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Subject Found: (Classified), Jason. Alias: “Guude”


Data Found. Point of view created.

I was pacing the Town Hall when I heard Pause's war cry, my movements immediately halting.  This was why Pause was so great at border patrol and made a good guard, even if he didn't want to believe it himself. I quickly sounded the intruder alarm, which echoed throughout all of Spawn Town, which alerted all Mindcrack Grand Council members, since we all lived in Spawn Town, to get to the Town Hall immediately, and be ready for a fight.

The remaining Mindcrackers were at the meeting place in seconds, allowing me to swiftly shout orders before sending them all off in Pause's direction. I could feel nervousness and anxiety building within me as I prepared to join them, but I forced it back down. I couldn't lose it now. I could control myself. This was why I was considered the "leader" of the Mindcrack Grand Council, even though in actuality the society was a democratic one.

Unsheathing my custom crafted emerald sword from its sheath on my back, and placing the spare diamond helmet and chest plate from the Town Hall on, I sighed, and slowly walked out of the meeting hall towards the battle nobody wanted. 


Subject Found: Soares, Paul, Jr. 


Data Found. New point of view created.

I was off the boat within seconds of us docking at the main Mindcrack Territory port. The others said they would take care of whatever had to be done involving the ship, which I graciously thanked them for, and stated that they would join me in helping solve whatever was troubling Guude as soon as possible.

I was quick to find the battlefield by tracking Guude's wristwatch, which I immediately noticed was broken on the ground when I found it. That would explain the screwed up message I recieved.

Near it was Guude himself, who had a fresh wound on his right wrist, which the source of, I could only assume, had broken his watch. He was locked in combat with a man wearing heavy armor, who was wielding a tan colored scimitar. It appeared to be a stalemate, neither fighter seemingly stronger than the other.

The battlefield was situated near the border, and the wide open space that was being used for fighting had Mindcrackers and the opposition scattered about it. Some of the enemies looked familiar, especially the man in the blue cloak, the person with the red sunglasses, and the one with the golden amulet, and the hooded figure battling Pause had an air of familiarity about them as well, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

As I unlatched my iron sword from my belt, ready to start fighting, I heard footsteps thundering towards the field, everyone turning their heads as much as possible to gain a look at the approaching people. That was when my crew of search party members broke through the brush, brandishing their weapons and quickly leaping into the fray. I was swift to join them, attacking one of the enemies who was standing back, launching arrows from a safe distance.

I apparently didn't catch him off guard though, because he was quick to switch his purple bow out for a diamond sword, swiftly parrying my surprise attack. We slashed at each other for a while, our skill levels quite similar, though I could tell I had the advantage.

As I was about to unbalance my opponent and knock him out with the hilt of my sword though, I saw new motion out of the corner of my eye, and turned as much as possible, parrying my adversary's next attack.

It seemed that Pause had knocked the hooded person he was fighting on to the ground, their iron sword sent spiraling out of their hand and across the ground. Pause was about to bring his diamond sword down for what could have been a lethal blow as I dodged another slash, which I think made an incision in my hat, but the other fighter was too quick, and just barely dodged, getting their hood destroyed in the process.

The separated pieces of the minecraftian's hood were taken away in the wind, but instead of attempting another attack while his opponent was vunerable, Pause's jaw dropped and his sword clattered to the ground. These actions allowed his enemy to tackle him and land a powerful punch to his jaw, but no one was battling anymore, only looking at the two and gasping and sharing similar expressions to Pause's.

There was a good reason for this, though. From what I saw through glimpses, the familiarity I felt, and the reactions of the other Mindcrackers, I was sure I knew who the hooded figure was, and I'm sure none of us were expecting it to be said person.

The person with the hood was Beef.

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