Chapter 10

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Lighting groaned as her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light. 

She tried to sit up but Ratchet just gave her a look, telling her, "You were exposed to Energon when you were fighting Thundercharge. I am not too sure what effect it will have on you." 

Lightning just sat up, leaping down onto the floor, before muttering, "Enhanced healing. I'm fine now." She rolled up her sleeve to show that no traces of Energon was left. She then went over to Bismarck and the rest, who questioned how she was. Lightning just nodded, saying she was fine. Lightning is acting differently... the thought ran across Optimus' processor as he watched her. It was true. Lightning had been more... distant, somehow, rather cold to others. 

Just then, Flare, not considering what he said until the words left his mouth, just snorted and said, "These... shipgirls, as you call them, really must have such an easy life if nothing can harm them." Anger raditated off them when they heard the comment. Lightning whipped around, her blue eyes blazing. 

"You think its so easy?" she snarled, "Well, think again. You have to control this huge ship, feeling every bolt, every bend of the metal, every impact of the shrapnel, all while keeping a straight face. Every shell that hits, every bomb that lands. The pain is felt. We have to endure it for the course of the battle, carrying out our duties while keeping a straight face. We were made for war. What is life, knowing that your only duty is to meet others' expectations? So if you really think that it is so easy, think again." Tears blurred her vision as she ran out of base, Bismarck hot on her heels. 

"Lightning, wait!" The battleship cried. The 'bots were all stunned into silence, Optimus included. 

Flare just stuttered, "I...I... " 

"You said enough, Flare," Yamato hissed, turning away from him. Optimus made his way out of base cautiously, only to see Lightning at the end of her flight deck, unaware that both Optimus and Bismarck were watching her. Tears streaming down her eyes, she looked up to the starry sky, singing,

"And this storm is rising inside of me

Don't you feel that our whole worlds collide?

It's getting harder to breathe

It hurts deep inside

Just let me be

Who I am

It's what you really need to understand

And I hope so hard for the pain to go away

And it's torturing me

But I can't break free

So I cry and cry but just won't get it out

The silent scream..."

Choking back a sob, Lightning took off her hat, placing it on her flight deck as she headed into the ship's control room. 

"It pains her deeply, you know," Bismarck whispered, looking up at Optimus, who just looked at her questioningly. 

Taking a deep breath, Bismarck started, "When... when she first came, she was pushing herself past her limits, like she held no meaning to life whatsoever, but then we met and we understood each other," Bismarck's eyes clouded over as she continued, "She finally found meaning in life and continued fighting with a new purpose. Then... this war came. Can't you tell? It took her a lot of effort and will to earn the respect of the rest of the ships. She fears that if she opens up too much to you and the rest, she will have to prove herself again. She fought so hard to get here and... I fear this is tearing her apart on the inside..." Bismarck's voice dropped to a whisper when she finished. 

"It appears that you know a lot about her, Bismarck," Optimus started, crouching down so that he could look at Bismarck. The battleship just nodded silently. 

"I trust that you will take care of her when she returns to Azur Lane." Until the end of the line... Bismarck thought, recalling their conversations. The two of them sat there, hoping that Lightning would not change too much and become too cold and uncaring.

The next day... 

"Unicron has been spotted near one of the cities," Ratchet announced, looking at the monitors. 

"He clearly wants to inflict as much as damage as possible, just that he has not regained enough strength, just enough to fight us," Lightning whispered, exchanging glances with the other shipgirls, who immediately activated their wisdom cubes. 

"We cannot let him get the upper hand, Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus ordered as Ratchet activated the groundbridge. Lightning and the rest all went through, emerging on the other side. Lightning recognised Thundercharge, Silverfire and a few others she did not know. A figure cloaked in black with blood red optics surveyed the city below. Unicron, Lightning realised. Unicron spotted them first, giving the order to attack, Optimus' following suit. Raising her flight deck, Lightning began launching and signaled to the other shipgirls who just nodded. Running across the dusty ground, Lightning leapt off from the ground, heading towards one of the Chaosbringers she did not know. He was black and gold, with a pair of fighter wings and two bright red optics. 

"Eclipse, be careful of that pest there." Thundercharge warned as Lightning's eyes glowed brightly, shooting multiple arrows at the seeker.  Eclipse fired at her, but Lightning just flipped away from the shot, blocking a few others with her katana, causing Eclipse's eyes to widen in surprise. Releasing the bowstring, she raised her arm, clenching her fingers into a fist. Yamato, seeing the signal, fired all her guns, the AP shells raining down on some of the Chaosbringers. The shell plunged through Eclipse's armour, detonating and causing him to stagger backwards. 

"This really takes AP to a whole new level," Lightning muttered to herself, gazing around the battlefield. Optimus was fighting valiantly against Unicron, but stood little chance against the god. Lightning sprinted over, firing multiple arrows at Unicron, who turned to her, brandishing a scythe. Sparks flew as Lightning pushed her katana up to meet the blow her dealt. The power acting against her was too strong, so she ducked, rolling to the side as the scythe hit the ground next to her. 

Bismarck had fired a salvo of shells at him, but he was too strong. Lightning grunted as she blocked yet another attack, feeling her strength drain from her body. Twisting away from the scythe, she fired her arrows, commencing a bombing run, which caused Unicron to weaken slightly. It was all too obvious that he was too powerful at the moment. Bismarck screamed in pain as she was hit, Lightning losing her focus and being knocked to the ground. The other 'bots were also being cornered by the Chaosbringers and Optimus knew what he had to do. "Autobots, retreat!" he commanded as a groundbridge appeared before them. 

The 'bots ran through, appearing in base shortly after. Lightning held Bismarck's hand tight as she brought the battleship to her med-bay in the carrier, tending to her wounds. While Lightning was not around, Blueflash started flirting with Yamato, who just ignored him completely, only reacting when she had too much. Activating her wisdom cube, Yamato pointed her gun straight at his spark. 

"Those guns are the largest ever fitted on a ship, by the way," Essex commented as the guns glowed orange, preparing to fire. 

Blueflash's face paled slightly as Yamato aimed it, narrowing her eyes and hissing, "One more word and.." 

"Yamato, its fine,  he has learned his lesson," Lightning spoke, fixing Blueflash with an icy glare. Blueflash shrunk back at the intensity of her gaze as Lightning and the two shipgirls walked to a corner of the base, Lightning thinking, Bismarck, rest well, soon another battle is coming, we must be ready...

So here is the tenth chapter. Hooray! This was a long one, for me at least... Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

~Lightningstar out

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