Chapter 34

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Lightning paced the floor of her room. The attack was today, at noon. right now, it was early in the morning, but Lightning was awoken by that uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was off, like something would happen today. Something terrible. That feeling grew stronger as every minute passed and Lightning was itching to do something about it. She had already warned Azur Lane, about the battle and her participation in it but there was something... she couldn't quite put her hand on it. 

Her mind was racing as she tried to think of all the things this feeling could mean. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. Picking up her cup, she drained it, the familiar taste of the tea soothing her slightly. Lightning sighed as she tried to calm herself down. 

It would be sakura season soon. The thing was - could she make it back in time? She still hadn't found an opportunity to escape. It was too dangerous right now. When would the time be right? Lightning really didn't want to be here. Well, the Sirens were treating her alright but her heart ached, longed for her to return to her family, her friends. 

I hope everyone is alright... The map she had made had been entrusted to Prince of Wales, who had sworn to defend it and keep it from the Sirens at all costs until Lightning returned. For that, Lightning was grateful that the battleship had done so. Although prince of Wales was not really that close to her, she could be relied upon. After all, the battleship was known for never breaking her word. 

She heard that Musashi was also accompanying Yamato, the two of them growing closer, the same could be said for Bismarck and Tirpitz as well as Enterprise and Hornet. She was glad that they could actually have time to be siblings for once. Lightning lowered her gaze slightly. She really hoped that what Bismarck had said was true. 

She was in control most of the time now, just that sometimes, she tended to lash out. She just needed to make sure she didn't do that on the battlefield. The consequences would be dire. She shook away her thoughts, clearing her mind as she exhaled  slowly, gazing at the clock. 10.50a.m. Time for her to get ready. Pulling on her combat boots, she tidied her hair, gazing around her room. 

Fingering with the sapphire on her necklace, she lifted it up, watching as the light reflected off it. She smiled slightly. They would always be with her, in her heart. All the times, she laughed, cried, grieved with them. Lightning took a deep breath, her gaze cold as she stepped out of the room, fixing on her emotionless mask. It was time. 

Devastator gave Lightning a nod. 

"Storm, you have arrived. Soon, it will be time for the attack." 

"Indeed, Devastator, they will witness the might of the Sirens," Lightning spoke, bowing her head, internally hating every single word that was coming out of her mouth. 

"Oh, by the way, I have decided that we shall attack today with a greater force, in that case, we do not have to expend more energy in a second attack," Devastator told Lightning. 

"Very well," Lightning affirmed. She had long anticipated this coming, so she had warned Azur Lane beforehand. 

"Let's go," Devastator announced as she opened a portal, the both of them stepping into it, the other Sirens doing the same, the mass-produced Sirens entering after them.  A small twinge of worry nagged at Lightning, but she pushed it away as the waters of Azur lane came into view. 

"Hmm, you're all here already. Ah well, this  makes it more fun for us, ahahaha!" Devastator cackled when she saw the shipgirls. 

"Storm," Bismarck spat out the name like it was poison but Lightning could see through that. 

"Storm" just smirked, "Let's settle this on the battlefield, shall we?" Devastator nodded at "Storm" before commanding the Sirens to attack. Lightning-Storm currently- Unsheathed her katana, slicing apart Bismarck's shells , twisting out of the way as she raised her bow, launching a few planes in the sky, choosing a few spots to bomb the shipgirls to cause slight but not too severe damage. 

Unstable LoyaltiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora