10 || bad blood||

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"W-what was that?" I asked, it sounded painfully hard. It even shook the car.

"I'm not sure, just yet your head down for a few more minutes." Toby says, tilting his head to see behind him.

"Alright. Who is it?" I couldn't see anyone or anything out the windows.

"No one to worry too much about." He simply replies.

I hummed in response, this is all just so disturbing. I'm getting chills down my back and goosebumps on my arms.

"Alright,alright we should be fine." Toby sits up, I follow him.

He peaks outside the windows, and then opens the door and gets out cautiously.

"Can I come out?" I ask.

"No,it might be dangerous. Just stay in the front seat please." He says, I closed the door. He started looking around but eventually making his way to the front of the car.

When I turn to the front seat,I gasped out loud.

A long thick blood trail was against the windshield, chunks of fur stuck to it.

I felt the color run from my face.

"T-Toby..." I mutter.

"Yes?" He answers.

I slowly raised my finger to the scene in front of me, he peers in and his eyes widen.

"Jesus.." he mumbles to himself.

"W-what is that?.." I ask.

He approaches the front of the car,stands there for a moment before quickly making his way back to the car.
He got in and closed the door while starting the engine again. Without saying a word.

"Toby what did you see?" I say, strapping myself in while he drives off.

The cats starts to move, and I look in the mirror to see if I can catch a glimpse of it.

I regret it.

A small disfigured body, blood covering the whatever fur it had left. It was limp.

It was his dog.

My eyes averted it as soon as I realized what it was,but the real question is. Who or what did that?

Should I ask?
He might not tell me.

He seemed bothered by the dog so I shouldn't push it with him, then again maybe pushing him is for the best.

While I debated with myself, Toby seemed to be twitching and spazzing way more then usual.

"Hey.." I say softly.

"I can drive." I said again,you could tell he was trying to keep them under control. But was struggling greatly, he looked in pain.

"No.." he mumbles, his head jerks sides way and he lets out a small click.

"Dammit my vocal tics are back." He says.

"Do you have different types of tics?" I ask,hoping he'd get his mind off it.

"Yeah, I have muscle twitching and vo-vocal ones. I only get the vocal ones when I'm under super amounts of st-stress." He stutters.

"Are there things to help them?"

"I'm not sure, I usually ju-just let them pass."

I hummed again. I'm no good when it comes to these things. Then again.I've never met someone who has had tourettes.

"Well,does distracting yourself help at all?"

"Again,I'm not sure what helps. We can try."

Maybe options pop into my head, there's so many things to talk about. I need to find a peaceful one, remember things he likes.

Organizing, cleaning, Christmas, tea, cold weather.

"What makes happy about cleaning?" I ask, maybe he can rant about it.

"The sa-satisfaction of being able to see where everything is, how easy you can access things, and how everything is. Organizing is a huge part of it as well-"

As he continued to speak, I leaned my head against the window and listened to him explain why he liked it so much.

I didn't intentionally fall asleep but when I woke, I jolted forwards and groaned out loud. My back hurts so badly.

I rubbed my back, I stretched out my back a bit before I tried looking around. It was pitch black and we weren't moving.

I looked out of the window, stars shined through the trees.

Turning my head, I could make out Tobys shadow.

"Um.. a-are you awake?" He quietly asks, as if there's other people sleeping.

"Yeah,I am. Sorry for falling asleep. I guess I was tired." I say, pushing my hair to behind my ear.

It was surprisingly hot in here, I fanned the collar of my shirt. It didn't help.

"It's hot in here isn't it." I say, Toby turns around and stares at me.

He didn't say anything though,it was silent.

"Everything okay?" I ask. Kinda confused as to why he's acting kinda of strange.

"Yeah,I'm fine. I'm just thinking, have been for awhile. Have you been thinking?" He continues to whisper.

What does he mean thinking? Thinking of what?

"I mean, yeah I've been thinking." I say awkwardly,leaving a small chuckle at the end.


I'm still confused as to what he means by "thinking" does he plan on hurting me?

Once those hurts appeared in my head, my heart sank in my chest. My throat became dry and my sentences became short.

"Y-you don't plan on.. hurting me. Right?" I ask,my voice broke and my eyes became tear filled.

Toby sat up quickly,I jumped back. I thought he was gonna try something.

"No,that's not what I was thinking of." He says

"Well,then what were you thinking of?" The knot in my throat grew tighter.

"I was indeed thinking about you, but not to hurt you. Do you understand?"

I nod my head.

"Okay, go back to sleep. We're gonna need it for the morning." He says before turning away and remaining silent.

So I did the same,I kept the rest of my questions to myself only. Maybe only until the morning though, I closed my eyes and sighed out loud.

This all still feels like a dream, well, not a dream but a nightmare.
I just want to be home,I want to call my mother. She's probably worried sick.

I wonder if she called the police already,or if she ever noticed I was gone.

What if no one knows I'm gone?

Everyone thinks I'm doing perfectly fine, oh my god what if it takes weeks for someone to notice!
What if I'm dead by then!

My eyes couldn't help my tear up,I bit my lip to restrain myself from sobbing. My hands found their way to my head, my fingers rested in my hair.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I would never. I want you to understand that. But, crying will make you tired so maybe that's a sleeping strategy. " Toby says suddenly.



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