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Subject Found: (Classified), (Classified). Alias: “Etho”


Data Found. Point of view created.

Several days after this month’s Mindcrack Grand Council Meeting, I had received an important looking letter with the Mindcrack seal on it. I quickly ripped it open since Guude rarely sends out letters, and when he does, it’s for extremely important reasons.

You can imagine my surprise when I found that the letter was actually written by Paul Soares. I swiftly picked up my glasses after discovering that, and began to read the letter’s small, clean script, that also appeared to have been written in a hurry.


You and four other members of the Mindcrack Grand Council have been selected to accompany me on the search party to locate VintageBeef. On the date that you are receiving this letter, please come to the Mindcrack Town Hall at noon to meet me and the others so we can plan this mission together.


Paul Soares Jr.

I noticed that it was already 11 in the morning at the time that I received the letter, so I was quick to take off my glasses and put on my ninja mask and headband and make my way to the Town Hall in Spawn Town, note in hand.

It took me about 45 minutes to reach the Town Hall and I could see that three members of the search party out of the six were already there, standing directly in front of the building. From what I could tell at this point, Paul had chosen wisely, picking people with varying skillsets that would work well together and under pressure. This was from what I could tell though, because both Paul himself and another member of the search party were missing from the gathering.

I also picked up my pace when the Town Hall was in sight, swiftly joining Avidya, Baj, and Jsano in front of it, who were holding similar letters to mine in their hands.

We made idle chitchat for a bit, talking about this search party mission and things that had been happening, trying to keep ourselves occupied as we waited for Paul and the remaining member of the search party.

It must have been 15 to 20 minutes before we could finally see Paul, who appeared to be sprinting towards the Mindcrack Town Hall. Upon further inspection, he also appeared to have a slightly…panicked look on his face? Which was odd for the usually calm man.

He was out of breath by the time he finally approached us, though his words were easy enough to hear around his slight panting.

“Guys…” Paul paused to take a deep breath as Avidya, Baj, Jsano, and I leaned forward to hear more closely.

“It’s Blame. He was supposed to be the final member of the search party, and, well,” Paul paused again, almost as if he was trying to find the right way to word what he was about to say.

“We can’t find him. He’s missing.”

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