Go ahead

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Previously on Stop Me If I Lose Myself;

Eddward has been having trouble with his 'instinct' and found out it was born into him from his mother's side, following the 'instinct' he found his mother's home beneath Peach Creek residence in the sewers. Kevin noticed his problems and tried getting answers which ended up following Eddward to Bottom Ground and now he has his revolver aimed at his own partner that is being controlled by another personality. Will Kevin shoot or will Eddward No. 2 back down?

(Sorry had to do something like this. What's a drama with out reiterating what has happened?)

His eyes locked into mine seemingly unfazed by my gun pointed to his skull. His insanity calmed a bit though as he looked ready to take a bullet.

"Last chance, bring Edd back." I warned slowly.

The new Edd chuckled darkly, "You and I both know that you won't pull the trigger." I ground my teeth as I tightened my grip on the revolver. "You care for him too much that you won't shoot."

There was a light tugging at the back of my own skull. Is that what he was talking about? A conscience, telling me not to do this.

"Are you finally listening?" He asked. "Cracking open that case that your other self was locked in. How cute, pumpkin~"

I punched him, nailing the creep in his throat. He went down on his ass coughing.

When he looked up again I saw a bit of the normal Edd showing through before the stranger Edd returned with an ugly grin.

"See? I told you, you wouldn't shoot." He spat hoarsely coughing up a bit of blood, then giving a gargled laugh.

I aimed my gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet hit the metal close to his inner thigh making him flinch back. "Edd cared too. He wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally even if it was an accident he would apologize right away and still smile after getting hit once or twice for whatever it was he did. Taking it as karma."

His smile faded, his eyes held no crazy amusement. It could be my imagination but I saw him shiver like he was cold.

"Edd came down here to try and talk to you, forcefully separating himself from his closest friends because of you. You say I care too much about him. I think it's him that cares too much for everyone else but you and you're jealous of that."

Edd balled his hands into fists, "I did all those black outs so he wouldn't feel guilty and let him forget the entire day, no worries. I always made sure to get him away from the scene." He grumbled. "I made sure he survived through training and graduated. Did I get any credit? No, all I got was a backseat through his adventures." He grumbled to himself but none the less loud enough for me to hear.

"No one listened to what I had to say even if it would have benefited Eddward himself and keep him from getting hurt. Even if I took control no one listened because they saw me as Him, their weak, pathetic, brainiac friend. The tool they used over and over again for quarters!

"Eddward, himself, even knew unconsciously he didn't belong there. That he didn't fit in and wouldn't ever fit in with the bright colors hideously matched with blend in colors. The flashy way they all strutted about showing off their earnings." His glare returned to me and softened ever so slightly. "But, how did you ease his fears, his worries, and get him to talk so openly? A sheriff who used to flirt, aim, and shoot at anyone that walked within ten feet of you. How did you let him show his colors?"

I locked my gaze with his firmly, watching the conflict in his eyes. I hope it's the Edd I know fighting against this Edd. "Double D forgives and forgets. Never holds a grudge even if he was killed by his best friends he wouldn't hold a grudge. If you force him away from everything he loves, everyone he loves, he will never forgive you and that sadness, this much I can understand, will destroy you both." I put my revolver in it's holder, my eyes never leaving his. "Are you willing to live with that guilt? To live so lonely even with yourself that you don't know what to do. That you need to rely on the company of others to fill that loneliness like Edd did because he was scared of you?"

The Edd before me stared back with a mournful look, tears streaming down his cheeks. There I know it's both of them listening. Somehow I felt like crying too but I can guess it's not really me that wants to.

I offered my hand to him and he took it slowly, getting to his feet.

"I'm sorry." He whispered before muttering something I couldn't hear. I looked down at his face hidden by his hair before feeling something cut into me. My body went rigid as I sucked in air, my eyes widening in realization. I fell to my knees as Edd pulled out his knife, looking down at me with a smug grin.

My hand that held his stayed in his grip as my other touched my stab wound. "My apologies pumpkin~" He began, shaking his head. "I am afraid this won't bode well with your career to be involved with me much less in Bottom Ground where you would have been hunted after anyway, so, why not be killed by the one you thought you knew and end your last few moments peacefully alone with yourself~" Edd smirked down at his work with a loving thoughtful smirk. "Though between you and I, dear Kevin, I may have a special liking to you so I might take a souvenir when you are gone just to make it painless."

Black spots started to blurry my vision as my limbs grew cold. I managed to muster up enough energy to talk, "Double D if you can see this and hear me..... just .... be careful with yourself." I fell limp and the black took me under with only echoes of the bad Edd's snickering.

Stop Me if I Lose Myself (kevedd)Where stories live. Discover now