Chapter 15

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Lightning was sitting at the very edge of her flight deck, staring up at the stars. It feels nice to finally have some peace and quiet. Closing her eyes ever so slowly, she relaxed, tuning out the surroundings, recalling a certain memory...

Lightning and Bismarck gazed up at the stars silently and Lighting whispered, "Are you sure that the meteor shower is going to be tonight?" Bismarck just nodded, her eyes opening when she did so. 

"Look!" Lightning gasped as a star shot across the sky. "It's happening!" Lightning's eyes glittered with excitement as Bismarck just glanced at her in amusement. 

"Make a wish!" Lightning muttered as she shut her eyes tight, Bismarck doing the same. 

"What did you wish for?" Bismarck asked. Lightning just grinned at her before saying, "I can't tell you what I wished for!"  I wished that this war would end and we can have peace for once...

Lightning smiled ruefully. That was not going to happen anytime soon, it seemed. They were always fighting, of course, shipgirls were made to fight after all. Lightning just wished that wasn't the case. Not that she had a choice anyways. Exhaling softly, Lightning opened her eyes, getting up to her feet. Her mind was clear, for now. She walked slowly toward her room, getting ready for a new day. putting on her jacket, she attached her katana onto her belt before grabbing her bow. She headed outside, launching a few fighters and bombers, running though a few routine practices with them. There is something wrong... I just don't know what... Lightning mused. The Sirens had been incredibly inactive. It had been weeks since she last saw them. It was very suspicious, yet they had no way of figuring out what was wrong. 

All too soon, the sun had rose and all the shipgirls were awake. 

"Should I wake the 'bots?" Lightning asked, smiling mischievously. Yamato just nodded, a hint of a smile on her face. Lightning raised her bow, shooting a few arrows which turned into fighters, flying directly over the base, their engines screaming. 

"Great! They are awake!" Lightning exclaimed while Essex muttered, "As if anyone can sleep through that. " Skystreak just groaned when she headed out to find the source of the noise. 

"Time to train," Lightning announced, looking at the shipgirls who nodded. 

"Katana skills, no rigging," Yamato commanded, looking at Lightning who nodded, unsheathing her katana. 

"Begin." Lightning twisted to the side as Yamato lunged towards her, avoiding the blow. Their katanas clashed as Lightning started going on the offensive, slicing at Yamato who ducked and blocked, Lightning leaping to the side as Yamato's katana swung through he air. Turning around, Lightning slashed her katana at Yamato, who promptly blocked it. Lightning stepped to the side, turning around and bringing her katana down, feinting to the side while aiming for Yamato's katana. With a powerful swipe, she knocked Yamato's katana to the side, winning the match. Yamato nodded at her as she spun around, sheathing the blade.  

Bismarck fired multiple shots at Lightning, who just dodged them, cutting through another as she rolled to the side. Lightning raised her bow, launching a few bombers who dove down towards Bismarck, dropping their empty bombs on her. Lightning had her bow at the ready but Bismarck just angled her head, looking at Essex who promptly launched fighters, Lightning doing the same as the planes fired at each other. Lightning's planes did a 360, looping and catching Essex's fighters from the back and shooting them out of the sky, Lightning raising her fist triumphantly.

"Chaosbringers, just about a mile away," Lightning muttered as her scout planes returned. 

Optimus acknowledged this with a nod and ordered, "Autobots, roll out!" The groundbridge was activated and they all stepped through. Lightning raised her bow, shooting arrow that streaked through the sky before turning into planes. 

"Attack!"Unicron commanded as he saw them. Lightning exchanged a glance with the shipgirls as Yamato and Bismarck fired their guns, Lightning dashing forward to meet Solar in battle. Solar fired at her repeatedly, while Lightning just  avoided them, sliding down under some of the bullets, slicing them open with her katana. Twirling it around, she slashed at Solar, damaging him before shooting her arrows, hitting him straight on his chestplate. Optimus was fighting Unicron, shooting at him while using the Star Sabre to deflect Unicron's blows. 

"A Siren!" Essex exclaimed, looking up at the sky. Lightning narrowed her eyes as she gazed upwards, launching a plane and jumping onto it. The wind whistled in her ears as she drew her bow, releasing the bowstring, shooting multiple arrows at the Siren before turning around, leaping off the plane and kicking the Siren to the side. Lightning smirked as she landed safely on the plane, watching the Siren plummet down towards the ground.

Quickly, she launched more planes, attacking  the mass-produced Sirens alongside the battleships. She brought her hand down, commencing a bombing run while slicing at another Siren, drawing blood as the Siren screeched. Lightning just looked backwards before extending her leg, knocking the Siren backwards. Lightning continued her attack, shooting arrow after arrow at the Siren, pressing the fighter into a dive as it spiraled downwards. Lightning slashed one of the tentacles off the Siren, pummeling it with a flurry of kicks and a barrage of arrows. Her hair whipped around her as she raised her katana, slicing it through the air, severely damaging the Siren. Lightning's eyes glowed brighter, the electric aura surrounding her as she glared at the Siren, her piercing blue gaze scorching the Siren, who cowered. 

"Surrender!" Lightning ordered, pointing the tip of her katana at the Siren. 

"Ahahaha!" The Siren screeched as Lightning whipped around, coming face to face with a Tester, Tester #125, to be precise. The Siren uncorked a tube filled with a gleaming black substance and it flowed in the air, draining Lightning. Lightning's eyes widened in fear as her rigging vanished, the midnight blue cubes being drawn towards the Tester, collecting and forming a dull blue cube. The strength rushed out of her veins as she reached desperately for her wisdom cube, only to be grabbed by Tester. Black spots blurred her vision as Lightning struggled, but as the last of the blue cubes left her, blackness enveloped her and she fell limp, unconscious. 

"No! Lightning!" Bismarck screamed as she raised her hand, firing a full salvo, only to be knocked aside by the Siren. 

"No..." Bismarck whispered as the Siren disappeared, a single tear falling from her eye. "Lightning, come back..."

That is the 15th chapter, hooray! Hope you like it! Bye for now!

~Lightningstar out

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