Together Pt2 (Dream x Wilbur)

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TW- Insanity; death; explicit details of gore; fire, ash, smoke; obsession;

Requested by becck212

Major character deaths here!! So if you don't like that then its best you don't read this.

I don't normally do part twos but I had an idea so I decided to work with it. 

Hope you enjoy. 


Wilbur stood on a hill, his torn and dirty cloak swaying in the cold breeze. The sun was setting in the west, making the sky orange and pink. He looked down on the rubble once know as a country. Smoke rose from the ashes, polluting the sky and turning the clouds grey. The stench was atrocious, gunpowder and burned wood filling his lungs, but he couldn't help but love the smell. It was a smell of despair.

His lips parted into a smile as he ignored the stabbing pain in his arm. His own right hand man had stabbed him; that just proves he couldn't trust anyone. Though, it didn't matter to much anymore, since the boy's now dead. Wilbur gave a breathless laugh, a shine in his eyes, and one thing -- well, rather someone -- on his mind:


Wilbur pulled his bloody hand away from his wound, letting it bleed out as he scanned the area for his beloved. It was a little hard to see because of all the smoke and fire still around, but it couldn't hide the green clothed man.

Wilbur instantly brightened up upon seeing him walking about on the ground below, and he scurried down to join him. His brown boot made made hard crunches in the grass as he walked, the green part of nature now brown and charred.

He walked over the leftover debris from the festival, still keeping his eyes on the one still left alive (apart from himself). Dream didn't seem to notice him at first, cause him to jump in surprise when Wil appeared next to him.

Wilbur gave a sickening smile that chilled Dream to the bone, "Hello Dream," He greeted.

"Wilbur," Dream gave a nod, "Have you seen George or Sapnap? I'm looking for them." It was hard to tell Dreams expressions, but it was easy to tell he was worried. And judging by the way the masked man scanned the area, Wilbur guessed he knew they were caught in the explosions.

George and Sapnap. What a lovely pair. "I have seen them," Wilbur's joyful smile faded, he knew exactly where the were. Dreams attention focused on him, obviously eager to know we're his friends were. Give all you attention to me, the thought echoed distantly in Wil's head.

Wilbur thought back to when he searched the area, when he was making sure everyone was dead. George had his head smashed into rocks, his body was bruised and bloody, most of his bones were probably broken too. Sapnap went a little more peacefully, he's now floating in some part of a lake or whatever, Wilbur really couldn't bring himself to care all that much.

"They're dead," Wilbur watched as Dreams composure dropped, obviously in horror at the hearing of his best friends' deaths. "What?" Came Dreams voice, quiet and broken.

Wilbur suddenly felt something he didn't like, something that made him feel vulnerable. Sympathy. He didn't like this feeling, but it was clear it wouldn't stop flowing in until his love was okay.

The brown haired man put his hand on Dreams shoulder, looking into those sickening painted dots that represented eyes. "It's okay," Wilbur tried to sooth him. But Dream only shrugged of his hand, staying silent.

This confused Wilbur a bit, wasn't Dream the one who supplied Pogtopia with TNT? Why wasn't he on board anymore? The ship had already sailed and there was ocean all around them. Dream couldn't get out of this.

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