Chapter 6

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Tay was so out of it today. He didn't get enough sleep last night since his thought kept visiting the memory of Joss telling him to come to the soccer game at their lunch time.

The younger guy was curious yet he was hesitant to follow after Joss's saying. What if that guy pulled out something crazy? Well, Tay wasn't one to talk, since his idea of asking Joss to sleep with him was something hard to believe in.

Even Tay wondered why would Joss go to the extent of offering him to be fake boyfriend. Was that even necessary? Tay was skeptic about it, yet Joss kept coming to him, the older guy even bought him lunch yesterday.

The four-eyed man released a heavy sigh to let out his frustration, making his two friends, Off and Arm shred a stare in wonder. Their friend seemed so stressed since yesterday, and Tay hadn't told them the thing that made him pressed.

Arm thought that having his friend being stressed for 2 days in a row was enough, so he asked Tay in case they could be any help, "Something must have been bothering you," He started, "What's up?"

Tay glanced up at his two bestfriends before he stared back at his lunch. Instead of answering his friend's question, Tay sighed heavily.

This time, Off was the one who intruded by weakly kicking Tay's shin, "Dude, you can always talk to us. It's so not like you to be depressed for days. Is there any correlation with that big guy from engineering yesterday?" He still wondered about that guy who came to their table yesterday.

"Does he get on your nerves? He even said that he's courting you. What the hell was that?" Off ranted out all the thought that had been lurking aroung his head since yesterday. Tay had a girlfriend so why would a guy hitting on his friend? Didn't one who swing that way had some kind of gaydar? So what's with hitting on a straight guy like his friend?

Tay looked up at Off. Off was guessing right on both questions. Joss was getting on his nerves by announcing that he's courting Tay to his friends. But Tay was the one who agreed to this crazy scheme that night.

How could something escalated this quick?

"Are you into guys now?" Suddenly Arm intruded, making Tay flinched after hearing such question coming from his friend.

Tay weakly shook his head to answer Arm. No, he didn't swing that way, Joss even didn't. That guy was as straight as pole. So maybe it would be the best for Tay to tell his friends what happened.

"Mind and I broke up." That information made the two guys in front of him hit their jaws to the ground.

"You what?!" Off asked aloud with his widened eyes. He was so shocked that his slanted eyes were now as big as ping pong ball.

"Aren't you guys fine? She even dropped by before we daparted for our inauguration.." Arm questioned since he thought both Mild and Tay were fine. They both rarely had a fight since they both were committed to each other since highschool. So there must have been something that led them to break up.

"I thought we were, until I found out that she cheated on me.." Tay conveyed the problem he had been hiding from his friends.

"She what?!" Off gasped, making his slanted eyes even more round than before.

"Doesn't she love you very much?" Arm was confused since the one who kept asking for the attention was Mild. Tay was a nonchalant type in their relationship, but Arm knew better than anyone else that Tay must have been hurt badly by the affair his ex had.

Tay scoffed humourlessly, "Apparently, not that much.." He chose to eat his lunch while leaving his friends wondering on their own.

Arm broke off the silence between them as he said, "Are you okay?" He looked worried, but the one whom he was worried about only scoffed in humourless manner.

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