Chapter 2

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As they had promised earlier today, Tay made his way into the X bar, where Joss told him to come this afternoon. As soon as he came in, the poor lighting welcomed his vision. On Monday night, the bar wasn't as crowded as on Fridays nor weekends. So Tay's nearsighted eyes easily found the bigger guy cozying with girls around him at the couch.

Tay pushed his glasses up before he walked to the player whom his girlfriend cheated on him with. Joss was reishing the burning sensation after he took the booze to his throat when his eyes landed to the guest he was expecting.

His smug face threw a smirk at Tay which got no reply from the four-eyed guy. Tay was boring in Joss's eyes. No wonder a cute girl like Mild was cheating on him. The way he wore his clothes was too outdated.

"Sup?" He greeted Tay in a friendly manner he used for greetings his friends at Engineering.

But of course Tay wasn't his friend, so this boring guy jumped onto his main purpose right away, "So are you gonna sleep with me or not?" He hissed as he slammed both of his hands on the table, Tay didn't even take a seat first.

The girls flocking around Joss froze for a moment before they laughed at the nerd guy. So, apparently Joss was popular in the other field too. However, the girls were pitying Tay since anyone knew Joss didn't swing that way.

Tay deliberately ignored their mocking laughter since he was here to collect Joss if he was up for it. No, he should make the talled guy up for it, since it would be nothing if he couldn't sleep with the same man that Mild slept with.

An eye for an eye.

Seeing how serious Tay was, making Joss relieved a sigh before he said, "Girls, sorry, could you leave us alone?"

The girls raised their brows as they thought Joss wouldn't take the uninvited kid before them seriously. But they couldn't go against Joss since they knew Joss was still one of Forth's men. The tall guy could turn this pub upside down if anyone stepped on his wrong foot.

So without any more words, the girls left the two guys to talk. But not once their eyes left the table as they still wanted to get lucky tonight with the second most wanted man in the Engineering. Forth was the first one, but he got boyfriend already, and no one was comparable with Beam Baramee.

"Have a seat first." Joss directed Tay to take a seat first with his chin, however the younger one was impatient to do so.

"I'm not here for a drink nor hanging out with you." His unfriendly manner made Joss rolled his eyes.

"Sit down and let's have a talk first. I know you don't really mean it when ypu said you want to sleep with me." The older guy lost his patience.

"What d—,"

"Sit the fuck down." Joss repeated himself with a cold tone, making the other guy shivering down his spine.

Tay knew he was testing Joss's patient, but he was as impatient as the other guy. He didn't want the third party in his relationship consuming his precious time. If Joss wasn't up to his idea, then he should have just said so and cut with all this crap.

"I know you're mad at me and your girl, but sleeping with me would make you as low as herself." Joss uttered.

Such words made Tay snapped, "You are not any better, don't fucking insult her when you're the one sleeping with her, knowing that she has a boyfriend!" The shorter guy snarled. He knew if they broke into a fight, surely Joss would beat him to death, but he couldn't step back when someone insult Mild like that.

Yes, Joss was right. Mild's affair was a coward move to make an excuse for their break up, but Tay couldn't lie to himself, Mild still held a place in his heart.

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