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|DISCLAIMER| -This story shall be written in second person most of the time, unless I write, "P.O.V of (Name)"-

You wake up, on the crispy, half dead grass. Your eyelids were hard to open due to feeling slightly heavy. You then feel some cold liquid on your hand. You open your eyes, frantically, worried that the liquid could have been blood.

You sigh in relief, seeing that the liquid was truly just a flowing river; filled with unstained water. You didn't know why you were worried about blood.

You look around, seeing that you were close to a long road. Then you pay more attention to the grass, seeing that there were around five dead bodies farther away from you. For some reason, two of them seemed familiar. You shake off the feeling, and try to get up. But you fail miserably.

"Shit!" You grumble, while rolling up your pants.

you see that you have a couple of small bruises and one big bruise on your legs, which means that you won't be walking anytime soon.

You sigh and look around for anything useful, but to your demise the only thing you found was an AMT AutoMag V |That is a type of pistol, search it up if you'd like to know how it looks like| But it was too far for you to get it with your legs all beaten up and bruised.

Suddenly, you hear a scream. You flinch and look in the direction it came from. You start to worry and try to get up once more. Yet you still failed.

"Dammit, how the hell do I get up?" you say, frustrated that you were not making any progress on getting up.

You look around once more, and see something shiny.

"well look at that, a bullet. It probably fell out of the magazine," you say while grabbing the bullet and looking into the forest, that was across the small river.

Suddenly, you hear a rustling noise that came from the forest.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" you interrogate the unknown thing in the bushes.

You see a person come out of the bushes, and your face lights up with glee.

"Hello, hi, hey! Can you please help me? I'm kinda hurt, and I don't really," you were cut of by the thing snarling. Your eyes then come in contact with its abdomen, and you see that there is a huge hole within it.

You scream.

"N-No, get away from me!" you scream, squirming towards the AMT.

To your surprise, the thing already made its way past the river, only having to limp around four meters to be able to get to your feet.

As soon as you were around thirty centimeters away from the ever so close gun, you heard a thump, and then you felt something grab on to your legs.

You yelp, and try to kick the thing off.

"No no no, get of, get of!" you scream, and reach for the gun.

Finally, luck was on your side. You felt the AMT in your hand and tried to put the bullet that you found, in the chamber. You whip yourself around, so that you would be on your back.

You shoot the thing in the chest, and it loses its grip on you due to the pressure of the bullet. But, the thing still tried to crawl its way back to you.

The thing got a hold of your left leg, and was about to bite it; but you kick its head away, and it goes tumbling on its back

You force yourself onto the thing, and beat it to death.

As soon as it finally stops moving, you roll over and breathe heavily.

"What was that thing?" you question yourself, hoping to find an answer.

A Way To Survive |TWD - Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now