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Ten years after Lightning's death...

It had been a long ten years without Lightning. Especially for Bismarck, and the rest, including the 'bots. They should have let go by now, but they just couldn't seem to. It's just... they couldn't seem to let go of the past. It was like Lightning had never left them, yet she wasn't here. For Bismarck, the nights were cold and empty. She felt so lonely, crying herself to sleep every night. Even when she went stargazing, it just wasn't the same without Lightning. The moonstone bracelet was on her desk, and every time she looked at it, all the memories resurfaced. She was barely withholding her emotions. She just missed Lightning so much. Her best friend. Lightning said she was always watching. Bismarck just wished for her to truly be here. Fights with Sirens had continued and they fought, winning some battles, losing some battles. Tirpitz was always with Bismarck. She saw her sister cry, let everything out. They cried together, comforted each other. It just wasn't the same without Lightning

For Yamato and Musashi, sakura season came and went, year after year. These memories. It haunted them. It haunted everyone. Every time the sakura blossoms fell... Yamato had fought, but she was breaking down, crying everyday, her emotions, barely kept in check. She just wanted Lightning to return. Everyone did. Essex and her sisters, they missed their dear sister so much, they could not seem to let go. Like it was just always lingering there.

Then, about a week and a half ago, Shokaku had told them there was a way to bring Lightning back, explaining the process of resurrection to them and telling them that Lightning had not wanted them to know of this, for she did not want them to have false hope. The Japanese carrier had been monitoring the process, watching as the two shards each had a tendril of light flowing out of them, combining to create a wisdom cube, ever so slowly. The process was already fast, for resurrection. And the wisdom cube was almost complete. 

Bismarck cried tears of joy when she heard the good news. Enterprise and the others were overjoyed. They had contacted the 'bots, knowing that Lightning meant much to them as well. Optimus was so happy. He had missed Lightning a lot, everyday, he stared at the stars, wishing that Lightning could come back. Ratchet missed Lightning just as much. Before, they could still see her, but when she died... He blamed himself for not helping her, he was distraught, but didn't let it show, only Optimus knew of it.

Now, they all gathered in the meeting room (the 'bots in holoform), where Shokaku had carefully brought the shards and the unfinished wisdom cube. They all watched as the tendrils of light combined, form in the last bit of the cube as both shards vanished. There was a bright flash of light, forcing everyone to close their eyes, but when they next opened their eyes, there was another person in the room. A very familiar golden-haired woman, those electric blue eyes...

Bismarck was the first to rush forward, hugging Lightning tightly, tears streaming down her face as she embraced Lightning. 

"I missed you so much..." Bismarck choked out as Lightning smiled, closing her eyes. 

"I missed you too," she whispered before opening her eyes, turning to the rest of them as Bismarck let go. 

"I missed all of you so much..." she murmured, her gaze sweeping over all of them. 

"Lightning..." Yamato breathed walking up to Lightning, hugging her for a few moments before letting go. Bismarck then stepped forward, passing the moonstone bracelet to Lightning. 

"You kept it..." Lightning whispered, fastening it on her wrist. 

"I believe this belongs to you, Lightning," Optimus spoke, the two of them exchanging a glance. So many words unspoken... Lightning gave the Prime a small nod, signaling that they would talk later. 

"Sis!" Essex cried as Lightning walked up to them, smiling. 

"Nothing to keep me from returning while the war is still ongoing!" Lightning smirked, hugging her sisters one by one. 

"We all missed you..." 

"As did I. Nice to see that everyone missed me," Lightning laughed. 

"We just missed our friend, fellow warriors and someone we consider family," Musashi spoke softly as Lightning grinned.

"I'm glad to be back..."


Bismarck, Yamato, Optimus and Lightning were all at the top of that cliff, stargazing. Lightning finally managed to convince Yamato to do so, but to quote Yamato, 'Just this once'. 

"So much has happened since, well, the start of this journey. Discovering the Autobot base, coming to Azur Lane... time simply flies by. I kinda feel that it passes too quickly. In the blink of an eye... here we are. I'm just glad to have you all by my side in this," Lightning whispered, her blue eyes bright. 

"I just want to say Lightning, you are the best friend I could ever ask for," Bismarck murmured, turning to Lightning and their gazes locked. Everything that the battleship wanted to say... Lightning understood perfectly. She could see it in Bismarck's eyes. 

"I feel that you have matured much, Lightning. Perhaps it was the circumstances that made you grow up quickly, not of your accord, but all that has made you who you are today. An incredible warrior, strategist and friend. I'm proud of you, Lightning" Yamato spoke, smiling slightly as she looked at Lightning, who dipped her head. 

"Lightning... much has happened since the day that you entered my alt-mode," Optimus said, a wry smile on his face as he glanced at Lightning before continuing, "You have grown so much, facing each and every challenge with strength and determination. You are very resilient, but I admire your loyalty most. To not reveal anything even when tortured... that is very impressive. Perhaps it is war that truly binds us all. We all fight for freedom, live in a world where we are forced to face reality and grow up fast. I know that you will go far, Lightning, I believe in you. And... I would be proud to call you my daughter." Lightning smiled as she gazed out to the sea, her long hair flowing in the wind. 

"Thank you. But... I sense it, on the wind. Change is coming, be it for the better or for the worse and... perhaps that means, that we have to change as well, whether we want to or not. If this change is beneficial... only time can tell," Lightning whispered.

"Time... no one can control it. We have to see how things play out. Fate or destiny, we do not have control over it. The least we can do is to be a good person, do things to your best. And then... everything will fall into place. Along the way, we will face challenges and obstacles, but we should meet them head-on, never back down. These challenges will only make us stronger. And whenever we need help, we must always remember, that our friends, family, are by our side."

Yay! We have officially reached the end of this book. I'm so happy that I finally managed to complete it after slaving away at my computer for hours... lol. I'm glad that all of you had stuck with me to the end, even though my writing may not be as good as others, I'm still happy that you all have read this whole book. Hope that you liked it and appreciated all my efforts! Currently, @moonstar07writes and I are writing a story together on our shared account, 


and Lightning is one of the main characters. I have a few more books planned out as well, one of them being my Warship Oneshots and another being a Warriors and Transformers Prime crossover. I am planning a Bayverse story, but  that is still in a planning stage. Alright, thanks once again! Hope you press that vote button for me! :P

~Lightningstar out

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