The Connection Sector

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I cannot believe it!! Pumpkin was suppose to be dead!! Where did the murder go wrong? Did I not get the right spot or... or is he just immortal? This cannot be humanely possible to survive that much blood loss.
And now what am I going to do since I'm stuck in the back seat again? Carrot top will punch me again if I take control and not only that we are going to the Connection sector. I do not, repeat do not, want to talk to little D face to face.
Dammit all, damn you pumpkin, damn you Edd!!

This totally ruins my plans for making Kevin's hand a trophy.

Okay well so far several twists and switching tunnels we finally made it to this Connection sector place. Much like all the others sectors I've seen so far it's a big well lit dome with a makeshift sad excuse of a town, but albeit this one looked more well built. Some of the buildings had glass windows and the place food joints, I'm starved. Even the people were wearing clothes that looked less ragged and torn apart.
"Oi, how about some food before the whole connection thing." I asked Stephen.

"It is wise not to eat before the connecting or ye will lose your meal afterwards." The skeleton answered calmly.
I huffed crossing my arms. I heard Edd snicker at me softly.
"What?" I questioned him.

"You seem to always thing about food, even in the most dire situation." He explained.

"What can I say I'm a grown man I need to eat." I retorted earning even more giggles.

"Kevin, you are only nineteen years old. Hardly a grown man if I might add." Edd continued to giggle.
I snorted, "Ah, be quiet."
Stephen's snickering could be heard ahead of us.

"Keep walking skeleton boy." I ordered.

"I am hardly a 'boy' Sir Barr. I, unlike ye, am over twenty years of age." Stephen smirked at me over his shoulder.

I stared at him a moment not buying it. "I don't believe you." I said.

"Believe what ye will, young grasshopper." He shrugged and carried on. "But thy truth is there."
I mocked him silently to myself catching a few weird looks.

I stared longing as we past some sort of pizza place or someplace that had meat mostly in the food they served. Damn this connection thing. I can't eat before it cause then I'd hurl blah blah blah.....

I sighed feeling depressed and hungry. We continues walking past food joints, which I swear skeleton was leading us through on purpose, until he stopped in front of a two story building that had a tea cup sign above the door frame.

"A tea shop?" I questioned, scrunching up my nose already smelling the different types of flavors..

"Of course tea is good on the throat and soothing on the mind, very interesting tactic." Edd spoke up delightedly thoughtful. I also noticed his left eye twitch, the other Edd isn't liking this idea is he?

Stephen led us inside, "Oh Madame Grece? Art thou present oh Madame Grece?" He called charmingly.
A stout woman appeared through the thick smog of colorful aromas.
"Oh, mr. Lost how nice of you to visit for once." She greeted sounding playfully scornful.

"Ah yes, yes my lady." Stephen cooed. "If only my work hath not separated me from such a charming woman, I would most certainly be here more often."

The woman giggled, I exchanged looks with Edd as the flirt worked magic. Edd started looking a bit uncomfortable with the current attitude of his 'love interest'.
"So what brings you here today Lost?"

Stephen's grin grew, "My friends need help connecting with their other selves." He gestured towards us with an open palm.
The woman's eyes analyzed over us. "A halfling and a Facility member? What have you been up to mr. Lost?"

Skeleton boy just grinned at her.
"Well, come along dears." She scuttled into the back room, we followed obediently.
The woman was setting out tea flavors on a lone counter, "Choose one that most appeases to you, dears."
Edd walked forward confidently, his left eye twitching continuously in objection, and picked up a bag from a pinkish-orange colored box.
I stepped forward a but more reluctant and looked over the boxes. I picked one from a box labeled Pumpkin Spice.
Immediately it made me think of the nickname the second Edd called me.

The woman snatched away the packets we chose and placed them in two cups of warm water.
"Interesting choice young halfling, no one really likes the peach flavored." She spoke thoughtfully.

"Well, it reminded me of my home. The Peach Creek residence." Edd explained gently.

"Really? So you grew up under the Facility law, no?" She asked, he nodded.
"You must have been shocked to find out that you also belong down here." Edd nodded again and her eyes turned to me.
"You, dear boy, are no doubt purebred of the Facility."

"Yes miss." I answered lamely.

"What made you decide to come down here?" She pried.

"Well, Edd is my partner in crime in the Facility, he started getting a little wacky and decided to go home for answers, didn't come back so I went after him, learned a bit and started listening a bit to my own other self, I guess."
The woman nodded silently and pushed the cups toward me and Edd, "Drink then settle on the sofas." She ordered.
We did as we were told. I downed mine in a couple chugs and relaxed myself on one of the plush comfy couches. Edd followed suit on the other one, looked at me uncertain. I grinned at him supportively and placed my hat over my eyes.
I fell into the darkness almost instantly.

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