Chapter 25

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"You WHAT?!" Essex yelled. 

"Keep your voice down. We'll discuss this somewhere else," Enterprise muttered, glaring at the curious shipgirls crowding around before heading to the meeting room. 

"I said, I want to spy on the Sirens, find out more about their plans so we won't always be take by surprise," Lightning repeated once they were in the meeting room. 

"You can't do that, Lightning, it is far too dangerous. There are so many ways the Sirens will be able to recognise you!" Bismarck protested as Yamato nodded worriedly. 

"No they won't. I already thought of a plan. All I need is training and a convincing disguise," Lightning replied as Enterprise turned to her, looking thoughtful. 

"Tell us your plan then, Lightning," Enterprise spoke. 

Lightning nodded and started, "Very well, this is what I intend to do..."

That night...

"Are you sure about this?" Bismarck questioned.

Lightning just nodded before saying," Of course. I feel rather... useless and more of an outcast. If I do this, then I'll finally be of some help." 

"You are not useless, Lightning, " Bismarck cut in. 

"In your eyes, perhaps, but have you considered the rest of Azur Lane?" Lightning asked as Bismarck dropped her head, whispering, "It's just... I can't lose you, Lightning. Who knows how long you'll spend there? And what if... what if... they find out? What will happen to you then? Will you be a prisoner again? Or worse, die?" Bismarck's voice wavered. 

"I will be fine, Bismarck, please, just trust me on this," Lightning pleaded as she stared at the battleship. 

Bismarck looked at Lightning for a long time before finally saying, "Fine, but you better take care of yourself Lightning. I'll never forgive myself if I knew that you died because I agreed to this." 

Lightning just looked away before finally murmuring, "I can't promise anything, I'm sorry Bismarck..." A single tear fell from the battleship's eye as she turned away, not wanting Lightning to know how much she was hurting within. Overhead, dark stormy clouds covered the shining stars as thunder rumbled in the distance...

The next day...

"Lightning, can we have a word with you?" Essex asked as Lightning looked up, having finished her meal, to see Essex, Bunker Hill, Intrepid and Shangri-La 

"Uh... sure," Lightning spoke as she got up. 

"Follow us," Bunker Hill told her before the four sisters turned and walked into a room, Lightning following them close behind. Lightning felt a little unsure. Essex and Bunker Hill were some of her closest friends but she didn't really know Intrepid or Shangri-La all that well. They were okay with each other, but that was about it. Why did they want her here then? 

"Lightning, we have known you for quite some time now and we have paid close attention to your choices, actions and character. You fit all the qualities of an Essex-class carrier. You are hardworking," Essex said. 

"Courageous," Bunker Hill continued. 

"Intelligent," Shangri-La spoke. 

"And lastly, resilient," Intrepid finished. 

"Lightning, you are a strong warrior, honorable and steadfast. You fight for you friends, family, yet you know when to show mercy. Lightning, will you accept our offer, to be an Essex-class sister?" Essex asked, looking straight into Lightning's eyes. Tears formed in Lightning's eyes. She had never expected... this. But now, she was sure what to choose. 

"I accept," she said, determination in her voice. 

"Very well, Lightning, welcome to the Essex-class," Essex smiled as she passed Lightning a red tie with some white words printed on it that read : Essex-class carrier. 

"Don't worry, you only have to wear it on formal occasions," Bunker Hill whispered, knowing that Lightning wouldn't want to wear anything that would distract her during battle. Lightning just nodded, smiling as she accepted the tie, gratitude in her eyes. 

"Thank you, sisters," Lightning said as all of them grinned. Lightning could not help but think, I've lost so much... yet I've gained so much as well...

The next two weeks flew by in a blur, mostly filled with Lightning training and coming up with new moves so as to not raise suspicions. During her free-time, she also helped the shipgirls in the  lab with her new wisdom cube. A temporary one, made to last for two years at most so that she could fit in. She also received a new bow, which was purple and black and had violet arrows, as well as a new katana with a light purple blade and a dark blue hilt. 

Lightning had gotten a new outfit, a light purple long-sleeved shirt and a black leather jacket she would wear as well as  dark blue tights and a pair of dark red combat boots. Lightning was fine with most of the change, except the fact that she couldn't wear her captain's hat. She wasn't sure how she would feel reassured without it. It was not like she had a choice anyway.  She also had to dye her hair and wear contacts. She was fine with that, she guessed.  Lightning learnt how to dye her hair, she chose to dye it jet black and wore her own contact lenses which were golden. Now she looked the part. It would be time to leave soon and she found that she really didn't want to. She recalled her conversation with Yamato just yesterday. 


They were sitting under the huge sakura tree, watching as the sakura blossoms slowly drifted down, covering the ground. For Lightning, this place was the next most peaceful area for her, second to that cliff. 

"I'm starting to have second doubts about this, Yamato, what if I mess up? I don't want to leave this place I have come to call home. I mean... anywhere where those close to me are is my home and now... when I leave, I won't see you all for who knows how long?" Yamato turned to face her, the battleship's golden eyes staring straight into Lightning's electric blue ones. 

"Lightning, we will always be with you, you just have to remember us and search within your heart. All these memories you made with us, carry them with you. They are a part of us. You just have to believe that we will see each other again, whether its just for you to pass us information, it is better than nothing, after all. We will stay by your side, although not in person, but always in spirit. Remember what I have said. We will never abandon you, Lightning," Yamato whispered. Lightning smiled tearfully. Yamato always knew what to say.

Flashback end

Lightning hurried out to dock, where they were waiting to send her off. Enterprise, Bismarck, Yamato, Tirpitz, her sisters and finally, the 'bots. 

"You look so different..." Bismarck murmured as she looked at Lightning. 

"I will never change, Bismarck, you know that," Lightning replied, tears forming in her eyes, threatening to spill and run down her face. 

"It's just going to be a few months," Lightning said. 

"You say it as if its such a short time..." Essex whispered as she hugged Lightning tight. 

"Please, stay safe sister," Essex said as the rest of them gave Lightning their well wishes. "Stay safe, Lightning, be careful," Enterprise simply said, but the emotion in her eyes spoke so many words unsaid, Lightning nodding in acknowledgement. Lightning took off her star-shaped pendant, her moonstone bracelet and her captain's hat, pressing them into Bismarck's hands. 

"Take care of these for me, Bismarck," Lightning whispered, tears streaming down her face. 

"We all got this for you, Lightning," Optimus spoke as she revealed a silver necklace, a midnight blue sapphire hanging in its middle. 

"Thank you, all of you," Lightning said as she fastened the necklace. 

"Farewell for now, Lightning, we will await your return," Yamato announced as Lightning turned away, activating her wisdom cube and gliding out to sea...

And here's another chapter. Yay!

~Lightningstar out

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