19 || Beating || ((plus important information))

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People say you get used to pain when being beat up, but I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to this pain.
The first punch sends all my self control flying back into the depth of my head. I hold my nose as a thin trickle of blood runs down to my lips. I whimper and crumple to the floor as a well aimed kick comes to contact with my lower abdomen.

I curl up into a ball as the violence continues. This only seems to excites my attackers. They laugh and point at me gleefully. Every blow sends a sharp searing jolt of my pain through my body. The blackness of unconsciousness beckons to me but I don't give in, not yet.

I struggle to lift myself up, even to just lift my head up- this pain was all too much for me to handle.
I'm pretty sure they've been at this for twenty minutes, but it feels way longer than that- my blood is everywhere on the ground, my clothes are dirtied and my consciousness is slipping.

"I think I'm all done, my legs and arms are tired-" Jane yawned while I groaned in pain.

"Eh, I still wanna get a few more in." The half faced man said, then the doctor guy chimes in.

"Don't kill her man, then we'd be in trouble."

"Don't worry I won't." He leans down and shoves his hand into my hair, then yanks it backwards.

My ridged breathing was loud, but not louder than my own heart beat-

"I'm surprised you're still awake, you must be fighting it." He dropped my head and my nose almost hit the ground as he shoved my head down.

He took a few steps away from me then harshly kicked my stomach, I painfully yelled out and rolled over while tightly hugging my body.

"Please.." I begged, I just wanted them to stop already.

"Alright alright, c'mon get up." He says, poking my upper back with the tip of his shoe.

I didn't speak or move, I was attempting to keep breathing and not passing out- I closed my eyes and gave myself a second.

He wasn't patient with me.

"I said get the fuck up bitch."

His hands gripped the back of my shirt and yanked it upwards, choking me in the process- I stood up completely and he released my shirt.

"See, wasn't that hard- was it?" He snarls, patting my shoulder a rough three times.

I coughed, my chest squeezed with pain with every hard exhale I let out- I wiped away the blood and dirt from my face.

"We've got a long way to go, so you better behave or we'll do way worse than this." He threatens, I nod my head.

I couldn't walk very fast however, my entire body felt like it was breaking everytime I move- this caused him to get annoyed.

"Christ will you walk faster, we don't have all day!"

He shoved me and my legs gave out, I fell to the ground- my vision was getting so blurry that I couldn't even see my surroundings correctly.

"Y/n!" My eyes widened.

"Toby?" I called out.

"I thought they would take care of him!" Jane shouted.

The sounds of rushed footsteps were quiet, ringing was almost blocking all the noises around me-

I managed to pick myself up, although my head began to throb unbearably- I winced. My feet seemed to finally move, and I began speed walking towards Toby calling my name.

Up until it ceased, and I had to painfully wait  until I heard his voice again- the trees all around me turning into nothing but blobs of color.

"Toby!" I shouted, my voice breaking- I felt myself getting ready to cry.

"The hell are you doing!" I was violently shoved against a tree, but that damn half face man again- I decided to attempt and push him off but it didn't end well.

I felt the sharp tip of a weapon touch my stomach.

"Move and I'll gut you- understand?" He curses, my eyelids swiftly closing- he kicks my leg and I open my eyes.

"And stay awake I don't wanna carry your ass."

Without any hesitation my leg went straight between his legs, I wasn't expecting him to actually impale the knife into me- as he took his steps back, he pulled the weapon from my skin.

"Fuck!" He yells, violently throwing down the now bloody knife to the ground.

My hands grabbed the spot I was wounded, blood poured from in between my fingers and down my body-

"Shit dude, did you stab her?" The doctor looking man said, leaning his head to see my stab wound.

"She fucking kicked me in my balls!" He stated.

"Jesus Christ, what if she bleeds out!"

"She's fine, just stitch her up!"

Before I knew it my body was falling forwards.

A few hours went by and you were still passed out, they were now forced to carry you but in a safe manner so they wouldn't make you bleed anymore than you were.

"If she dies you're dying too, boss wanted her alive." Jane says to KageKao, but he didn't seem to care- he continued to complain about how he got hurt and how you deserved it.

Dr.Smiley remained silent as they argued back and forth, they were all tired but they had to at least go to Dr.Smileys place to get medical supplies to close your wound.

They would get in huge trouble if they ended up losing you.

They weren't too far but it was still quite a ways away, the conversations between the two most talkative ones remained while the other stayed silent.

They were all relieved when they finally arrived, you were carefully placed upon the couch.

"Jane can you take off her shirt, I need to get gloves."

"Sure, how fast can you do this?" She asks, pulling your shirt over your head- leaving you in your bra.

"Depends on how big the wound is, we might need to rest here for a day so we don't accidentally reopen the stitches while carrying her."

"Sounds like a plan to me, I could definitely use some sleep." Jane sighs.

"Damnit Smiley you only have one bed."

"Well Y/n needs to use the couch, Jane can take the bed and me and you can sleep on the floor." Smiley sits next to you, placing down the materials beside him.

"You really trying to kill my back?" KageKao complains.

"You're fine Kao." Jane says.

"Her wound isn't that big, I'll try to be as fast as I can-but I want it to be perfect so we won't have to restitch it multiple times."


I really like this book, but I'm not sure if I can even change it to a different x reader to keep it going.
I usually have a certain setting for a certain character y'know- and it's hard to change the setting midway.

If you guys have any helps or suggestions I'd gladly take them.

:) hope everyone has/had a good day/night/or evening.

Thanks for reading-!


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