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New Character

De'andre Carter-Vampire

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De'andre Carter


July 11, 2006

After what happened at Vadah's house, I just went house. I was suppose to go to the meeting, but my head was kind of spinning by the time I got out the shower, so I just went to sleep. At the moment, I'm just staring at the wall still trying to make sense of what happened last night.

My fangs have never popped out at the smell of blood. I have to much self control for that.

My phone has been blowing up since last night. They know I'm not finna answer so why they keep calling me.

I go into my drawer and get the book. I should just read it, so my dad can leave me alone. I opened it up and skipped through the pages after scanning through it to see if there is anything eye catching on the page. I got to this one page, and he was talking about headaches.

September 3, 1695

I saw Aria today after not seeing her for a couple of days. She said she had stayed home because of some headaches she was getting, but today she decided that maybe staying inside was what was giving her the headaches, so she went out. Her head wasn't hurting when we went to the park she said. I have been feeling a little off but today I was great.

My phone had started to vibrate again. This time I decided to answer, so they could leave me alone.

"What, " I said once I answered the phone.

"Is that how you answer to your mother? Christopher," my mom said with a questioning tone.

"My bad ma. I didn't even look at the number," I said moving so my feet was touching the floor.

"Why haven't you been picking up the phone," she said as I put the book back in the drawer and stood up.

"I wasn't really feeling to hot, so I came home and went to sleep," I said as I walked out my room and into the kitchen.

"What you mean? You okay? I could come over and make you something," she said sounding concerned.

"No I'm fine now," I said grabbing a blood bag out the refrigerator.

"Oh okay, " she said still sounding worried, "well tell me if something else happens."

"Okay," I said as I poured the blood into the cup.

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