, I know, that you're probably not interested in dating. But, please can't we just try? And even if we can't, I just hope that, maybe.. I don't know.. But-"

You contemplated. Surprisingly. You contemplate. When you usually say, "No," so fast in the beginning, this time you actually are considering it.

You sighed, "Fine. We can.. Try."

He cheered, his smile widening.

"If you hurt me, you're dead. I'm giving you prior notice here," you said, smiling while continuing eating.


Word count: 836 words


But, anws, thanku for reading, I'll upload another one today to compensate two weeks worth of updatess..

New updates every monday!

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