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Subject Found: (Classified), Daniel. Alias: “VintageBeef”


Data Found. Point of view created.

Last night I had seen an island in the distance and quickly paddled over to it. Once I reached the shore, I pulled my boat on to it. I chopped down a nearby tree with an old iron axe I had, and started a fire. The island was a little cold, but it was night and I was near the water. As I stared into the fire, I found myself dozing off, and quickly fell asleep.

I woke up late this morning, with the sun already high in the sky, and my fire just smoldering ashes. I was just waking up, getting my items in order and doing small menial tasks, when I heard a noise that I thought I wouldn’t hear for a long time after I got here. Footsteps.

Suddenly, a little ways down the beach is a person. It appears to be a larger man, and he is carrying a bucket and shovel. He has on a biker uniform, complete with a blue biker’s helmet.

His head turns towards me and I can hear him say something. Between the distance and his helmet, I can’t make out what it was. I wasn’t expecting to see a person for a while, but this guy, and whoever else he might be with on this island, are far away from civilization. They will probably have no idea who I am, and if they do, which I doubt, they will probably have no reason to hurt me or bring me back to the Mindcrack Territory. Probably.

I forget about all these “probably” statements and begin to walk towards the man. If I’m going to live on this island I might as well meet who I will be living near.

He stands still while I walk towards him, but he doesn’t seem scared of me or angry. His posture is relaxed and he seems fine about the situation, but refuses to come towards me.

After walking for another minute, I was finally in front of this guy. “Hi!” I said, trying to create a good impression.

“Hello” He replied. His voice muffled from the helmet.

“I’m Daniel.” I told him, “but you can call me Beef.” I stuck out a hand for him to shake. He placed his bucket on the sandy ground.

“Beef?” He asked questioningly, shaking my hand.

“Yes” I confirmed, “that’s my nickname.”

“Well alright” the man said. “I’m Jack.”

Jack took off his blue biker helmet, holding it with his empty right hand. He looked about the same age as me, and his hair was a ginger color. He had a ginger beard as well, and was wearing glasses under his helmet.

“I think you should meet my friends” Jack said, and I nodded. “I just gotta get some sand first.” Jack filled the bucket he had with sand using his shovel, and placed his helmet back on before picking up his shovel and sand bucket.

He started walking off into the forest surrounding the beach, and though I knew it would be a good idea to follow, I didn’t want to leave my items behind. “Wait!” I called to Jack, who was a good couple feet ahead of me. He turned to face me.

“What?” He questioned.

“Can I get my stuff?”

“Sure” he replied and stood still, waiting for me. I quickly ran back to my makeshift camp site and collected my things, piling everything into my backpack. Remembering where Jack had started leading me, I soon made my way back to the place he was standing.

“Ready?” He asked, and I nodded. Jack led me through the forest and into a snow filled biome. Wow, this island has quite a diversity of biomes, I thought to myself. Up ahead I could soon see a completed house, or at least it looked completed. When we neared closer, I could see holes in the roof.

We were soon at the oaken doors of the house, and Jack knocked three times. Shortly after the third knock, the door was opened. It was opened by a younger man, who looked nine or ten years younger than Jack and I. He had dark hair and was wearing a tuxedo of some sort. Red rectangular sunglasses covered his eyes and he had a bit of stubble on his chin as well.

“There you are, Jack!” The man shouted, smiling. “We can finally put the skylights in!” Jack smiled at this, but then gestured to me.

The younger guy’s eyes widened. “Who’s this? I thought I met all the dudes already!” Jack chuckled.

“New guy. Found him on the beach around the same spot as you.” I was very confused, but the guy inside the nearly finished house nodded at this statement.

“Come in” he said, “my name’s Jordan by the way.” Jack and I walked in, and Jordan took the bucket from Jack. “I’ll smelt this, and when it’s done, we’ll put the skylights in.” He told Jack, who nodded.

As Jordan walked off, Jack gestured towards a cushy green couch in what appeared to be a living room. “I think we should get to know each other, and, ya know, explain some things.” I nodded.

“Sounds good” I replied. We sat next to each other on the couch, and Jack started talking. He described how he and his five other friends had got here, and a bit of Jordan’s story. He described his friends as well, and they all seemed to have very different personalities.

After he finished, he asked me a question. “You don’t have an Alert Alarm do you?”

“How did you know?” I questioned, curious.

“Well besides the bandage” he replied, gesturing towards the bloodied cloth tied around my left arm, “we have a kind of security system that keeps the tracking element in the Alert Alarms away. It’s a tower of gold and obsidian that we call the Tower of Pimps.”

He then explained some sort of games that the people of Achievement Hunter, the name of Jack and his friends’ group, like to do. They call them ‘Let’s Plays’. After that, it was my turn to explain.

I told him about how I left the Mindcrack Territory and ended up in Sundris, and how I destroyed my Alert Alarm along the way. I explained how I had stolen the boat and docked it on this island as well. I tried to keep out the part about how I was part of the Mindcrack Grand Council. Obviously I wasn’t subtle enough, because Jack figured it out as soon as I stopped talking.

“You were part of the Grand Council, weren’t you?”

“Yeah…” Jack didn’t seem judgmental, and just let the subject go.

“So, it’s getting dark, and after I help Jordan, I need to go home. Can you stay here with him? Just for tonight? I’m sure he’ll let you sleep on the couch.” I thought for a moment. Well the couch is pretty comfortable, I thought.

“Okay” I said.

“Cool!” Jack replied. “I promise I’ll bring you to meet the other guys tomorrow morning.”

Then, soon enough, Jordan was shouting out for Jack, who quickly got up to assist him.  

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