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You wake up from your slumber, the light of the sun begins to peer through the car windows. You sit up, and begin to stretch your arms. Looking around the car, you see nothing has changed, and everything stayed just as you placed it before you fell asleep.

"Good morning to me," You say with sarcastic enthusiasm.

Getting up from your sitting position on the car floor seemed to be the hardest thing to do right now, due to the aching in your back from the uncomfortable sleep. But you knew you would have to get up eventually to drive and look for some sort of food supply.

Finally getting up, you crawl your way to the front of the car. Before starting the car up, you check to make sure you have all the essentials. Seeing your gun calms you down a bit. You pick it up, and make sure you're full on ammo. Once that was checked off your to-do list, you grabbed a bottle of water and drank some water. Only now had you realized how thirsty you were. After chugging some water, you place the bottle down and finally start up the car.

"And off we go," you groan out while lazily punching the air with one fist and steering the car with the other.

While driving, you became lost in thought. You were wondering why you woke up the way you did, and what happened to the world around you. You came to the conclusion that you hit your head somehow, and garnered a small amount of amnesia. That would be a good explanation to why you don't seem to remember much about your current situation. That doesn't mean that you don't remember anything. You remember wanting to meet up with someone named Johnny, and that guy you were with seemed to be important to you. You also remember that those things were called roamers, or at least that's what you called them.

You were also unaware as to why those guys were dead when you first woke up, or why a few of them seemed familiar. But, you did remember them all being shot in the head. Another thought came to mind when thinking about being shot, the roamer only died after you shot it in the head.

A sigh leaves your mouth, as you realize that you really don't remember much.

"Who was that guy with me?" You questioned yourself. He seemed to be someone you trusted. But based on the memory, he was probably the reason for your bruised legs and amnesia. After all, it seemed as though you ended up veering off the road, and got thrown out of the car after he told you to speed up. But if that was the case, then what happened to him?

You let out yet another sigh. It seems as though understanding what's going on will be a little harder than you thought.

You continue to drive along the road and get an idea. You hadn't really checked out what was in the car yet. Sure, you saw that there was food, water and some ammo for your AMT, but you hadn't really looked into what the car had.

You reach over and open the glove compartment. You take a quick glance over to the compartment and grab whatever first came to view. It just so happened to be a wallet. Opening up said wallet, you see that there isn't much inside. Then at the sight of a picture makes you abruptly stop the car.

After stopping the car, you take a closer look at the image. You see a picture of you and the guy from your memory, with your arms around each other's shoulders and smiling. You then turn the picture around and see that there is something written on the back.

'When all goes to shit, we're the siblings that just don't quit'

"Jesus fuck, that's corny," you say, as you let out a chuckle.

"So we're related, huh? Well now I know why he felt so familiar," you think out loud.

It seems as though finding out that the two of you were related was the last thing that needed to click, as all of your memories started to wash over you.

You had a brother that was four years older than you, and you had an unbreakable bond. You both wanted to become strong for each other, so you decided to train for the military. You did everything you could to become the strongest you could be. But then the outbreak began.

You were at home, doing whatever you could to pass the time. Suddenly your ears are met with loud banging coming from your front door.

"[Y/n]! Open the fucking door, we don't have much time!" Yells were coming from the other side of your door, and you could tell that the voice belonged to your brother.

You ran up to the door, and quickly let him in. After rushing inside he grabs onto your wrist, and drags you into your kitchen.

"Pack up food, anything non-perishable will do. I'll go pack up anything else you should need," he rushed, and was about to exit the room, if not for you grabbing onto his shoulder.

"Wyatt, what's wrong? You're acting out of hand," you say, with concern lacing your voice.

Your brother, Wyatt, then stops for a second and looks at you.

"There's a virus [Y/n]," That's all he had to say for you to understand. With a nod, you point over to the food and tell him to pack it up, while you go and look for other things that could be of use. Wyatt nods back and rummages through the food, separating what you could bring from what you couldn't.

You ran to your room, and packed some clothes in a bag. After that, you went and grabbed two duffle bags for Wyatt to put the food into. Finally, you went and grabbed your AMT AutoMag V, as much ammo you could find, a dagger and the leg holster for it. You don't know what compelled you to bring the weapons, but you reasoned with yourself that Wyatt's panicked state made you want to bring them just in case.

You then run back to the kitchen to see Wyatt almost done gathering all the food, and decide to help him put it all in the two duffle bags. Once you were done, Wyatt rushed you out of the house, and into a car, a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon to be specific. In the car, you see two other people.

"Guys, this is my sibling, [Y/n]. [Y/n], these are my friends," Wyatt introduces, you all nod at each other and wave.

"Aight, so what's the plan Wyatt?" someone in the car asked.

"Right now, we need to get to a safe zone. At least that's what Johnny told me to do," he trails off.

"Then let's go, no need to waste time!" someone else yells out, and with that you were off to a safe zone.

After you made it to a safe zone, your group had made a plan to meet up with Johnny's group, because Johnny seems to be rather reliable and well rounded.

Many things had happened during the two months of the outbreak. After the fall of Atlanta, safe zones started to tear themselves apart, and it became harder to find any sort of shelter or resting place.

Your group still had a goal though. It was to find Johnny. But once they had almost made it and caught up with Johnny, another group began to chase you and caused you to veer off road. You managed to jump out of the car but hit your head on the ground, and rolled down near a lake. With limited vision, you could see the group you were with getting out of the car and trying to run away, but were shot by the people chasing you.

Then your brother had stepped out of the car, and gunned down the three people that chased you. He then looked over to your limp body and then looked away. He went into the car of the people that chased you, and drove off.

That was when you lost consciousness.

"He, he thought we were all dead," you whisper to yourself. The thought of your brother thinking he lost both his friends and his sibling crushed you. Sure you yourself were alone as well, but you knew that Wyatt was at least alive somewhere.

You then breathe out a shaky sigh, and start up the car once more.

"Don't worry Wyatt, I'm gonna find you," you say, now filled with determination and hope.

After a few hours of driving the jeep, nighttime began to fall, and you became tired. You let out a yawn, and stopped the car. After turning it off, you began to crawl over to the back of the car to sleep. You then stop at the sight of the wallet. You pick it up, open it and smile at the picture inside. You then put it into your pocket and go back to getting ready to sleep.

"I'm gonna find you, no matter what."

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