9 (NSFW)

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"Hey Iida" You smile as you sit down next to him in the library.

"Good Afternoon Y/N, Glad to see your back at school." Iida said in a cheerful tone before lowering his voice.

"So have you thought about... you know what?"

"Yes, I have." Iida sat back up and got his books. There were too many people around to talk about it there.

The two of you arrived at the back gate of the school.

"So?" Iida placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Well umm. I hate Stain, from the bottom of my heart, How ever My brother always told me when we train together that violence should be used as a last resort, I feel getting revenge would be disrespecting his memory." you explained. Iida nodded understanding.

"I'm not going to stop you Iida. Just be careful."


You arrive at the Edge Shot Agency where you are doing your internship as the sun is going down.

"Welcome Mis (or Mr) L/N. Allow me to show you to your room, Protrol starts 4 am shape so get a good sleep"

You lay down to sleep when your phone beeps, you thought it was just your mum or sister so you don't rush to open the text. It surprised you to see it was Midoriya. The two of you hadn't really talked before but he seemed really nice. He sent you a location. At first you were confused but then you saw the name of the city, Hosu City, where Iida was tracking Stain. You got a bad feeling in your gut. Putting on your hero uniform you sneak out the window, you just hope everything is ok.


"MIDORIYA!" Todoroki blocked one of Stain's attacks. He looks down at Iida and Midoriya who were parralized on the ground.

"Todoroki, don't let him cut you. Once he gets your blood your pallalized, it's his quirk!" Deku informed him.

"Todoroki, get Midoriya and leave" Todoroki was about to turn around to lecture Iida but their opponent jumped forward aiming for Todoroki's arm. Just before he could swing you slam into Todoroki moving him out of the way.

"Y/N what are you doing here!?" He gasped.

"I got Midoriya's message. I want to help!"

"Y/N Lisein, Me and Midoriya will handle the fighting, look after Native and Iida, don't let Stain get to them!" Todoroki said as he ran off. You didn't want to, you wanted to fight, however you specialized in defence not offence so you understood. You wanted to release all the pent up anger you had for that basted, but then Jay's words started ringing in your ears.

'Yes villains are bad people but that doesn't mean you should hurt them just because, what if they are only a villain because they need to care for their family? I know we both know what that's like...'

You sigh and run over to Native and got ready to attack if the villain got close.


You all took a sigh of relief as Endeavour placed Stain in handcuffs. Even though you joined at the end of the fight it still felt like eternity, but it wasn't over yet, A flying Nomu swooped down to grab Midoriya. You were standing next to him and the Nomu knocked you down while catching the greenette. You were falling to the ground, trying to reach out for your classmate but missed. Your eyes closed for impact, it was a short fall but you were falling head down and there was no way to soften the impact arms. Time seemed to stop when two muscular arms wrapped around you, one around your shoulders and the other holding the back of your head. You tried to look up but it was hard since you were being too tightly held to the person's chest, however you could see the ends of his red and white locks, It was Shoto. You slightly turn your head to see where he was looking only to see Stain standing over a dead Nomu holding Midoriya captive. Everyone was frozen with fear but you could feel Todoroki's arms hold you tighter as the villain walked closed laughing with every step.

"Shoto?" you whispered as Todoroki's grip on you got so tight you had trouble breathing. You could feel Stain moving closer, his footsteps getting louder, his laugh more maniacal. Then it stopped...

Shoto slowly loosened his grip, not letting you go just yet though. Turning your head you see Stain frozen in place. The small group just stared for a while before Midoriya ran away and the pro heroes went to deal with the villain.


You all were put in the hospital, you all had injuries with Iida having the worst. Luckily the only injury you had was from when the Nomu ran into you, it left a small cut on your forehead from its monster claws.

"Get some sleep, all of you" the kind nurse said, turning off the light in the room you all shared. Everyone was exhausted so you all did what she said.

It had only been a half hour and you were on the verge of sleep when a mass leaned on your bed creating a large dent. Looking up you see its Shoto.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I just wanted to check up and see if you were alright." You sit up to respond to him when you notice he had dried up tear stains on his cheeks.

"Todoroki, you were crying?" You say as you run your fingers down the wet tracks on his face.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just... Hospitals bring back a lot of bad memories. I couldn't sleep." Looking at the scar on his face you can guess what he means by bad memories.

"Well you need sleep, you look tired. Umm, if it helps you can sleep in my bed." Todoroki's face went red.

"Ummm, yeah, that would help..." He muttered. You scoot over and let him lay down. At first you were turned away from each other but it was freezing outside. You turned over and snuggled into Shoto's warm chest, he responded by wrapping his arms around you. You thought nothing of it but Todoroki's mind was racing.

Holding you felt like complete euphoria. Shoto wanted to savor this moment so he took everything in. The way his hands ran though your H/C hair. The way your breath slightly shook as you exhaled. The way you hands gripped your hospital gown because you were too shy to place your hands on his chest. The small crease between your eyebrows. The hot breath on his neck.

What is this...? Shoto asked himself. This was a sensation he had never felt before, he was so confused yet he didn't want it to stop.

Shoto jolted up scaring you.


"Ah sorry, I just umm... need to go to the restroom!" He speed walked out of the room hiding his face.

Sitting on the toilet he looked down at his pants to see a large tent. He got on his phone and frantically started googling what to do and why he felt like this, although he got some 'useful tips' nothing really told him what he needed to know.


You sit up as Shoto walks back into the room after spending an awfully long time in the bathroom.

"I think I will sleep in my own bed now," Todoroki smiled.

"Thank you though, it helped."


Longer chapter but I hope you like it. THANK YOU FOR 1.5K!!!

Eye of the Storm //Shoto Todoroki x Depressed reader//Where stories live. Discover now