Chapter - 3

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Kaylin's POV:-

Ugh, I did NOT sleep well. It's actually surprising because I'm the kind of person who could fall asleep even if there's a war going on outside.

I head downstairs in the morning, ignoring my bedhead. I'm seriously energy-deprived.

"Pancakes?" He asks and offers me the plate he's holding.

I grab it, thank him and walk over to the table to take a seat. I can't help but glow because I haven't had a decent breakfast in weeks.

He introduces himself when I'm comfortably settled down at the table.

"I'm William Artino, but I usually go by Will," he says and points towards a gorgeous brunette in the kitchen and grins before adding "And that's Mrs Artino".

"Oh please, Will". She rolls her eyes in a playful way -which reminds me of mom- and turns towards me. "You can call me Chloe, sweetheart".

I smile at them. "I'm Kaylin. It's really nice to meet you guys".

"You've got a pretty neat name, huh?" She compliments before serving me another pancake. "So, did you have a good night's rest, honey?" She asks and joins me at the table.

"I did, thanks to both of you letting me spend the night here," I lie through my teeth because I've given these people enough trouble already.

"You can stay here until you find work and a good place to live," her smile fades a little when she adds "ah, and don't worry. We won't ask you of things you don't want to talk about. Though remember, you can always turn to me and Will if you need any sort of help," she says and lightly pats my head and my heart melts at that.

Mum and Dad had the same warmth.

I nod my head and reply with "I will, thank you".

After completing my breakfast and spending a few hours chatting and playing games with them, I finally head out in search of a new place to live.

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's new end," I tell myself.

I step out. The air in the city is fresh this day, almost sweet and floral and the pace of living relaxes to a steadier rhythm.

I merely walk around, glimpsing at everything, conceding how much has changed in a month and hoping to find a good place to rent with the fortune my parents left me.

I'm a little picky because I don't intend to waste it, at least until I can earn on my own and I'm financially stable.

I order some salad for lunch in an open restaurant. I almost make up my mind on buying a not-too-luxurious mansion when someone yanks at my arm and I turn around.

I gasp -and maybe a little too loud because I could feel people sending glares in my direction- and I-

"Ava!! I missed you so much," I cry out.

"And I missed you more, Kay! Doc told me you got discharged yesterday and I just had to see you as soon as I could. I visited you and got you flowers every day when you were in a coma. I was worried sick," She says and grabs the vacant seat beside mine. She ends off with "Are you okay?"

I feel tears lining up in my eyes and she braces my hand to comfort me.

"Oh, Ava, I lost my parents, my aunt, my uncle and even my house! Someone else owns it now. They were generous enough to let me spend the night there, but I don't want to burden them anymore," I pour my heart out because she's my best friend and the only person I can trust now. I just know she'll understand me.

"It's alright, Kay. You can live with me as long as you'd like. We're in this together. And imagine being roommates! I bet that would be a lot of fun," She tries to cheer me up.

"You're the best, Ava," I squeal and hug her.

She hugs me back tighter.

"Sometimes life throws an unexpected wrench at your way. It may be that you're in jeopardy of losing your career, your freedom or worst of all, your loved ones. These things make you realise how precious life is, how important the people we care about are to us," She quotes.

I stare at her blankly and she grins at my confused expression.

"All I'm saying, Kay, is that you'll bloom like a sunflower if not like a Rose".

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