Chapter Thirty One

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       A few months had passed, and Klaus and I had gotten closer. He had confronted Rebekah, and she apologized for being a bitch about him. I accepted her apology right away, but of course Klaus didn't. He was mad that she was trying to sabotage his happiness, and he warned her that if she ever tried to do that again, he'd ruin her life more than she could ever believe her life had been ruined before. He warned her his revenge would be worse than a dagger in her back.

"Only a few more days until we pack up and leave this place. Are you going to say goodbye to your brother?" Klaus asked, causing me to sigh.

"I should, but I'm scared. I know he'll be mad that I'm leaving, but I'm also worried he'll say terrible things to me, since he's been with the pack for so long." I replied, and Klaus nodded.

"Well, you don't have to say goodbye to him," He began, grabbing my hand in his,"If you so choose to say goodbye, know that I will be here the entire time. If he or one of the pack says anything to upset you, I will rip their hearts from their chest and eat in front of the others." He said, and I simply smiled at him.

        Deciding that the talk was over, I walked upstairs to check on Hope. When I walked into her nursery, I smiled at her. She was standing up in her crib with her hands holding her up by the railing. When I walked in the room, she grinned and bounced lightly on the bed.

"Hey, baby. Are you ready to get up?" I cooed, as I walked over to the crib.

"Mama!" She cried out happily, causing me to stop.

       I could hear Klaus at the door, but when he didn't say anything, I simply walked over and picked her up. I cradled the girl to my chest, as I turned around and walked towards the door.

"It seems I have been replaced," Klaus commented,"It's fine, I like Mama a lot, too." He added, as he smiled down at his daughter.

       I hadn't expected him to be fine with Hope calling me her mother. I know he said I was her new mother, but to hear him be so fine with it made my heart flutter. I was so happy to know he accepted this, but at the same time it made me a little nervous. Was I really good enough to be a mother? I felt like I wasn't the best role model, but I mean, I was probably way better than Hayley ever was.

"It's time for lunch." Klaus commented, as he lead us to the kitchen.

      Klaus had began to cook a small lunch for us, as I occupied Hope. She loved playing patty cake, so I played it with her many times, before Klaus had finally finished cooking. He walked over with the food and set some in front of me. He then placed his own plate down, as well as a bowl of cut up grapes and strawberries for Hope. Hope loved fruit a lot, so she was given fruit for breakfast and lunch often, but for dinner I gave her chicken nuggets with her fruit, and sometimes vegetables. Much like her parents though, she had an attitude, and she wasn't a fan of vegetables. More than once, she threw her vegetables in the floor and refused to eat them.

"I feel like a small, domesticated, human family." I commented, causing Klaus to chuckle.

"Oh love, we're far from human." He replied, and I laughed as well.

       While we were eating, I heard someone at the door. Standing up, I walked over to the door and opened it. I almost gasped when I seen Paul standing outside of the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"We need your help; you and Klaus. It's bad." He said, causing my eyebrows to furrow.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you remember Bella Swan and the Cullens?" He asked, and I nodded,"Well, she married Edward. They went on a honeymoon, and when they came back she was pregnant. Vampires can't procreate, or so we thought, but they did. Bella had a hybrid vampire-human baby, and she became a vampire. The pack split, since Jacob decided to protect the Cullens. He brought Seth and Leah with him. After he imprinted on Bella's daughter, we left them alone. The child looks to be at least six now, and apparently someone seen her and thought she was an immortal child. Immortal children are against the law to the Volturi, so they're bringing an army to take out the Cullens. The Cullens are gathering witnesses to prove the child isn't a threat, and the pack is going to go help to keep any vampires from killing our people. We have strength in numbers, and I know you hate us right now, but please help us. I promise, after this we'll leave you alone for good." He pleaded, causing me to sigh.

"Just know, if we help, there won't be another time," I replied, and he nodded,"Klaus, Hope, and I are leaving afterward. We're not coming back here, we're moving away." I added, causing him to frown.

"Will I ever see you again?" He asked, his voice low.

"I don't know. That depends on how the pack acts if we come to help you." I answered, and he nodded once again.

"The pack meeting is tomorrow, and we'll be leaving to fight the Volturi later that day." He said, before turning around and leaving.

        Sighing, I closed the door and laid my back against it. I didn't really know if it was a good idea to help the pack, but I also didn't want my brother to die. I loved my brother, and regardless of everything he and the pack have done, I don't want my brother to die because I didn't help him after he had asked for my help...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There'll probably be around thirty five chapters to this story.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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