Chapter 15

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Tay groaned when he was grasping consciousness. He fell asleep while he was crying last night so his eyes felt like they were glued with the dried tears sealing his lids. His head also felt heavy even though he didn't drink that much last night. Tay was busy crying he had no space to think for anything else besides Joss.

When he slowly opened up his eyes, he thought his eye sight was getting worse as he saw whose face he had been dying to see was locking their gaze, holding them still until Tay was the first one to avert his gaze.

Tay was thinking that his eyes were lying to him, maybe his near-sighted eyes had gotten worse overnight. The younger guy crumpled his brows, trying to process the fast route his life had taken. Could he be still dreaming? How come Joss was here, lying by his side while keeping his eyes trailed on Tay.

"Good morning..." The low barritone timbre disturbed Tay from his train of thoughts. Tay had no other choice but to trail back his eyes until he locked gaze again with the older guy.

"Or should I say good afternoon? It's past 2 PM already," here comes the laughter after that. It felt surreal, Tay thought he was listening to heaven's music or whatnot.

His brows quirked up as he curiously touched Joss's face. Tay was aghast when he realized that the stubble on the older's chin felt too real. It finalky dawned to him that Joss was indeed lying next to him.

Right the moment when Tay was gasping and pulled his hand away from Joss, the older didn't let the younger did so. He was faster to keep Tay's hand stayed on his cheek, feeling the qualmish palm over his skin.

The thirst of Tay's touch made him did that. Not that they occassionally touched one another before they broke up, but knowing that he had been living his life without Tay's presence days and nights had arisen the hunger in him. Never had Joss ever felt the urge to touch the younger guy like this. He couldn't restrain himself no more. Not after seeing how his photograph replaced Tay's ex in that frame.

A guy could hope, right?

Joss witnessed how Tay's eyes went dillated when his hand was grasped by Joss himself. The older guy didn't want to let him go. Instead of muttering any word that Tay could comprehend, the older guy made a bold move by slowly tilting his head, placing the softness of his lips against Tay's palm.

The difference between the damp palm of Tay and Joss's dry lips had caused the older guy did without thinking. He deepened the kiss against Tay's skin, painting the feelings for his sense to remember as he inhaled the air.

Such gesture could only make the chaos inside his torso even worse. It was alarming yet soothing for Tay. He was torn between saving himself or begging for more.

He admitted that Joss's touch was addictive.

Tay chose to ignore the urge for doing the latter, he was using his brain even though his head almost gave in in thinking. But when he wanted to release his hand from Joss's, the older man didn't let him go at all. Instead, he gripped Tay's wrist tighter and smooched his palm deeper.

After causing chaos for the med student next to him, Joss finally stopped kissing Tay's palm, however his strong grip was still around Tay's wrist.

"Let me go, Joss..." Eventually, Tay was begging, not for what he desired but what his mind told him to. The butterflies inside his stomach started to annoy him. He needed to calm his heart rate down or else he wouldn't survive.

Joss's slit brow quirked up in wonder, "Why should I?" He asked while feigning his cluelessness to the other guy. Joss exactly knew why Tay asked him to let him go. But Joss didn't want to make the same mistake ever again. So he didn't.

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