Chapter Thirty

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      Waking up in New Orleans was weird. Everything was different compared to where we had lived outside of La Push, but the ambiance was amazing. I stood from the bed I was laying on, and I walked over to the window. People were roaming the streets, music was playing, and people seemed to be having fun.

"I see you've found the beauty of New Orleans, love." Klaus commented, causing me to turn towards him.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked, causing him to sigh.

"I wanted to show you where I've been all the times I was away. If you'd like to know, I was setting this place up for us. After I took out Hayley and all of per minions, I was given more leniency in New Orleans. During which, I took over what was rightfully mine before, and I've been making it great and how it always use to be." He stated, and I nodded slightly.

"So, you want Hope and I come here?" I asked, causing Klaus to nod.

"I plan for you to come here, yes, but I want you to explore first. I want to show you everything I love, and if you love the city as much as I, than we will live here." He replied, making me sigh.

"Are there any threats here against us?" I asked, looking out of the window once again to admire everything going on around us.

"No, I have a few men going out and hunting down every witch that even dares muttering our names. They're also handling any vampires or werewolves that are threatening us. I will not allow anything to happen to you or Hope. We will live here happy and safe; without any worry to cross our mind." He answered, and I smiled.

       Once we had talked for a bit, Klaus grabbed my hand and walked me out of the Mikaelson Manor. We walked around the city, checking out many bars, musical performances, and other things I wanted to check out. I thought the history of the place was amazing, but seeing everything up close to really changed everything for me. As we entered a small bar for a drink, I heard someone walking our way.

"Klaus, I believe you told me you'd introduce me to your mate when you brought her to New Orleans." A man commented, as he walked up to us.

"Right," Klaus murmured,"Krista, this is Marcellus Gerard. Marcel, this is my mate, Krista Lahote." He introduced, and the two of us kindly shook hands.

"I've heard many good things about you from Klaus. He dotes on you, if I'm honest. I'm not surprised though, you're beautiful. Klaus is a lucky man." Marcel complimented, causing me to blush slightly.

"How about you go find Cami, and stop flirting with my girl, mate." Klaus said, causing Marcel to nod.

"Right," Marcel replied, a grin on his face when he turned back to me,"It was nice meeting you, Krista."

"Likewise, Marcel." I answered, before he quickly walked away from us.

"Ever since Rebekah turned him down, he's been trying to get with every woman that's off limits. Camille is the only woman who he can be with without problems, but it seems he likes the drama of it all." Klaus said, causing me to laugh lightly.

"I honestly found him charming, but he's not really my type." I replied, and Klaus simply rolled his eyes.

     After a couple of drinks, Klaus decided it was time to leave. It had started becoming dark outside, so he was going to show me how New Orleans worked at night. Once the moon had risen, lights decorated the streets. Music played and people danced, many of the people being tourists. Klaus walked us over to a couple of tourists, and he compelled them to stay quiet, before the two of us fed on them. We then gave them some blood to heal them before compelling them to forget everything and enjoy their time in New Orleans.

"I don't know how well Hope will appreciate the music all night every night." I commented, causing Klaus to chuckle.

"Some nights are quieter than others. I believe you and Hope will adjust fine to the atmosphere around here." He replied, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Y'know, at first I thought you were bringing me here to show me some crazy war or trouble you were causing. You really surprised me, in a good way, and I'm glad you brought me here." I said, and he simply squeezed my shoulders slightly.

"You shouldn't take everything my sister says to heart, love. When she doesn't get her way, she pouts, and she'll tell lies to anyone who will listen to her. You just so happened to be one of the poor saps who had to listen to her constant whining. Believe me, I love my sister, but she is quite the drama queen." He replied, smiling down at me.

      After seeing all the work he had done in New Orleans, and according to him it was for Hope and I, I really believed him when he said Rebekah liked to whine when she didn't get her way. She really painted Klaus out as a bad guy, and he wasn't completely as bad as she was saying he was. Yes, he did have his moments, but it was nothing compared to how she had described it before.

"So, do you feel like moving here, love?" Klaus asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, I think it would be a great idea." I replied, causing him to smile.

"I will give it a few more months, then I'll move you both out here. I promise our life here will be better than the life we're living there now." He said, making me smile as well.

       Moving to New Orleans would be a fresh start; one I really needed, and I was excited for it to finally happen. I just hoped my brother wouldn't hate me for leaving...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know it's been a long time, but I've decided I'm going to write a few more chapters to this story to finish it off. If I didn't, you guys would be waiting at least another year for another update, and I don't want to do that to you guys.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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