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You have no clue how long you have been in this tiny metal room. The last thing you remember was fighting villains at camp then you woke up here. The other day the clone twice made of you died and all its memories came to you.

Outside the door you hear footsteps. You try to sit up but the cuts and bruises on your back made it dificaled.

"Rider, get ready. You have a mission." Shigaraki called through the door. A second passed and he kicked the door annoyed he didn't get an answer.


"Yes sir. I will get ready."


"Bakugou this is unacceptable, don't leave this newspaper out for everyone to see." Iida yelled, pointing at your photo at the bottom of the front page.

"Well that's some bullshit censoring. Next you are not even gonna let us talk about them!"

"No Bakugou, I just think people are not ready just yet. Kaminari hasn't gone to Momo's turtering, there is no music coming from Jirou's room, Todoroki hasn't even left Y/N's room, heck, Kirishima hasn't even bothered to style his hair in days! Just try and be a little considerate!" Bakugou just scoffed at his classmate as he threw the paper in the bin.

It's only been two days but Shoto hadn't gotten out of bed the whole time, more specifically he hadn't left your bed. He looked around the simple looking room staring at the many photos on the wall.

"Todoroki... I have dinner for you" Midoriya called from outside the room. When Shoto didn't answer Deku didn't push, he just left the plate at the door.


You were on watch duty waiting outside a drug smuggling hideout. It took every inch of your will not to make a run for it, but Shigarkaki's threat echoed in your head.

"We have one of Twice's clones outside your house as we speak, you try and run and you will never see your family again."

You're pretty sure he's bluffing but you really don't want to risk it. A man ran out the front door covered in blood, pulled out the knife that the league gave to you and jumped down, blocking his way. Getting ready to attack the man got on his knees.

"No, please don't, I have a family! My son is only three and my wife is pregnant. PLEASE!" a pit formed on your stomach. You... you couldn't do it.

"Fine, run, fast!" is face lit up,

"Thank you, thank you so..." before he could finish he was engulfed in flames.

"Huh, shame, Shigarkai was so sure you were ready to join us, but I guess he was wrong..."

"Dabi, please..." The tall man grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the rest of the group who were just finishing up.

"Dabi please, you don't have to tell them, I won't hesitate again!" You pleaded but he only gripped you tighter.

"Shut it before I burn you wind rider!"


"Hey Shoto, I'm going to the store, do you want anything?" Fyumi asked. Shoto shook his head.

"No thanks, I'm fine." he muttered under his breath. When he heard the door shut he sat up from bed. This had been the third day he had stayed home from school. He tried to do his homework, he tried to train but he just felt as if he had no energy. All he could do was lay in bed.


Dabi punched you in the gut and you spat blood all over his white shirt.

"Thats enough." Shigaraki ordered. Dabi sighed and let go of your hair letting you fall to the ground.

"You are not getting anything to eat for the next twenty four hours."

"But Shigaraki, I didn't eat yesterday either." You heaved while clenching your stomach.

"Well, sucks to be you." The door slammed shut leaving you bleeding in the pitch black.

Eye of the Storm //Shoto Todoroki x Depressed reader//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon