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|TRIGGER WARNING| - Mentions of suicide and self harm (This chapter takes place when Beth tries to harm herself. If you are uncomfortable with the topic, please skip anything past 'Getting close to the house, you could see Andrea walking away, and Maggie and Lori talking to each other on the front porch.' as the rest of the chapter is then focused on that topic -

It has been a few days since Randall has been here. He seemed to be healing rather quick, so Rick decided to let him go somewhere with Shane. You offered to come with them, but Rick said that he needed to also have a private chat with Shane.

During the few days Randall was at the farm, you typically stayed in your car. You were still on edge about Wyatt, but after talking with Carol every now and then, you began to feel better about him.

With nothing to do around the farm, you spent most of you time disassembling and reassembling your gun, hoping that it would distract you for the moment. Though it proved to be futile after the sixth time. A sigh left your mouth. You didn't have much to do, and you couldn't just leave yet. You knew if you did, you would break Carol's heart and worry Dale. You also wanted to keep an eye on Shane per Dale's request.

"Damn, there ain't much to do nowadays," you tell yourself. With the others doing more chores around the farm to earn their keep, you had less to do. Hence why you are in your car practically doing nothing.

"Welp, might as well get some air," you say. You then exit your jeep, and go for a little stroll. You didn't pay much attention to your surroundings, and just kept walking in a random direction. You didn't even notice the dead squirrels that were hanging from a line that you were about to walk into.

"Hey, watch it!" a yell made you come back to reality, and you quickly jumped back at the sight of the hanging squirrels. You then turn around, and see Daryl looking at you with a slight scowl.

"Sorry bud, didn't pay attention to where I was going."

"That was pretty clear, and I ain't your buddy, pal."

"Wait, so we're pals?"

"Quit being a smartass," you could tell Daryl was getting irritated by you, so you decided to back off a little.

"Sorry man, I should probably head back now anyways. Nice chat, I guess," you turn on your heel, and begin to walk away.

"You got nothing else to say?" Daryl asks, and you look over your shoulder.

"Nah, not really," you say, but then an idea came to mind, "unless you wanna talk about something."

Daryl just gives you an annoyed look, and then sits down on a tree stump, "looks like we got at least two things in common."

You then fully turn to look at Daryl. With a puzzled look, you walk up to him, and sit down on a patch of grass next to the stump, "and what would that be?"

"For starters, we both got brothers," he takes out a knife, and begins to sharpen a random stick from the ground, "and, we're both tryna look for them."

You sat in silence for a little, trying to process the information the redneck had given you. Then after a while, you spoke, "is that so?"

"Is that all you got to say?"

"I mean, what else should I say?"

"I mean, I kinda expected you to say something stupid."

"Oh, so something like 'Damn, that's rough buddy. Couldn't be me, oh wait'?" you look over to Daryl, and he just nods, "nah, that's serious stuff. There's a time and a place to joke around, now ain't it."

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