Chapter 13

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Never had he ever thought he would cry so much at a heartbreak. But indeed he did. Tay never thought that he would experience his heart shattered in pieces for the second time. Not this soon.

But apparently after breaking off the fake relationship with Joss Wayar, he couldn't cope up with the second heartbreak when it came around.

When he broke up with Mild, he did the stupidest thing to throw himself at Joss Wayar who was the one Mild cheated him on. And now, the second time he broke off everything he had with Joss, Tay didn't do anything about it. He just bawled his eyes out until his eye balls fet like they were going to roll off.

No, he couldn't bring himself to another girl or boy since it wasn't anyone's fault but himself. Unlike what Mild did to him. So maybe torturing himself was the only thing he could do right now.

Tay brought it himself, the heartache he was experiencing right now was his own doing. His heart wavered when he knew exactly that Joss didn't even put any heart while playing around. Suggesting being Tay's fake boyfriend didn't mean that the older guy voluntarily gave out his heart for Tay to have. He was famous for being the heartbreaker yet Tay wasn't careful enough when he was around the older guy. He let himself loose and now there was no going back.

Tay needed to live along with the heartache and only relied on the time to heal him.

He sniffled to the back of his palm since the tissue in his room was running out of stock. He was so busy mourning for himself that he was yet to buy it.

The vision got blurred as his eyes emitted warmness and caused the glasses to become steamy. Tay rolled out of his bed for the first time today. It was afternoon already but he could care less.

He walked to the refrigerator and picked up another can of beer. How pitiful of him to start his day late, furthermore with a booze. He was definitey what people called a living corpse.

He clicked the can open and gulped down half of its content, letting some of the booze trailed down from the corner of his lips and smeared on his t-shirt. He then walked to the balcony, bringing the beer along with him. He set himself on the plastic chair.

The four-eyed man looked afar as he drowned himself once again in his sorrow. When his senses came back to him, Tay only went inside to get a box of cigarettes.

Once he sat himself down, he lit up the white stick he'd pulled put from the box. Tay found himself still coughing badly even after he attempted to lit cigarettes for several times already.

Tay didn't just randomly buy cigarettes. He bought the exact brand that Joss had. The idea popped in his head a few days ago when the longing of Joss by his side was unbearable.

He lit the sticks and let them burned until they put off themselves. Tay still didn't smoke, he just lit them so he could inhale the smell of smokes. They reminded him of Joss and Tay just missed the other guy even more.

Just when he was lost in his train of thoughts, he got a visitor who was knocking on his door. Tay wasn't someone who lived in people's mind. He barely had friends. The only friends he got were Arm and Off.

So the visitors were actually Off and Arm themselves because they had been giving Tay visits from time to time since Tay chose to lock himself in his room a week ago.


His two friends unlocked the door with the spare key they got from Tay himself. They were panicking when Tay shut himself down from the outside world, so when they were finally able to see Tay on the second day of his MIA, Arm asked for a spare key to Tay's room, and fortunately, Tay was cooperative by giving it to him, despite the condition that he was in.

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