Chapter 8

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The tall guy brought his long legs to the room 507 that Tay had told him a while ago. With his drenched jacket, Joss was still able to get everyone's attention with his figure that looked like the model from a magazine.

Joss walked a little faster than he usually did since he was afraid that med student would not open the door for him if he took longer time to get to the room. Once the elevator dinged on the 5th floor, Joss stepped out and walked straight to the corridor, his head scanned left and right to find the room no. 507.

It wasn't hard for him to figure out which one. He was being weird to feel a but nervous just to knock on the wooden door in front of him. But Joss ceased it away and knocked on the door to tell the owner of the room that he was already standing by the door.

Not long after, the door creaked open, he then saw the boy with specs peeked from inside. As soon as his eyes saw Joss, Tay opened the door wider for his guest. Joss took it as an invitation from the owner to let him in, so he did.

As expected from a med student like Tay, his room was mostly filled with thick books here and there. Tay realized that Joss was checking out his room when the older guy scanned his eyes from left to right, so he mumbled, "Sorry, it's messy. I haven't gotten a chance to clean it."

Joss glanced at Tay and scoffed, "You should see my room, it's messier." He patted his big palm on the top of Tay's head, trying to tell indirectly to Tay that he didn't need to worry about something trivial. After all, Joss was so used to people who are lazier and messier than himself. His friends never even minded to clean their room unless they couldn't walk in their room without tiptoeing.

Tay's room was far cleaner and more organized than Joss's room, so Joss was even amazed how Tay said that his room was messy.

He saw Tay was picking up the things he left on the ground while walking farther into the room, still trying to tidy up even though his guest already said that it was alright. So Joss helped him without being asked.

"What are you doing?" The specs boy asked when he caught Joss picking up the books on his bed.

Joss straightened up hsi back while holding the books in his hands, "Cleaning up." He showed his toothy grin which somehow started making Tay uneasy.

"You can just sit." Tay said to him.

Joss shrugged his shoulders, "Doing it together seems faster." He ignored Tay's order and continued stacking up the books on Tay's desk.

He even ignored the owner of the room that was already standing next to him. He heard Tay sighed, "At least, take off your jacket first."

Tay's words made Joss turned to him, he didn't get what Tay was suggesting, but the younger guy made his intention clearer by pulling Joss's jacket by himself, "It's drenched. You'll catch a cold." Tay softly uttered.

Joss felt his face was getting hotter even though his clothes were damp. He let Tay helped him stripping down his own jacket and put it in the laundry basket. Tay then brought a pair of clothes for Joss to change. "Here, change with this first."

The older guy nodded and silently went to the bathroom as he was told to. Minutes later he stepped out of the bathroom with Tay's clothes wrapping up his bigt body.

When the younger guy saw him, Tay couldn't help but laughed since his clothes were definitely too small for Joss. Those biceps almost ripped out the t-shirt Joss was wearing. The older guy slightly rolled his eyes when he got laughed at by the younger guy. As much as he was annoyed, he liked listening to Tay's laughter.

"Glad that I can finally make you laugh." Joss said sarcastically, causing Tay to close his mouth and stop his laughter.

"Sorry.." He was still giggling as he apologized, making it insincere. Tay only stopped when Joss made an unexpected move by patting his head for the nth time for today. Since they took shelter a while ago, he was acting weird whenever Joss was getting too close or touching him.

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