Dorky Kevin

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It was quite eventful today on my first job, I was truly surprised that I got asked for my hand, but then the poor girl's daddy's restraunt got blown from the base and she got crushed. I suppose should get use to it, father did show me pictures of his day in work lot of blood and bullet holes in bodies. 'Just a day being a cleaner' he had said once while polishing his modified sharp shooter with a coy smirk upon his features, his thick glasses glittered in the slanted sunlight from the shades. Everyday mother and father came home with stories of their day's work at dinner and bedtime, I would listen intently holding on to every detail for I might be able to do it.

I unlocked the door to my dorm tired and feeling only a little remorseful of the day's events that became quickly replaced by a scary numbness I earned through training. It felt like I was yet wasn"t there, black space replaced the cozy bedroom. I could only see white outlines of shapes, echoing circles flashed here and there indicating barely audible noise. Then there was the feeling, a shudder like feeling as if I'm being watched by invisible eyes. I blinked and everything was normal again, the room was monochrone with red again, the sounds of others in their rooms or the hall wasn't at a distance anymore, and the feeling was gone. I shook my head for an extra measure to make sure the numbness is gone, it was to my relief. I stepped completely into my room, shutting the door behind me, I walked toward the wardrobe and swapped my uniform for casual clothing. It was like the clothes I wore at home, simple orange t-shirt, purple shorts, and red knee high socks. The facility know how to care for their residents/employees. I applied my beloved beanie and walked out of the room again.

I joined Ed at the cafe near the center garden in the middle of the facility. The big lug looked as cheerful as always when he greeted me. "How was your first day Double D?" He asked when we took our seats on the patio outside the cafe.

"Where do I begin?" I pondered reviewing the day's events. "I think I impressed Kevin with my interogation skills without using money or aggressive tactics." I chuckled the moments where Kevin looked dumbstruck at my techniques that lacked his rougher style preference. "How about you, Ed?"

And off on his story about helping Rolf in southern states, ghost hens and other such animals. Even learning a bit of black magick himself. I listened quietly as he added details in between his sentences, I don't think I have ever seen Ed with such a big smile. Sure Ed is like a giant little kid with no complete experience of anything emotional but I think he is experiencing something now.

"It was so cool Double D." His voice pulled me back to reality. "Rolf can do anything." I nodded just merely going along with the big guy. "That is spectacular Ed." I answered. Unexpectedly a creeping feeling sent a shudder racking my thin body. Ed looked confused, "Are you cold?" He asked.

I shook my head quickly, "Just a little tense Ed, I'm fine." I feeling didn't leave and my body kept quivering lightly. I glanced around slowly, examining every face for any set of eyes in our direction. No one was looking anywhere near us. "Are you sure Double D? Should I take you to your dorm?" Ed questioned, his voice revealing concern. I shook my head again, "I'll be fine." I answered. "How about we go walk around?" I stood from my seat with a weak smile. Ed remained quiet as he followed. He can tell something is wrong, how can I explain what's wrong when I don't know what it is myself. These instincts are the reason why I was so nervous and fearful when we were younger. I didn't know what to do with them. I didn't even know how I got them or when. I got scared, my only relief from the fear was the short hours with Eddy and Ed. I relied on them more than they dare know.

Ed persistently asked to walk me to my room upon which I finally allowed and he smiled comfortingly. If I could I would probably be irritated with the big guy. But as usual that is impossible. So to my room we went, I unlocked the door and Ed barged in excitedly. He inspected the entire room, bathroom and shower included, like a puppy with a new home. "Wow Double D, 's not much different than your old room." Ed declared once he finished looking around. "Expect the walls and bed....and attached bathroom." I chuckled quietly at the puppy-like teen, "I sent in a few requested suggestions for my room dear Ed." I opened the weapon closet he somehow missed. "I didn't expect they would go to this extent." I said walking into the closet to put my switchblade back with the others. Ed stared at my collection wide eyed with awe. Watching him my smile continued to grow, he brought back so many happy memories from the residence.

A pounding on my door interrupted the memories. I hurried to the door as the pounding continued in a rapid pace. Behind the door was Kevin, surprisingly, in casual clothes; light green sweatshirt over a plain red t-shirt, blue jeans with the left knee torn, red sneakers, and his signature backwards baseball cap with three unruly strands of orange-red hair peeking out. Kevin looked like he ran up Mount Everest and down through an avalanche. "What's wrong, Kevin?" I asked only to be pushed aside as he came in slamming the door shut and leaning against it panting loudly. Ed came from the closet with a curious expression. "What's going on, Double D?" I shrugged in response and returned to facing Kevin with a similar confused look. It wasn't long until the answer to the main question came herding past my room girls squealing and all, with Kevin tensing incredibly, a look of sever fear in his emerald eyes. Ed and I exchanged a quick glance before the big lug toddled forward scooting my fearful partner aside and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

An seemingly eternity of silence passed, consisting of Kevin shaking like a cold chihuahaha, before I cleared my throat making him jump. "Are you okay?" I asked slightly suspicious of this new personality from the former bully. "Y-yea, I'll be okay," He started to pat around his sweatshirt and checking pockets. "If I can find my glasses." I raised an eyebrow confused, Kevin has never worn glasses he always had good eye sight, the best in training. Is this the same Kevin? "Shit, must've dropped 'em somewhere in the run." Yep, it's the same Kevin with the swearing and accent. "Hold on," i said catching his now obvious semi blind attention. "I think I have a pair of my father's glasses." I went to the wardrobe and rummaged through the pockets of my suitcase until I found the thick red-rimmed spectacles, I brought and handed them to Kevin. He put them on, relief reflected in his eyes, "Thanks Double- ah, Edd." Kevin grinned awkwardly. I stared at him in amazement, this can't be Kevin Barr former childhood bully of Peach Creek Residence who still has dozens upon dozens of jaw breakers stuffed in he garage. Split personality? Honest secret identity? No, definitely split personality.

But I must admit Kevin is a bit more attractive now. The glasses seem to soften his normally firm features. His eye are magnifed greatly somehow making his emerald eyes look more like dark forest green. "Strange, huh?" Kevin spoke pulling me from my thoughts. I shrugged attempting for casual gestures but failing. "I normally wear contacts when I leave my room but I wasn't given time before girls swamped in through the window." He explained relaxing slowly. I nodded figuring out the rest of the story. I helped him back on to his feet. "Thanks again Edd." He said, the awkward smile returning. I nodded and with a few quick thoughts, I switched his hat around and handed him a long sleeve maroon shirt with a orange and green checkered vest. "Need a diguise?" I offered.

He sighed reluctantly, took the fabrics and trudged into the bathroom. I chuckled softly, Kevin is becoming much more amusing today. I walked over to my desk and placed my communicator in the center drawer. Kevin walked out of the bathroom and I wound up collapsed on my bed in hysterics. The now new 'dork' crossed his arms, "Haha, it's so funny." He said sarcastically. "Now I'm a dork." I wiped tears from my eyes taking deep breathes. "M-my apologies, Kevin." I held my aching stomach. "It was just too funny." Kevin only nodded his face taking on a pinkish hue.

"Ya know, I don't think I've ever seen you actually laugh Edd." He said thoughtfully rubbing his chin. With struggle, I managed not to laugh at him again, "That's because I wasn't as relaxed as now"

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