Chapter Three

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Once we left the store, I decided that I was hungry. I couldn't deal with all of the stress of a potential imprint, and I needed something to distract me. Food was my best idea, even if it wasn't going to distract me for long.

"Em, we should stop at the cafe down the road. I need something to eat to ease my mind." I stated, causing her to nod.

I guess I had frightened her a bit in the store, which was never my intention. I wanted everything to run smoothly, I truly did, but obviously that did not happen. Sighing to myself, I realized that Sam was going to have my ass as soon as I got back to the reservation. I don't blame him though, since I technically put Emily in danger. Even though the danger was myself, I still had her with me at the time.

Sighing, I got out of the car and headed inside of the cafe with Emily. We sat down at a table for two, before a waitress came and asked us for our drink orders. I ordered tea, knowing tea always made everything better. Once the drinks came, the waitress held a notepad ready for our food orders.

"I'll have a salad." Emily told the waitress, and the waitress nodded and wrote down Emily's order.

"And for you?" She asked, causing me to smirk.

"I'll have a cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, a slice of apple pie, a couple grilled cheese and some mozzarella sticks on the side." I stated, causing the waitress's eyes to widen.

"A couple?" She asked, causing me to nod.

"Yep." I replied, a slight smirk working its way on my face.

"Is that all for you?" She asked, and I grinned.

"Yes, it's all for me. I'm a growing girl. I need sustenance." I said, as the waitress's face seemed to grow pale.

"If you think she eats a lot, you should meet her brothers." Emily commented, making the waitress practically choke on air.

The waitress quickly left, causing me to laugh lightly. I loved when people looked at me like I was crazy when I'd order loads of food just for myself. They'd watch me behind the counter to see if I actually ate it all, and would be shocked when I actually would eat every bit of the food.

Anyhow, after about twenty minutes, the waitress came back and brought me all of my food, which I began to eat quickly because by then I was starving. All the shopping and anger had made me very hungry. I wasn't one to eat my emotions, but today seemed like the perfect day to do so.

I could feel the waitress's eyes on me, as I began to eat my mozzarella sticks, the final set of food she had brought me besides the pie. I smirked to myself, finishing them off easily. They tasted amazing, which didn't shock me, since I made Paul get me mozzarella sticks from here plenty of times when we were younger. As I was beginning to eat my pie, Emily laughed quietly.

"The waitress looks like she's about to pass out watching you eat all of that." Emily commented, making me smirk.

"She probably thinks I'm either pregnant or going into the electric chair." I replied, and Emily nodded in agreement.

As I took another bite of my pie, a scent caught my nose. A woodsy scent with a hint of bourbon, causing my eyes to widen. My breath hitched in my throat, as I gripped the table.

"The table is going to break, ease up." Emily said quietly, causing me to let go of the table.

I clenched my teeth, trying not to get angry. The person seemed to follow us, though it could've also been a huge coincidence.

"What's wrong?" Emily asked, causing me to look at her.

"The person. They're here. I can smell them." I stated, and her eyes widened.

"See if you can find them. It shouldn't be hard to spot them if you know their scent." Emily replied, which I quickly obliged to.

I looked around the cafe, seeing mostly people who've been here before. Nobody really caught my attention, since their scent didn't really stand out. I could tell when someone was human, or a shapeshifter like me, or even a Cold One. It wasn't very hard, but looking for this person seemed to be endless. My eyes scanned the area until they finally landed on the table right in front of Emily and I.

The man had sandy blonde hair, which was short and a bit curly. He had a very defined face, and his lips were plump and pink. I could tell it was him by his scent, which seemed to pull me into him. I tried to avoid the pull though, as I looked back over to Emily.

"I found him. He's at the table behind us." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

Emily quickly looked behind us, before turning back to me. Her eyes were wide for a second, before a smirk made its way on her face. I narrowed my eyes at her, feeling my blood begin to boil. Looking back up, I made eye contact with the man. Everything around me seemed to stop, as events of my life flashed before my eyes, the only thing bringing me back was Emily grabbing my hand. I blinked and looked over at Emily, who held a grin on her face, before looking back up at the man. He smiled lightly, waving at me from his table.

      My heart seemed to beat from chest, as I abruptly stood up and decided it was time to leave

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My heart seemed to beat from chest, as I abruptly stood up and decided it was time to leave. I threw down a fifty dollar bill, before grabbing Emily's arm and leading her out to the car. I needed to leave, I couldn't think straight in there.

"E-Em, you should head back. I-I need to blow off some steam." I stuttered, trying to keep my wolf at bay for a minute.

Emily nodded quickly, before she got into her car and left. Once she was gone, I ran into the woods and shifted. I needed to run from my mind, for as long as I could. I wasn't sure what happened, but I was almost positive I imprinted and I was not happy...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. So, Klaus is her imprint. How do you guys think he'll react to this? What about her? What about the pack?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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