"He took him! H-he took him!"

Seokjin was confused. "Who? Jungkook? Took Yoongi?"

Jimin shook his head while Seokjin quickly untied him. "No! His dad!"

Seokjin froze. "Wh...what?"

"His dad! His dad!" Jimin wailed. "He beat up Suga and took the tapes and tied him up and took him!"

Seokjin shook his head. "Jimin...that's impossible. His dad is in prison, remember?"

Jimin sobbed, clinging to Seokjin tightly. "No! He got out! I saw him! I saw the whole thing!"

Seokjin sighed and picked up the boy. "It was dark, you probably didn't see correctly.  It had to have been Jungkook."

"No! Jungkook never would have hurt Yoongi like that!" Jimin argued as Seokjin carried him down the stairs. "Look! Look at the table! That's where he smashed Suga's face in! Repeatedly! Jungkook would never!"

Seokjin frowned. It was true Jungkook wouldn't react violently like that, but Yoongi's dad was in jail. Far away. There was no way it was him- he had no idea where they lived!

But then...who tied up Jimin? Certainly not anyone in the house, they all knew he didn't like being restricted.

"Come on." Seokjin held Jimin tighter as he hurried to the basement.

Taehyung jumped up. "Jimin! What happened to you? Didn't Yoongi ever check up on you?"

Jimim sniffed, scrubbing his cheeks free of tears. Before he could explain, he saw Namjoon and gasped. "No! What are you doing?! You're hurting him!"

"It's not Joonie," Taehyung explained quickly. "It's RM. He attacked Yoongi."

Jimin looked confused. "What? When? Agust never said anything about that happening!"

"Agust?" Now Hoseok was awake. "When the hell did he get out?"

Taehyung rubbed his temples. "Okay, okay, what the fuck is going on?!"

"Yoongi was kidnapped!" Jimin cried. "By his dad! I saw it! Don't tell me I'm wrong because I saw it!"

"What?!" Taehyung screeched.

At all the commotion, Namjoon groaned and leaned his head forward.

"Namjoon!" Jimin ran to him, throwing his arms around the tied up boy. "Save Yoongi! You have to save Yoongi! His dad is going to hurt him!"

"Jim...in?" Namjoon blinked his eyes open slowly.

"Yoongi! Suga! Yoonie!" Jimin sobbed. "They're all gone! Yoonji! Agustie!"

Namjoon blinked, trying to clear his vision. "Yoongi...my baby?"

"Yoongi was kidnapped!" Jimin cried. "By his dad! I saw it! Don't tell me I'm wrong because I saw it!"

Namjoon's eyes shot open wide, suddenly totally coherent. "No...he couldn't have gotten in- the security systems-" He cut himself, realizing the power was still out, meaning their alarms had been disabled. 

"Namjoon?" Taehyung asked, hesitantly walking over. "Is it you?"

"It's been me!" Namjoon growled. 

"Oh my God." Hoseok looked sick. "Nyumbug..."

"But Yoongi said you were RM! He said you attacked him and he was covered in blood!" Taehyung fought his nausea. "He...you were RM...please tell me you were RM..."

"Let him go!" Jimin was nearly hysterical, hands pawing at the ropes around Namjoon. "Let him go!"

They quickly untied the boy, all of them talking over each other in their confusion and guilt, and Namjoon shoved them away. 

"Enough! I'm fine, forget it!" Namjoon ordered, even though it was clear that he wasn't fine at all. "Where is Jungkook?"

"Yoongi said RM did something to him." Taehyung said. "We tried calling him and searching for him, but we can't find him."

"That wasn't Yoongi." Namjoon rubbed his hands over his face.

"Suga?" Seokjin frowned.

"Agust." Namjoon sighed. "Why...why did he do this? He was doing so well, I don't understa-" He suddenly faced Jimin. "What happened on the date?"

"Wait- what?!" Hoseok gasped. 

"No interruptions!" Namjoon snapped. "I'll explain everything in a second!" He grabbed Jimin's shoulders. "Tell me exactly what happened, Jimin. Did the date go well or not?"

Jimin had tears in his eyes. "Not."

Namjoon swore and hung his head.

Agust probably told Jimin in the truth and Jimin must have not taken it well, and it upset Agust. The alter lashed out and did something to Jungkook, and turned the others against Namjoon since they were the only two who knew the truth about him. 

"Yoongi...baby..." Namjoon hung his head. "I'm so sorry...I was so stupid..."

"We have to save him!" Jimin bounced anxiously in place. "He was taken! His dad is going to hurt him again!"

"How did his dad get free?" Seokjin frowned. "He's in jail!"

"No." Namjoon's glare was determined. "He got out. A while ago. We thought he was going to run to another country, but he came here. We got that new security system as well as cameras, but-"

His eyes widened. "The cameras!"

He shoved them out of the way as he raced up the stairs, not caring he couldn't see.

Hoseok ran after him, but broke off to run to the garage, wanting to finally get the lights back on.

The others followed Namjoon to Jungkook's room, where he logged on with the password he knew, and pulled up the feed from the living room.

The others stood around anxiously as it rewound to two hours ago.

The lights suddenly came on, and they all flinched at the sudden brightness.

Hoseok joined them a moment later, out of breath. 

"Now," Namjoon pressed play. "Let's see what happened."

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