Chapter Eighteen *3rd POV*

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      Krista awoke with a jolt, looking around the room with wide, scared eyes. As soon as her eyes landed on Klaus, her fear became more prominent.

"What happened?" She cried, unsure of how she was even alive.

       The last thing she remembered was Hayley feeding from her neck. She had passed out after that, but she knew she most certainly should've been dead. She had lost way too much blood to be alive and completely healed.

"Oh, you're awake. I guess that's a good sign. I'll be right back." Hayley commented, before she vanished into another room.

"What did she do to me?" Krista muttered, catching Klaus' eye once more.

"You're in transition." Klaus said, making her eyes widen.

"W-what? H-how? I-I-" She stuttered, completely confused about what had happened.

"She fed you her blood, then she snapped your neck. If you don't feed, you will die." Klaus replied, seeming to be completely emotionless.

        He wasn't trying to be coldhearted towards Krista, he was just scared to show her his emotions. If she did fully transition into a hybrid, he needed to be as distant from her as possible. If she had the same sirebond as the others, he needed to have the strength to take her out. He couldn't leave her to be a puppet like all of the other hybrids were.

         Hearing a strangled cry from the room Hope had been staying in, Klaus and Krista began to fight their restraints once more. Moments later, Hayley came back into the room with a small vile of blood. She grabbed the back of Krista's head, holding her hair tightly in her hand.

"Drink this." Hayley said, holding the vile above Krista's lips.

"No! What is this?!" She exclaimed, looking down at the vile.

"It's Hope's blood. Hope's blood makes hybrids. If this works, that means your kind can become hybrids. If your kind can become hybrids, you will be taking me to your pack." Hayley stated, before forcing the vile into Krista's mouth.

       As soon as the blood passed her lips, Krista's gums began to hurt. Biting her lip, she felt veins under her eyes. Klaus and Hayley looked at her with excitement and worry.

"It worked." Hayley said, happiness evident in her voice.

     Hearing those words, Krista knew now that she had been turned into a hybrid. She could feel strength soaring through her, but she decided to act as if she was weak like she had been before.

"I'll be back. Don't try anything." Hayley stated, believing Krista had the sirebond.

      As soon as Hayley left the room, Krista looked over at Klaus with a smirk on her face. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unsure of the message Krista was trying to send him. Hayley came back in the room, walking over towards Klaus with a grin plastered on her face. She had made a hybrid out of Krista, a type of wolf they had never used before. When Hayley reached towards Klaus though, shoving her hand in his chest, Krista felt a pain run through hers as well. Growling, Krista ripped the chains from the wall, successfully freeing herself.

     Hayley quickly whipped around, her eyes wide in shock and fear. Krista stalked over towards her, causing Hayley to cower away. Krista quickly ripped away Klaus's restraints, before turning her attention back to Hailey.

"You've been a very bad little hybrid." Krista spat, grabbing Hayley by the throat.

     She held Hayley up against the wall, gripping her neck tighter with each scared breath Hayley let out. Quickly snapping Hayley's neck, Krista restrained Hayley in the chair Klaus had been in before.

"Let's finish what we started." Krista stated, causing Klaus to nod.

      He and Krista went around the building, ripping hearts out and heads off of all of Hayley's hybrids. Once all of the hybrids were dead, the duo made their way upstairs where Hope was being held. They could still hear her cries, making their strength for vengeance stronger. Kicking in the door, Klaus seen Jackson, the Alpha, standing in Hope's holding room.

"Well, it seems nobody can do the job but me; figures. I always knew I was the strongest out of all of them." Jackson stated, before he rushed for Klaus.

      The two males fought for dominance, as Krista ran over to the crate that was holding Hope. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she seen that Hope wasn't badly injured. She had a slight cut on her arm, which almost made Krista lose it, but the maternal instincts in the woman took over before the vampire side ever could. Her hunger would never control her protecting Hope.

       Hearing someone coming up behind her, she whipped around and came face to face with Jackson. He had thrown Klaus through the window, which gave Jackson a few moments to attack Krista and Hope. He didn't know how strong Krista was though. So, when he came at her with a stake, he wasn't expecting her to break his arm and shove the stake in his stomach.

"This is your fault." She spat, before ripping his heart out of his chest.

"Little Wolf, we still have to deal with Hayley." Klaus commented, looking over towards Krista.

     Krista nodded, dropping Jackson's heart beside his body. She wiped her hands with some clothes she found in the room, before she lifted Hope up from the crate. She cradled Hope to her body, holding her close for comfort.

"She's now safe." Klaus commented, and Krista nodded.

"We did as we promised." She replied, and he smiled.

     Making their way back downstairs, Krista handed Hope over to Klaus. He ran the child out to his vehicle, deciding to keep her locked in there for safety. Once he knew Hope was safe, he joined Krista back inside of the building. They watched as Hayley soon began to wake up. Her eyelids fluttering slightly, as she picked up her head. Looking around, her eyes widened when they landed on the two people she believed she would end...

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