Chapter Twenty One

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       I had stayed practically barricaded in Klaus's house, not wanting to face my brother or the pack. I wasn't ashamed of myself or anything really. I was more or less afraid of the way the pack would react. I had a feeling they'd hate me. I had a feeling they'd shun me, but what scared me most was my brother's reaction to the new me.

"What seems to be the matter, Little Wolf?" Klaus asked, causing me to sigh.

"Am I different now?" I asked, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.

"And by different you mean...?" He trailed off, waiting for my answer.

"Have I been acting different or changed much since the incident with Hayley?" I asked, making him purse his lips.

"What has gotten into you, love?" He asked, and I sighed.

"I'm worried about what my pack and my brother will say when they find out I'm not exactly just a shapeshifter anymore." I answered, making him frown.

"Sweetheart, whatever your brother or pack says shouldn't bother you. I know you want them to accept you, but you have Hope and I. If, for whatever reason, they decide to cast you away, you always have us." He stated, and I smiled.

"I guess I should talk to them soon; see if they can tell I'm no longer only a shapeshifter." I said, causing him to shrug slightly.

"That's all up to you, love, but I do not want you to believe that they're going to be completely accepting towards you just because you had originally been a part of their pack. You may be Paul's sister, but you're different now; a different species that is, not a different person. You're still the same old Krista to me." He commented, and I felt a blush raise to my cheeks.

       I knew there was a chance my brother and the pack wouldn't accept me. I wish they would, since I would accept them in any way, shape, or form that they may have been different, but I knew how the pack worked. The beliefs were instilled in all of their brains from the elders since the beginning, so they really didn't know what else to think. I hoped they wouldn't be able to tell I was different by scent though, seeing as they'd easily be able to figure out I was different if they could smell me.

"I'm going to the pack house." I stated, causing Klaus to frown.

"Are you sure that's such a wise idea, Little Wolf?" He asked, causing me to sigh.

"I'm not sure, but I'm not going to completely turn my life around for something like this. Besides, I'll never know if I don't try, and I have to try. I miss Paul, Emily, Sam. Even though Sam was a dick the last time I seen him, I still miss his moody ass." I said, causing Klaus to chuckle.

"You can decide whatever you want, but know that I will be close so I can hear if anything happens." He commented, and I nodded.

"I figured, which is why I was going to say I could bring Hope with me. They won't lash out with Hope around. They know Emily will destroy them if they scared the baby." I replied, and he pursed his lips.

"I guess it's a good idea--just get the hell out of the house if anything even feels wrong. I can't have anything happening to either of you--not after just getting the both of you back." He stated, and I nodded.

     Running up the stairs, I picked up Hope and dressed her warmly. I didn't need her catching a cold or the flu. I knew sickly babies were not something everyone wanted to deal with, especially not Klaus and I. We weren't experts when it came to babies, but I knew, even if the pack and I were no longer talking, Emily would still help me if I needed her, especially when it came to questions about a baby.

       Once I was outside of the pack house, I walked up to the door and gently knocked. Emily opened the door, surprise apparent on her face. She quickly ushered me inside, making sure Hope and I weren't covered in rain. She was always one to worry about a person's health, even though us wolves couldn't get sick from the cold. Hell, my body temperature was enough to keep Hope warm if she had gotten wet. Once we were inside, she brought us into the living room where the rest of the pack was sitting. As soon as I seen their faces, I could tell Sam instantly knew something was different about me.

"What happened to you?" He asked, causing me to frown.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I retorted, as he snorted.

"You're fine? Than why don't you have your normal scent? Why are you carrying around Klaus's child?" He pestered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine. I smell different now that I'm with my imprint. Also, I'm carrying Hope around because I help Klaus care for her. She is my imprints child, so I love her as well." I answered, as Emily smiled.

     I watched as Embry stood up and made his way over, though I could tell he was quite cautious. Hope watched him, keeping her eyes on him with every step he took. He looked at me, almost asking for permission to even look at Hope for more than a glance. I nodded slightly, giving him and the pack reassurance that they could interact with Hope. When Embry's eyes met Hope's though, I felt anger rush through me.

"You bastard!" I exclaimed, as he held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry! You know I can't control it!" He replied, as the others finally realized what happened.

"You imprinted on my baby." I spat, feeling my face change, as Hope buried her face in my neck.

"What are you?" Sam asked, his eyes wide, as were the rest of the pack, fear evident.

"She's a hybrid." Klaus's voice said, standing outside of the house.

       Everything was now out in the open, all because Embry had to imprint on Hope...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sorry for not updating in such a long time. Someone had really pissed me off in the comments of this story and I couldn't find it in me to update. They were talking such trash about me and my story. Anyhow, I realized I didn't need to punish everyone, so here's an update.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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