Chapter Twenty Three

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      After pretty much being disowned by my entire family, I kept myself in Klaus's house. I didn't leave, in fear that I would run into one of the pack or one of the imprints. I couldn't chance that, not if I wanted to distance myself from them. I had to distance myself, it was the best thing for me to do, the safest option, but it still hurt. The idea of losing my entire family hurt like hell, but I still had my imprint and his daughter to help me through the depression.

"You can't stay in the house forever, love. Sooner or later, you'll have to go out into the real world." Klaus commented, causing me to shake my head.

"Not if I keep sending the hybrids out to do my bidding." I replied, as a smirk graced his face and he chuckled.

"I do agree, but I believe you should go out into the real world again, not to torture yourself with the thought of seeing them again, but to show them that you can rise above loss and conquer even the worst circumstances and come out on top." Klaus said, and I sighed.

"I know I should, but I am scared to see them again, Klaus. It'll hurt to see them." I answered, causing him to frown.

"I know, Little Wolf, but I also know you are strong. You are the strongest out of all of them. If they can hurt you, you should learn to hurt them." He replied, a confident sparkle in his eye.

"You're right. I should take Hope out to the market to pick up some things." I commented, and he nodded.

"There's a start, run with it." He answered, standing to his feet.

      I walked out of the room, once I stood from the couch, and made my way up the stairs. As soon as I was in my room, I slid on a pair of skinny jeans and a tshirt, before yanking on a pair of knee high boots to complete my outfit. Once I was ready, I made my way to Hope's room to get her ready. When I walked inside, she was awake and smiling at me.

"Hello, beautiful. Did you sleep well?" I cooed, as she squealed lightly.

       I picked her up and carried her over to her changing table for a fresh diaper. Once I had her diaper changed, I slipped her into a new onesie that read, "Daddy's Girl," as well as a pair of black jeans and grey socks that matched the color of her onesie. Walking her down the steps, I heard Klaus pacing around in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Nothing, Little Wolf, merely waiting for you to get my Littlest Wolf ready." He replied, a smile on his face.

"Well, you can feed her then, but don't mess up her outfit. I don't want to have to change her again before she and I go out." I said, and he chuckled.

"Of course, love, anything you say." He answered, as I quickly fixed her a bottle.

       Once the bottle was ready, I handed it over to Klaus and he began to feed her. I could see the love and adoration he held in his eyes for the little girl as he looked down at her, and I greatly admired how gentle and caring he was towards her, even when things were hectic and frightening at times. Anyone could easily see that she was the best thing that ever happened to him. As he was feeding her, I heard a knock on the front door. He and I both looked towards the door, but I quickly put my hand up to stop him from walking forward.

"I've got it, you take care of her." I said, as he nodded, but kept his eyes on me and the door.

      I knew if anything were to happen, he'd be able to take down whoever was at the door before they could harm Hope or myself, but I also believed I could as well, since I was quite strong. Opening the door, my eyes widened when I seen the person at the door was Embry Call. My eyes quickly turned to a glare, as I looked at my old pack member.

"What are you doing here, Embry?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Sam doesn't know I'm here--" He began, before I cut him off.

"So, now you want to get us in trouble when he inevitably finds out you were here?" I asked, but he quickly shook his head.

"No, Krista. You know I wouldn't get you in trouble, especially now. Please, Sam won't help me with this, but I know you will." He pleaded, knowing that I knew exactly what he was talking about.

       Sighing slightly, I moved out of the way and allowed Embry to come inside. I could feel Klaus's glare, but he didn't utter a word.

"How did you handle this, especially when it was forbidden by Sam?" He asked, causing me to frown.

"Embry, mine is different from yours, mostly because Hope is still an infant, but I will tell you that I snuck out as much as I could. I kept my mind reserved from the others when able, but when I couldn't, I kept all of my thoughts about my imprint to myself. If you plan on being around her at all, you have to keep everything to yourself--the pack can not find out." I stated, causing him to nod.

"Besides, mate, what makes you think I'll even allow you around my daughter?" Klaus asked, walking over towards Embry and I.

      At the sight of his imprint, I could hear Embry's heart race, but he kept a straight face when looking at Klaus.

"She's my imprint, I-I can't really change it, but I know how the imprint works. I know it doesn't have to be romantic, as of now, I'm more of a friend, a protector of sorts." He said, as Klaus glared at him.

      I knew Klaus understood everything, seeing as he and I were mates, but he was just being protective of his daughter.

"You get one chance, but if anything happens to Hope, or to Krista because of you, I will make you suffer in ways you couldn't even fathom." Klaus stated, and Embry nodded, beyond frightened by Klaus's words.

       I just hoped having Embry around wouldn't backfire, if it did, well, Sam and the pack wouldn't last very long...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for not updating recently, I had quite a bit of writer's block, but I've luckily overcome it so far. This book is far from over, so don't be worried about that either.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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