20 || Bond ||

639 23 6

My body is aching so bad I feel like vomiting, but- I have nothing to vomit, I have nothing in my stomach.

I opened my eyes, then shut them for a few seconds before opening them again. I wasn't familiar with my surroundings, so my heart began to race- I attempted to sit up but was immediately shoved down.

"Hey you're gonna open your stitches don't do that."

That doctor guy, wait- oh god, I remember everything now.

I groaned out loud and relaxed my body, my body was sweating so much- I could definitely use a shower.

"You've been asleep for not that long, don't worry- it's only us here. Kao and Jane went out about ten minutes ago and won't be back till tomorrow." He mumbles, sitting down in front of me.

"How long have I been passed out?" I asked.

"Almost three hours." He states.

I remain silent, keeping my gaze to the ceiling above me- my ears rang from the sudden silence and so I huffed.

My stomach didn't even like the silence, it growled out loud and the guy perked his head up when he heard it.

"I think I have some jell-o in my fridge." He picked himself up and left the room, I turned my head and took in my surroundings.

The shagged rug beneath the couch, it ended a few feet before reaching a fire place. There was a small table but it seemed to be pushed aside, a bag sat ontop of it.

I was suddenly cold-

Confused- I looked down- what the fuck! Why don't I have my shirt on?
My fingers traced my skin,down to my stomach and over the stitches inside of me- there was about six of them.

Right, I was stabbed by that jackass.

"Here, I also brought a blanket." He slid the food into my hand along with a spoon, I watched as he unfolded the blanket and gently placed it over me.

"I'm not very aggressive when it comes to being around humans, so you don't have to worry about me like hurting you or anything-"

"I mean unless you hurt me first, I'm not like Kao- he always has hate for everything in his life, just the way he is I guess."

I hummed for a response, I slipped off the paper lid of the container and dug my spoon into the jell-o.

He just sat and watched.

"Stop watching me." I stated, feeling his eyes on me made me uncomfortable.

"Alright, but I have a question."

I put the jell-o in my mouth, the bouncy sweet food definitely hit the spot after not eating for so long. I quickly put more in my mouth.

"Why did you decide to stick around someone so dangerous?"

"He took me, I had no choice." I said, annoyed that he even thought I'd willingly go with a murderer.

"We've had many of ours do the same thing to other humans, I don't get why they do it- it seems exhausting."

"Toby told me you people crave to feel human again, and that having us makes you guys feel normal." I mumble, shoving more food into my mouth.

He hummed for a response then looked to the side.

"What?" I questioned.

"Not all of us are like that, like me- I've never even thought for a second about kidapping a human for myself."

"Can't you guys like let me free-?"

"Can't do that, you know about us already. It'd be too dangerous." He sighed deeply.

"What if I promise not to say anything, please- just let me go." My eyes met his, he was furrowing his eyebrows and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Please." I mumble.

He froze for a few seconds before swiftly shaking his head and groaning- his fingers aggressively scratching his head, his black hair now turning into a mess.

"Listen, I really can't-"

He then began to scratch with both of his hands, I raised my eyebrow.

"They'll know it was me and- and they'll kill me, I would if I could I just-"

"-can't alright,I can't ." He said.

I placed down the empty food container and spoon, he took it and stood up.

"I'll go throw this away, do you want water?"

"Sure." I grumbled, letting my arm hang beside the couch, the back of my hand touching the floor.

I heard some movement from the other room, I took in a deep breath- my stomached ached, I winced.
Touching the stitches once again, my head was so clouded that I couldn't even think correctly. I wanted to get up, but from what he said I'd tear the stitches and that'll hurt like hell.

"What's your name anyway?" I asked out loud, he cleared his throat and said.


"No I mean- your real name."

He doesn't answer for a moment.

"That's none of your business, here." He hands me the glass filled with water and I carefully take it from him.

"Calling you Smiley is weird." Admitting this caused the man to smile, then he chuckled and shook his head.

"You do realize you're gonna die in a few days, why aren't you freaking out-?"

I slightly choked on the water going down my throat, in a few days-?

"I- uh, I know. I guess it hasn't really struck me yet." He hummed once again, averting his eyes.

"There's not one little part of you wanting to set me free?" My hushed voice cracked, I was terrified- I don't want to die, especially by these people.

No one will find me.

"You don't understand, I would if I could- but i'll get killed if I help you, there's no way out."

I shifted my head away from him, there has to be a way out. I took another sip of my water before saying:

"Are you guys gonna kill me?"

"No we're gonna bring you to the person we work for, he'll then kill you."

My head suddenly got filled with ideas, I swiftly turned my head back to him and spilled my plan.

"What if we fake my death."

"They're too smart for that, they'll figure it out and it'll be suspicious."

"Just blame it on that two faced guy, he was always beating me up and shit!"

"Are you just gonna keep throwing plans at me expecting me to go with one?" He harshly says, rolling his eyes.

"Listen, I'm gonna tell you again- I can't help you, that's final. Jesus Christ just accept the fact that you're gonna die, it'll be quick and painless."

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