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You, Andrea, T-Dog, Daryl and Shane were all in a truck driving off to someplace.

"Dale could, could get under your skin. He sure got under mine. It was because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt. That kinda honesty is rare, and brave."

After Shane stopped the car, the five of you went along the fence that surrounded the farm. You were trying to find an opening that the roamer that got Dale could have used.

"Whenever I make a decision, I'd look at Dale. He'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another."

After seeing that there was no opening in the fence, the five of you went to go find where the roamer came from. Daryl led the search. He then took notice of something on the ground, and let out a whistle. He then pointed in a direction to go, and he followed the muddy footsteps the roamer had left.

"I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us, the truth, who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together. Stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives, our safety, our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on, we're gonna do it his way."

After finding nothing, the five of you went back on the road. On the way back to the farm, you could see a few roamers walking around. Shane parked the car, and you all got out. Andrea gave T-Dog a hammer to use while taking a pitchfork herself. Shane took a shovel, and Daryl readied his crossbow. You unsheathe your dagger from its holster, and you all walk towards the small group of roamers.

A few of them were walking around, while three of them were eating up a stray cow's guts. Daryl took the first shot, and one roamer was down. The ones that weren't eating, began to walk up to you. T-Dog walked up to another, and gave it a good whack to the head using the hammer. Andrea used the pitch fork to give another roamer a blow through the head. You went up to one and grabbed its hair. Then you gave it a stab in the head using your dagger. Shane took down another roamer by giving it a blow to the head using the shovel.

Finally, the roamers that were eating took notice of the four of you. One got up, and Daryl shot it down. Then another one got up, and Andrea used the handle of the pitch fork to prevent it from biting her. Because of the force she put against the roamer, it fell to the ground, and she stabbed it in the head. Shane then knocked the last roamer off its feet by breaking its knees. He then began to kick it, and backed off once the other four of you walked up to the last roamer. You all began to release your anger on the roamer, and kick its body. You all knew it wouldn't die, but you needed to release this pent up anger somehow.

Soon, you all backed away from it. Shane then swings his shovel around, readies it, and takes a good swing at the roamer. This breaks its skull open, and the contents spill out like candy in a piñata.

"That is how we honor Dale," Rick finished his speech. You were all gathered around Dale's grave, and a wave of silence overcame you all. No one else could add anything, as there was nothing else to add.

After the funeral, you stood around the truck with Rick, Shane, Hershel and Maggie. Rick began to speak about moving into the house, "gonna be tight, 14," he then looks over to you, "15 people in one house."

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening and the creek drying up," Hershel began.

"With 50 heads of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell," Maggie finished for him.

"She's right, we should've moved you in a while ago," Hershel says.

"Alright, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors," Rick began, you decided to walk off somewhere, and give a helping hand. You were leaving tonight. But, you still wanted to help around, and make sure that the people here would be better off. You knew that they were worried about winter, and so were you. The only difference between you and them was that they were going to have to stay in one house for a few months, while you were going to be on the road. They would have 14 mouths to feed, and you would have yourself.

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