||1| Beyond this world.

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The car shifted up and down as the tires ran over rocks on the road, the boxes in the back were rubbing against each other and making items inside the boxes move.

Keeping my eyes on the road I tried remembering what trail to take to my new house, sense there were multiple. I had a map and a GPS but the GPS started to glitch and act weird when we reached a certain point.

I stopped the car and tried fixing it but it didn't seem to want to work, it blinked red a few times before shutting off completely.

Being tired as I was I totally disregarded it and just threw it on the passengers seat and continued to drive.

It was quite odd to see no one on the road, but I guessed it was just a quiet neighborhood. I still kept an eye out though,it made a small part of me nervous.
Of course, I had to think logically. It was about 7 o'clock and I'm sure many people are already home from work or are already at work. As I focused on my thoughts I completely forgot about the turn I was supposed to make, thinking to your self makes time go by faster.

I looked up from my gaze and looked ahead of my car and to the right, there was a long driveway. It turned sharply so I couldn't see the rest of it, assuming this was it, I turned.
It took awhile for me to finally get to my destination, the trail that lead to the house was a bit narrow and bumpy.

But once I arrived I was relieved to find the house I was looking for. It was beautiful.
Obviously I saw pictures and had a tour of it first but when I came here the first time, it wasn't as frustrating to find.

I shut my car door and sighed, I noticed that the moving trucks had already gotten here and dropped off my belongings, rolling up my sweater sleeves up to my shoulders, I began putting everything into my brand new home.

Some things took longer than others, of example, my dresser. I grabbed one end and started to pull but I ended up slipping and then falling onto the ground.
I laughed at myself before getting up and trying again.

Once I was finished with that my arms started to ache a bit, I swung them up and down and then sat down on the wooden porch that stretched around the whole house.

Looking up at the sky, clouds started to form infront of the sun. Looking around my front yard, I saw that I had only a few more things to bring in. Most of them boxes, I wanted to bring in the big things to get it out of the way.

I stretched out my arms before hopping up and getting ready to bring in the rest of my items.

That's when my phone rang, I cleared my throat before digging into my pocket and retrieving my phone.

I looked at the caller and the name.

'Mom' popped up.

"Hey mom what's up?" I asked.

"Just making sure that you got there safe and sound." Her smooth voice echoed through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm almost done moving everything in." I said back, fiddling with my feet.

"Well that's goo-" my mother was interrupted.

Bark bark

I looked up from my feet, I stepped back a little.

"Y/n, you alright?" My mother asked.

"Uh, yeah theres just a dog near my house." I muttered, taking a step closer to the dog sitting down in front of a tree.

"Well be careful, you don't know if it is mean or not." She stated, I nodded and hummed in response.

I took another step before a man come from beyond the forest and approached the dog, he knelt down and began to pet the dog, but once he noticed me, he stopped and stood up.

I shyly waved at him, he then hesitantly waved back at me.

I smiled a little as I relaxed, I was about to yell to him but he quickly whistled to the dog and was leaving.

"Y/n?" My mother called.

I cleared my throat and said.
"Um yeah, I guess I have a neighbor here."

My mother paused before saying.
"That's weird, when I went there with Ryan he said that he was sure there were no neighbors nearby."

I started to feel anxious now, Ryan was the man's brother who lived here before me. He's lived here for a year, but, unfortunately he died.
But I have no idea how, they don't like to talk about it.

" I'll talk to Ryan tomorrow, just be safe. I gotta go, I have to bring your father to the doctors office."

"Alright mom, love you." I said.

"Love you too." She said,then hung up.

I placed my phone down on the porch, and then brought in the rest of my belongings.
Now I have to organize and take everything out, I don't know how long this will take but I hope not too long.

I checked the time and figured that I would finish it tomorrow, I pushed the couch to the living room, which was thankfully near the front door.

I shoved it to the front of the TV that was placed but not set up yet.

I went through all the boxes and read the labels, trying to find the ones labeled blankets and pillows. Once I found them, I layed down on the couch with my phone and stayed up until I felt tired enough to fall asleep.

Of course, being in a new house does give you the creeps or chills at some point.

I woke up in the middle of the night, I didn't know to what but I felt like I was being watched. I guess that neighbor guy really took a toll on me, hopefully he's not creepy and we can become friends.

Anyway, I sat up and looked around. Obviously I didn't see anything or anyone, so I got up and sleepily wobbled to my kitchen.
I had placed the boxes which had cups and plates in here, I sat down and crossed my legs before pulling a box to me and opening it, plates were stacked neatly inside.
I pushed it away, not bothering to close because I know I was gonna open it again anyway.

I grabbed another box from beside it and brought it to me, digging my fingers into the tape that held the flabs together, I pulled it apart and opened it up.

Glass cups were neatly placed inside of news paper, I carefully took one out and unwrapped it from it's protection.
I threw the news paper into the box and shoved the box away, I got up and went to the sink.

I went to go turn the sink on and prepared myself for water but nothing came out.

I got confused and maybe I had touched the wrong handle?
I was getting frustrated now, Ryan had said that everything was working perfectly fine. I sighed in annoyance and placed my cup into the counter.

Shifting my hands to each side of sink, I hung my head low. Now I have to fix it, I hope nothing else is broken..

Feeling wide awake by now, I stretched out my arms and went back to the living room, I turned on the light and began setting up the T.V.


|| //Welcome to Hidden Ticci Toby X Reader// ||
Sorry this book took way too long to set up, but sense I now have 3 new books posted this WILL HAVE SLOW UPDATES.


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