Chapter Twenty Nine

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      As the days went on, I wondered more and more if Klaus was going to come home. He hadn't contacted us, not once. Rebekah had called him once or twice, but he seemed to be avoiding us. I hoped he had just lost his phone, but he was the Original Hybrid, how the hell could he lose his phone?

       Since he had been gone, Hope started becoming more mobile. She crawled very well, but I knew she was soon going to be able to walk without any trouble. I hoped it would wait until Klaus came home, but judging by the amount of time he had been gone and hadn't contacted us, I almost doubted he'd be around to see her first steps.

"I just got a call from Elijah. Apparently Klaus is reigning havoc in New Orleans. He said he left New Orleans a few hours ago though, so he should be back soon. As soon as he gets back, he's going to get a piece of my mind." Rebekah spat, her arms crossed with an annoyed look on her face.

"Maybe he has a good reason for the havoc he caused." I commented, unsure of how to answer the original sister.

"When it comes to my brother, he truly always believes he has a reason for his havoc, even when it's unjustified. I'm telling you this, as a woman concerned for her friend and her friend's child, it would probably be better for you, if you took Hope and left. I love my brother, but over the thousand years we've been alive, he's caused more problems than he's solved. He's changed from the boy he was when we were human, and that's one of the scariest things I've ever had to witness." Rebekah stated, causing me to frown.

       I understood she was just looking out for Hope and I, but blatantly saying such things about her brother was awful. Besides, he was my imprint, so unless he told me to leave and never talk to him again, I really wouldn't be able to willing leave him and never see him again, especially if I was taking Hope with me. I could never take a baby from their parent, Hayley was an exception of course, seeing as she was willing going to kill her baby for her own benefit.

"I want to believe that our bond is stronger than that." I said, and I watched as her eyes saddened in seconds.

"I do, too, but I know my brother. No amount of love or self-preservation is going to change who he really is." Rebekah replied, her eyes full of sympathy.

"Nice to hear what you really think of me, Rebekah," Klaus said, as he entered the room,"While I was trying to save our home, you come here and try to ruin everything I've built. My stability, my sanity is all right here, yet you continue to defy me, talk down about me, as you stand in MY house. Tell me, Rebekah, does ruining my life really help yours?" He asked, a smirk evident on his face.

"You're pathetic, Niklaus. Every time you have something worth living for, you ruin it for yourself in one stupid way or another. You finally have someone willing to be there for you, for Hope, yet there you go tearing through New Orleans like it's a little play area, while you leave everything else to crash around you." She spat, tears swelling in her eyes.

"Guys, maybe this isn't the time--" I began, before Klaus cut me off.

"No, Krista. If Rebekah has so much to say, let her say it. Let my dear little sister say how terrible I am, for being the only one who truly loved her and was there for her every time she failed. Every time she fell in love and had her heart ripped out by some boy I was there, but now something doesn't go her way, so she throws a little temper tantrum. News flash, Rebekah, not everything revolves around you. You can't expect me to come at your every call, just because your feelings are hurt." He sneered, glaring at his sister.

"Klaus, Rebekah has been helping me keep myself and Hope safe this whole time--" I started, but Rebekah shook her head.

"You're right, Klaus, just as you always wish to be. All you ever want is for people to fall to their knees to worship you, when you're not worth worshiping. You're just a scared child. I told Krista about everything, even the things you would've purposely missed. She knows all, except for what you're doing in New Orleans. Matter of fact, Niklaus, she has no idea why you leave to go to a city that doesn't want you anymore." Rebekah said, her voice taunting him when she neared the end of what she wanted to say.

"I-is that true, Krista?" He asked, looking over at me, and when I didn't answer, he laughed humorlessly,"I bet you despise me as much as my sister does, don't you?" He spat, glaring at me.

"N-no, Klaus, I--" I began, but he cut me off like earlier.

"Ya know, I don't blame you. I would hate me too, if I lost everything because I didn't have the guts to talk to my own pack again, like the badass hybrid I'm supposed to be." He said sarcastically, as I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Nik!" Rebekah exclaimed, as Klaus shook his head with a chuckle.

"Ya know, Rebekah, you wanted to babysit so bad, that's it's become your new job," He said, before turning to me with a smirk on his face,"C'mon, love, I'll show you the city that I was once king, and I will reign over once again, and you, my love, will be queen, if you play your cards correctly," He added with a smile,"Defy me again, and you'll wish you never did." He spat, glaring at me.

       Before I could even blink, Klaus grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, before everything went black...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I haven't watched any of the seasons of The Originals in a long time, so I'm going to just work with this as I go. I may add more things that just go with my story, but I haven't decided yet.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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