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I woke up on a worn out mattress. My gut still ached from tearing open. Wait, where is Edd? And where the hell am I? Next, where do I go to get out?

I forced open my eyelids to see a metal ceiling, it was dimly lit by the flickering of a lit candle. I could hear voices through the walls of the makeshift room.
Then the door opened and every nerve in me tensed.

The room rocked as whoever opened the door climbed in. "Good to see you're up man." Johnny appeared in my line of sight. "Everyone is here and accounted for."

"Great." I croaked trying to sit up.

Johnny took hold of my arm and placed a palm on my back, helping me up. "Easy their Kevin. You've been out for a while so you might be sore."

"How long is a while?" I asked placing a hand over the newly stitched wound.

"About three and a half days." Johnny answered. "Finally convinced Edd to take a break on watching you." A glass of water was offered to me, I took it and downed it in a few gulps.
"You had everyone thinking you were dead."

"Not a first time." I wiped away the access water that dripped from the corners of my mouth. "Where are we?"

"The back of an old van in the junkyard." he answered again. "The others are waiting in the clubhouse."

"Perfect," I grunted setting the glass down. "Help me up and moving."
Johnny moved to my side and wrapped his arm around my waist, I slung my arm around his shoulders. Hoisting myself to my feet I put most of my weight in the shorter man as he guided me to the old club house beneath the biggest mound of junk in the junkyard.

"Glad to see you alive Kev." Nazz greeted with a smirk.

I nodded with an attempted crooked grin and nodded as I took a seat in the least dirtiest chair.
"Heard you were dead Shovelchin." the most annoying of the Eds stepped up. "Had Double D worried that he barely slept."

"I've heard," I replied looking around at the familiar faces. "Where is Edd anyway?"

The asshole jerked his thumb to the other side of the clubhouse. "Sleeping on one of the mattresses me an' Ed dragged in." he answered. "He looked awful when Nazz and Jimmy guided him in and got him settled."

I ran my hand through my hair. To say I was guilty would be an understatement, I was suffering remorse. Sure I can accepting admitting that I was an idiot for walking around and not allowing myself to heal but I can't forgive myself the fact that I worried Edd into exhaustion.

"Good tidings young Facility members." a familiar voice came from the one exit.
I shifted in my seat as all weapons available were raised and aimed at the intruder.
Bones raised his hands in surrender. "I mean no ill will here. I bring something Kevin ordered from a colleague of mine."

Eyes turned to me and I nodded gesturing for them to relax. "Hey Skullboy." I greeted gruffly. "Where did you disappear to after me and Edd ran off?"

He strolled over and patted my shoulder with his bony hand. "I had to stay unseen by law my friend. But I see you look worse for wear, stitching opened up?"

I snickered then grunted in pain. "So what did you bring me?" I nodded to the box tucked under his arm.
He brought it forward and opened it. It was my hand replacement.
"I wish I knew how to make it connect with nerves my friend but I am not known for medical treatment of such." he explained taking the metal limb from the box and offering it to me. I took it from him and looking it over. Copperish kind of metal, rotating joints in the fingers, wiring could be seen between the small metal plates.

Stop Me if I Lose Myself (kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now