"A job? What are you talking about?" He runs his fingers through his hair.

"I can't tell you."

"Get fucked, Draco. You're not worming your way out of this. Help me, understand. Please." You walk over to him and he turns to face you, you place your hands on his chest. "I love you, I want to understand. Just let me in."

He walks away from you. "I can't! I-I'm trying to keep you safe! That's why I didn't write to you. I can't let them find out about you."

"Them? Who's them?"

He's pacing again, almost pulling at his hair. "Could you stop being so stubborn! Just this once, let it go!"

"No!" You're the one shouting now. He stops in his tracks and turns to you. "No. You don't get to make me fall in love, ignore me for 8 months, come back and fuck me, then push me away! You're not doing that to me." You approach him and grab either side of his face. "Forever & Always, remember?"

There's silence for a few moments as he looks between both of your eyes, trying to find a way out of this. His hands come to meet yours and his face starts to crumple, as he lets out soft sobs. You're shocked, you didn't expect for him to start crying. He leans into your shoulder as you grab the back of his head and hold him while he cries. You realise, he's scared.

You stay like that for a while until his tears begin to stop. You both pull away as you look into his eyes. "It's okay, I'm right here. You can trust me." You say. His arms fall by his side and he hangs his head. His right arm goes to his left as he starts to pull the sleeve of his jumper up. You take a step back as you watch him hike it up to his elbow. He looks away, scrunching his eyes together, as he turns his arm over, revealing the dark mark on his forearm.

You gasp, you had suspected in the beginning Draco would have to replace his father. But you also thought you would have to replace yours, and when you hadn't been sought out, you assumed Draco hadn't been either. You walk towards him slowly, and grab his arm. You wait for a couple of seconds, to see if he pulls away. When he doesn't, you start to trace the skull and the snake with your finger. He hisses between his teeth as you pull away, "I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

"It burns." He answers, pulling his sleeve down. "You can go now. Be with Nott instead. I can't keep you safe." He says, turning away from you.

"Draco," he looks over his shoulder at you. "Nothing is going to happen to me."

"He'll recruit you, if he knows we're together. I convinced them I could do it alone. That I didn't need or want you. I shouldn't be with you, anymore. Last night, I was selfish. We can't be together anymore."

"Do what, Draco?" You ask, ignoring his rambling. He freezes and stiffens his whole body.

" I-I have to fix the vanishing cabinet. It's in the room of requirement. The twin is-"

"Is in Borgin & Burke's." You finish his sentence, you had seen it there before when you went with your father once, but you didn't know it had a twin. "Why does he want it to be fixed?"

"So I can let the other death eaters into the school."

"Why do they want to get into Hogwarts, Draco?" You knew there was something else he wasn't telling you.

"Because, they... I-I mean, I-I'm going to... I-I have to kill Dumbledore."

"I want to help you." You say without a stutter.

"Not a chance in hell." He says, turning away from you.

"I'm going to help you, Draco. Wether you like it or not."

"I can't put you in danger like that."

"Don't tell them, then."

"It's not that simple. H-he uses legilimency to get in your head."

You start to pace backwards and forwards. "I can teach you occlumemcy. You can fight against it and only show him what you want him to see."

His eyes lock on yours. "How do you know how to do that?"

"I used to be best friends with Hermione Granger, Draco.  I know a lot more than you think."

"I've already started doing training with my aunt, Bellatrix. Her methods are working but I'm not strong enough to close my mind to the dark lord, not when it comes to you. But if we work together, if you're the one that teaches me, it just might work." He pauses for a moment, as if considering whether to agree or not. "Okay. But we have to be careful. Very careful. If he finds out you're helping me, he'll recruit you."

"We will be." You both stop at either side of the astronomy tower, looking into each other's eyes. You rush together as he grabs you and kisses you. "I love you. Please don't be with Nott."

You smile against his lips. "Never. I love you so much." He wipes the hair away from your face. "Come on, you're freezing. Let's go back to my dorm." He puts his hand around your waist as you walk down the steps together, towards the common room.

Thank you for reading! Please lmk what you think!

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