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Subject Found: Maron, Jordan. Alias: “CaptainSparklez”


Data Found. Point of view created.

We eventually arrived at the Town Hall in Spawn Town. Everyone had chattered and joked around happily on the trek to the Mindcrack Territory capital, some of us reminiscing about old times. The numbers have been fainter since we've arrived back here on the main continent, thankfully, though now the Mindcrackers each have their own individual numbers as well. It's so strange.

Anyways, as soon as we were upon the Town Hall, Guude was quick to lead us in, all of us taking seats around the large meeting table, some extra chairs having to be brought in to accommodate for all of us. He asked what we were doing here and all that, what you would have expected from someone who just found a group a Minecraftians sneaking into his territory, said Minecraftians harboring one of his own council members. I didn't pay much attention, thinking about the numbers and my former territory, and pretty much everything other than what was being discussed.

I heard bits and pieces of it, and it kind of sounded like some sort of deal was being made, though I wasn't sure what our two groups could possibly be making a deal on. I casually adjusted my sunglasses, attempting to pay attention after a bit, but just ending up wondering if there was anywhere around here where I could skate, since I did still have my skateboard, and it had been awhile since I had put aside some time to enjoy myself and just skate.

My attention refocused just as Guude and Geoff were shaking hands, everyone at the table seeming to be in a mutual agreement. "So just to be clear," Geoff spoke, catching my attention. "We'll help you find this missing council member, and you help with the repairing of our island."

Guude responded with a nod of his head, sending Geoff a reassuring smile. We all then started babbling again, I myself striking up a conversation with Seth, who had always made fun games to play back when I was the ruler of my territory. He had usually invited me, and I was curious as to if he was still up to all the cool things I remember him doing all that time ago.

As we talked though, I could hear some kind of noise growing steadily louder, unsure of what it was or where it was coming from. I could see other heads turning as well, so it wasn't just me, and more Minecraftians began to look around until everyone was actively searching for the noise.

That was when a man I recognized as Blame the Controller, or BTC, burst through the Town Hall doors, looking a bit worse for wear. His robes were ripped and burned in one section, his cape splattered with some green substance and missing about one quarter of its fabric, while his skull mask was extremely bloodied.

His movements were quick and alert, and he took in the Town Hall scene in a few quick glances. He was swift to speak, his voice a mixture of panic, fear, and urgency.

"GUYS," He shouted, everyone standing up almost simultaneously due to his tone. "WE NEED TO LEAVE THEY'RE-"

I heard a quiet noise similar to the one a gas canister might make as Blame was shouting.

And then everything went black.

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