Like Yesterday (Karlnap)

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TW- Character death;

Requested by HappyFlewer

Uh, I kind of got carried away and didn't make exactly what you wanted... um, sorry, but deal with it.


Soft sounds of the waves crashing against the shore filled Karl's ears, sand filling his shoes with each step he took. Night walks on the beach were always nice. The moon was rising over the horizon into the cloudless sky, its red-ish orange colour reflecting over the surface of the water.

The night sky surrounded them with darkness as he swung their intertwined hands, smiles painted on their lips. Intentness banter was thrown back and forth before it fell into silence. Karl could hear Sapnap's gentle breathing and the cars driving on the road.

The night was sublime, serenity in the atmosphere. His and Sapnap's hands slipped apart but they still linked their fingers. Lights from the city made such a contrast against the clear ocean view.

A flashy, fake Christmas tree could be seen amidst the building, decoration adorning every feature possible. Cars drove, the squeaking of tires and the running of engines could be seen as a annoyance but Karl found it as a comforting background noise, grounding him in someway.

A breeze came from the waves, ruffling Karl's brown hair, he pulled his sweater closer to him with his free hand. "You cold?" A voice came, and Karl looked over to see Sapnap's gaze on him with an eyebrow raised.

Karl put on an amused face, amused at the others attempt of flirting. Looking the younger up and down, he said, "You sure you aren't cold?" Although Sapnap was in layers -- the man was from Texas, he was not used to the winter weather -- and he was, in fact, shivering slightly.

Karl giggled at the look on Sapnaps face, he mumbled something inaudible.

The brown haired man looked past the other, looking past the waves. The moon was rising at a steady pace, turning more yellow than red and orange. The bright light reflected over the dark colour of the ocean waves.

The tingle of needles filled the feeling in his finger tips, though Karl was used to it, Sapnap not so much.

"I can't fucking feel my hands." Sapnap said in a hurriedly, hushed voice.

Karl responded by intertwining their hands once more. His shoes beat against the solid sand, not wet, but damp enough to be walked on without annoyances.

Soft gentle waves overlapped, foam forming on the sand, the peaceful picture painted in his mind bringing him joy. Almost like it was yesterday.

"It's cold today..." Karl said, sniffling. He wiped the tears off his cold cheeks with his sweater sleeve, he put on a smile. He gave a small, tearful laugh.

"I wonder if you would've liked it,-"

In front of him stood a grave. The smooth grey stone was carved with letters that formed words.



Ahhhhh, I got really sad so sad ending.

Based of an experience I had, except no one is dead.

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