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|Author's Notes On The Story|

Hello, and welcome back to me ranting about the fic so far.

Gosh, was chapter 4 a lot to write, it was 5000+ words, and took place over the span of two episodes. I took me a lot of time to right it out, and damn did my hand hurt after typing all of that.

Chapter 5 was my personal favourite chapter to write so far. I just really liked how it turned out, and it helped made the reader feel like more of a character cause they were interacting a lot more then in previous chapters.

Chapter 6 kinda just exists, y'know. The only thing that really happened there was Daryl getting shot, and the reader is now a confirmed strings kid.

Chapter 7 was filled with a lot of secrets being revealed, but other then that, nothing much else happened.

Now chapter 8, oh boy. This chapter is a close second for my favourites so far. Bitch out here really putting Shane in his place, only to act soft for two seconds, and then fight Shane. Fun fact, the whole reader yelling at Shane right after they woke up wasn't even in my notes. I just straight up added it in cause my hate for Shane was starting to overtake me (Before any Shane apologists get mad at me, I love his character. He has a great arc, and I think it was handled very well. Season two is just a season for building characters, so having him have a personal battle with his inferiority complex was great. I just hate him cause the show wants you to feel. I love how he's written, but hate the character.)

Chapter 9 was kinda bland, I mean that is comparing it to chapter 8.

Chapter 10 was fine, I mean it had some nice moments, and other times it was very slow paced I guess. But other than that, I think it was fine.

Now chapter 11, haha. |TRIGGER WARNING| - Mentions of suicide and self harm (Please skip this paragraph if you are discomforted by the topic) - I didn't know what to do for the chapter, cause Rick and Shane were off somewhere trying to drop Randall off, and Beth tried to commit suicide. So I decided to leave the reader out of both things, and just make them have a chat with Daryl. Now, let me talk about how the reader spoke to Andrea. First of all, this is coming from someone who has a long history of mental health issues (Please don't be worried, I'm doing fine right now). I feel like Andrea was acting out of fucking hand in that episode (Season 2 episode 10) that it was almost embarrassing. I would've slapped her silly. Sadly, I realised that not everyone wants me to heavily project my personality onto reader, so I just made them talk her down. If you agreed with Andrea in that episode, and thought that what she did was justifiable, literally shut up <3

I fucking hate chapter 12. My fave Dale dies. dwidaokdasdkmkdm. Now the reason why Dale is my fave in the whole show, was because at first I said that dale was my favourite character as a joke, but when I rewatched the show like 3 years ago, he genuinely became my fave?????? Rip my boy </3

13, was a vibe, and I liked it.

Chapter 14 was so fun to write, because of the motivation to finish this season. Finally, we could move on.

All in all, this season was a huge character development season. That's why I wanted to get it over quick. It's so dull to rewatch, but it isn't bad.

Also, now y'all got a real taste of how things are gonna go. I won't be writing everything that happens, that just feels draining. Instead, I will only be writing what reader is experiencing, because that is easier to keep track of, and because this is a READER INSERT, not a retelling of amc twd with an extra background character.

Also also, Remember when I said that I could've been faster when it came to writing chapters? Well uh I did. I wrote 2 chapters everyday during winter break, and now here I am. Writing all this in a week due to sheer will power and motivation! (Dies in prewritten chapters)

My favourite quote from season 2: "I've given you safe harbour, my conscience is clear." Hershel Greene

|What Author Did While Writing|

Went literally insane, and decided to rewatch Z nation.

Got back into volcaloid for a hot second.

Dyed parts of my hair a dark red, and now I wanna dye my whole head red cause I just know it would look good.

And I think that's about it (Please keep in mind I spent most of my time writing this fic, and y'know not doing other things, so of course I didn't do much)

Anyways, That's all for now. See y'all in Act3!

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