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Subject Found: Soares, Paul, Jr. 


Data Found. Point of view created.

After I got everything sorted out and rounded up all the search party members, we were finally ready to set sail. I was already tired before our boat even left the dock, but I was also ready to go and happy everything was cleared up, for the most part, at least.

I had drawn out the quickest route to hit all of our destinations, informed the crew of my plan, and was even able to rent a single boat that could hold all of us and our supplies, and adorned it with the Mindcrack Territory flag.

By the afternoon of the day the boat was due to set off; we were finally out on the ocean. The larger ship had both a motor and some sails, so it was travelling at a pretty steady pace, and needed no help from us. The rest of the crew was chatting, while I looked over the map from the helm of the boat. We were checking the largest island off the coast of Sundris first, then the other, smaller islands, then the territories bordering the Mindcrack territory to look for Bitsy.

A few hours into the trip, we came across what appeared to be a small fleet of boats. They seemed to catch the other guys’ attention as well, since by the time we were quite close to the armada they were all gathered with me on the helm of the ship. The boats looked like dinghies, some of them holding only two people each, while others only held supplies.

I turned the wheel ever so slightly, attempting to get our ship close to the fleet. Unfortunately, though, the boats immediately skirted us as soon as we got even slightly close. I couldn’t really see in detail the people of the ship or the items, but none of the people looked familiar.

Oddly enough, though, I had this odd feeling as we drew away from the ships that I was missing something, or had forgotten something. I couldn’t really explain it, but ended up shaking it off. It couldn’t mean anything, right?

After a couple days of travel, we were finally close to the largest of the chain of islands off the coast of Sundris, but something didn’t seem quite right. It was similar to the feeling I had when we passed the armada of boats, but also different. I just shook it off again, though, and drew the ship nearer to the island.

Once we were close enough, I anchored the vessel and set the dinghies for launch. Avidya, Jsano, and I took one boat while Etho and Baj took the other. It didn’t take us long to row to the island, and as we dragged our boats to the shore I got my first clear glimpse of the island, since as we had gotten closer; the place had seemed to become enveloped in a fog.

When I saw the island up close, I immediately knew why I had gotten that off feeling before.

The island was full of destruction and patches of molten lava.

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