Acceptance ceremony

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I recieved my uniform; white and black pinstripe coat and dress pants with a black dress shirt and red neck tie along with a matching white fedora with a black band sewn to it. I looked like part of the mafia. I loaded the inside pockets with scalples and my wallet. My sniper hung from my left shoulder, a switchblade hidden in my front right pocket. I combed and gelled back my hair and slipped the fedora in place. I walked out into the hall and headed down the stairs to the dorm building entrance. I met with Ed and Eddy at the double doors of the dining hall. Eddy wore a casual pale blue-green and white veritcal striped dress shirt and pastey dress pants. Ed wore formal wear with a bullet vest over his dress shirt.

"Hey, what happened to Peach Creek's sockhead?" Eddy elbowed me in my side. I noticed his practically invisible blonde hair with three black strands were slicked back.

"I guess I'm not your wimpy little brainiac anymore, Eddy." I spoke confidently, rubbing the bruising area.

"Wow, Double D, you look different." Ed exclaimed shocked.

"Well, my fellow Ed's," Eddy began, straightening his shirt collar. "Shall we go to the ceremony?"

Ed and I nodded and took our places to open the doors for our acknowledged leader. Me on the right and Ed on the left, we opened the doors. Eddy strutted in followed by us. We joined the other acceptees from other districts at the line up.
Head of trainee acceptance and files, Harvincie Palmer stood proudly behind the podium looking over all the trainees. "Thank you for coming and congrats to those who succeeded in their training practices." Applause and cheering ignited through the crowd and extinguished just as fast as it started. "Now, you all get a taste of real action, a true test of your abilities." He looked at each pair of eyes with an exciting fire in his own. "Now, as demolition, assassin, secret crime fighter, or cleaner you all have a part in our underground society. But remember," He continued. "Being on the surface is a privilege if you break our rules such as leave our society or reveal us to any on the outside it will be the last time you see any kind of life." Palmer wagged a finger of caution pointedly before smiling brightly. "But if you complete your 'homework' on time and get along with each other you will be treated well here and surely to gain more privileges like our top four trainees." The man raised an arm to three trainees on pedestals. "All are top trainees here and come from the Peach Creek residency. Ninja assassin Nazz!" A spot light lit up illuminating the blonde haired girl in a black and pink tight fitted uniform, twin katanas on both hips. Nazz blew kisses to the cheering and whistling students.
"Followed by acupuncture assassins the Dollies or otherwise known as Jimmy and Sarah!"
A second light hit the duo in joker checkered clothing with a half mask one covering Sarah's right eye, the other covered Jimmy's left eye. With their fingers entwined together they bowed with synchronized flare and gestures.
"And finally, the lady killer, perfected hidden hero, Sheriff Kevin Barr!"
The third light lit upon the red head like heaven's holy light. Everyone went wild, guys whooping, girls either screaming or fainting left and right. Kevin just stared at them all from under his hat, his mask making it hard to read his expression. His arms were again crossed showing good build in his arms through his red button up. Twin revolvers hung in their holsters that dangled from loose belts over a set of chaps. The heel of his boot clicked against the pedestal as he tapped it impatiently.
Wow, my hearing is extraordinary.
Then those wild emerald eyes met mine, I locked with his head on. He raised a hand and tipped his hat before turning around to follow the others from the pedestals. Hmm.... Does this mean he sees my as an equal?

I returned my attention to Mr. Palmer, who began explaining the rules and regulations. After an hour of that he let us join our distinct groups.
Eddy, Ed, and I sat at the farthest almost deserted table there. What can we say but in here, whichever type you are born in that is how you are unless you are a mix talent then you have a choice on which parent's talent you want. Us Ed's were natural cleaners, just Ed isn't a full bred cleaner.
His father was a vodo assassin so that explains Sarah doing acupuncture, Jimmy joined out of caring for her.

We enjoyed our meal with pleasant conversation and tales of what we hope to see in our new occupation. That was until Mr. Palmer came over to us.
"Gentlemen, due to lack of cleaners and need of them you are going to has to start work almost immediately." The man spoke with a drastic tone. "But on the brighter side you each with be assigned to a certain assassin, hero, or group. By the way, the connections you have on your communicators are people who have worked with your families for generations so never doubt on calling for assistance. I shall be announcing your assigned person or group shortly so enjoy your meal." With that he turned on his heel and strutted away in a more formal manner than Eddy.

"Geez, put a crown on his head and made him king?" Eddy huffed, sticking his tongue out at Mr. Palmer's back.

"Eddy, he is an elected official." I explained softly. "Please show more respect."

Eddy gave a 'hmph' and returned to eating his food.
And just as promised not long after Palmer was behind his podium ready to make the announcement.
"Excuse, I'd like to have your eyes and ears towards me for one final announcement." The man looked around at his audience making sure everyone was paying attention.
"The council of trainee files and I have decided to assign an assassin, hero, or group with their own cleaner." Curious murmurs swept through the audience.
"Yes, yes I know there are currently a dwindling number of successful cleaners here at the moment. But if our cleaners do good at their job then they can encourage younger ones at their home residences that no matter what type you are we all have a part in our society." He pulled a list from his breast pocket and listed off starting with the Beech Bottom residence.... There were cheers and groans from our table and their partner(s) table. So there were mixed feelings about this new idea, finally they reached us from Peach Creek residence.
"Now we only have three from Peach Creek and they just got here today so please be gentle with them." Palmer teased. "Eddy shall go with Ninja assassin Nazz." Our table cheered and whooped for him 'being lucky' enough to have Nazz for a partner.
"Ed goes with," Palmer began again trying to keep the suspense. "Vodo magician Rolph." Silence chilled everything, no one moved, didn't even seem to breathe as barely hearable whispers were passed from table to table.

"What's this, deciding who I get without me?" The odd accented magician appeared beside Palmer.

Palmer cleared his throat, obviously terrified of the younger man. "My apologies Rolph but the council took a vote on it."

"Feh," Rolph sneered. "The councils always do the deciding, no? When do we as people decide our lives?" With that he disappeared to reappear again at the even more scarce than ours magician table.

"Well, ah, on to the final cleaner shall we?" Palmer grinned weakly, flattening out the now crumpled papers. "Ah, at last Eddward, that's two d's in the Edd part. Eddward goes with Sheriff Kevin Barr." Cheers roared and echoed throughout the room as I sat stunned staring off into space.
I thought I was finally free of him, free of his taunting, of his selfish charm.... Now I'm his partner. I'll lose my mind by the end of the week.

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