Josie and her friends was now driving to London but they had stopped in small villages and actually had to stay a night before continuing for their drive to London.

They had manage to get a small inn and get two rooms. As they explored the town at night.

"Hey let's treat us for a dinner in one of theirs pubs a a they call it" Mg said they all agreed.

Mg took them to McClaren's and the locals there was nice and told them stories that didn't even made sens in their heads but it was funny because they where drunk.

"I'm Lexi and this is my best friend Jeff" a brunette said and they all looked at the scuffy tall guy with blond hair.

"Hey there mates, heard your out towners" he said and the gang just smiled.

"Yeah, we are. Just passing by for a quick road trip this summer" Kaleb said.

"Ah well I hope you find our little town nice since we hardly get some tourist here. It's nice to see new faces from time to time" the girl said.

"Yeah we find it really cosy and cute" Penelope said.

"You look like.. your from Spain or something" Jeff said and the group chuckled.

"No.. I'm half Malaysian and American" she said and the two brittish friends was suprised.

The group of friends was having a good time up til closing and they all went back to the Inn.

"I had so much fun tonight and their accent is so hot" Penelope said.

Josie laugh and shook her head. She had never experience anything like this before and she was feeling happy for the first time since she had moved to Paris.

"It was fun and I'm happy that my aunt convinced me to come with you guys" Josie said happily.

When the girls entered their room Penelope had always wondered why Josie never spoke about her about why she moved to Paris.

"Hey Jo.. how come you never speak about your home in the states" she quietly asked her.

Josie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"My school year was not great there. I was bullied for unknown reasons" she said quietly but Penelope heard her.

"Oh my god Josie" she said and walked over to her and she pulled her into a hug.

"My sister and the girl that I have a crush on was the main bullies. It got so far that I couldn't handel it anymore and I didin't want to live" she took a deep breath and sat on the bed and now the two girls held each other's hands.

"I tried to commit suicide but I was saved by my sister when she came in and found me and then I woke up in the hospital. I begged my parents to take me off school and that I didin't want to go back there so my parents arrange me to move to Paris and live with my aunt and her husband" she said with tears in her eyes.

Penelope held on to her and let her cry out and this was the first time she ever told anyone about her past life. That night Penelope understood why she never spoke to anyone about her past and she promised herself that she would keep it hidden to keep Josie safe.

Hope and her unit just finished their training for the day and she was exhausted. She wanted to sleep for a week but that would never happen.

"God, that Claire want to kill us, it's like she wants us to fail and send us back home" Clarke said but Hope knew that it was just because of her.

"She is a bitch, what the hell is wrong with that woman" Jed said.

"DO NOT CALL HER A BITCH AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION SHE HAPPEN TO DO THAT BECAUSE SHE SEES SOMETHING GOOD IN YOU" the red head said frustrating. The three of her friends looked at her and didin't know what to say.

"She is my aunt and she is not a bitch so you better keep your opinion to yourself" she said and walked away. This was something new to them and Jed knew he fucked up.

"You two need to apologize to her" Alexa said.

The crew sat down and ate dinner that night. Hope was still quiet and her thoughts went to Josie. The girl she loves, she prayed every night to God that the brunette would keep her safe while doing her duty.

"Hey Hope, look I'm sorry.. I didin't know that she was your aunt" he said.
She just nodded her head.

"You know I'm a Mikaelson, right" she said and they all nodded.

"Yeah.. and?" he said. Alexa shook her head.

"She is related to Commander Kol Mikaelson whom is married to first lieutenant Davina Claire and her uncel is General Elijah Mikaelson" She said.

This was something they didin't know. Hope never told anything to who her relatives was. She didin't want people to know either.

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