Fused Codes (Dream)

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So sorry I haven't been writing! I've had a lot on my plate recently, and I haven't had time to write much.

Please take this as an apology and I'll try to finish some stories soon!

Also, @Iknowenglish I'm still working on your request! Sorry it's taking so long, I'll try to get it done soon!

TW- Pain, crying, sensory overload(kinda), realistic Minecraft

No ships just a one-shot I got inspired to do :) (its sucky, but still,)


Everything looked wrong. Dream stood in the community house in the middle on the SMP, looking around. It all looked so wrong.

He tried to push it off as him being stressed with the resent events on his server.

Dream sighed, pushing a hand through his blonde hair. He turned back, seeing cat a few feet behind him. He silently walked up and picked up the small cat. He was confused on why Patches was following him everywhere, but he didn't ponder on it too much. Dream kept her close as he walked through his server. He felt oddly comfortable holding her, complete, per say.

Dream wondered the lands endlessly, no real destination in mind. He mindlessly stoked patches fur.

Upon coming across the new Manberg he spotted George and Sapnap talking to one another. He quickly walked up to them, being careful of the cat in his arms.

"Hey guys," Dream said, stopping in front of them. "Hi Dream," George gave a smile and adjusted the glasses on his head. "Hey," Sapnap waved, "What's with Patches?" He pointed a finger at her.

Dream responded, "She just wanted to come." He looked down at the cat curled in his arms, quietly purring. "Aww," George cooed, giving Patches a small pet.

It was all normal, Dream was comfortable with them like always, they were like brothers to him. But he couldn't seem to keep eye-contact. The other two didn't notice because of his mask.

Dream would quickly look away and tense , almost like it was painful. And, mentally, It kind of was.

He tried not to dwell on it to much, excusing it as being stressed once more.

It was getting late and they all had things to do, so they said their goodbyes, and parted ways. Patches fell asleep sometime during the walk back, not that Dream minded.

When Dream arrived, he set Patches on his bed, gently as to not wake her. He hurriedly got all of his things ready as he was going into the woods to get some resources. Dream made sure he had everything he needed and left through the door.

Dream strut the paths he was so familiar with, staring down at his feet. Was he always this tall? Of course, him being 6'2'' it was easy to sometimes forget how tall he actually was, but this felt different. He felt slimmer, taller, longer.

He pushed it off as his mind messing with him

As Dream walked along the river bank, in search of a deep cave, he, quite embarrassingly, tripped over his own foot. He stumbled before falling into the shallow water, hands and knees scrapping on some rocks. Dreams first reaction was to wince and get out of the water, but soon a flaring pain struck through him.

He screamed in agony, white hot pain traveling through his veins. Tears fell fast from behind his mask. His mind clouded over, going into a sensory overload. Bells rang in his ears, pain bled throughout his body, his vision getting spotted with black.

He doesn't remember how he got out of the river, only assuming his body moved on its own. Dream panted, breathing uneven, he choked on his own tears, as he laid on his side. It hurt so badly.

With shaky hands Dream unhitched his mask letting it fall beside him. His lungs ached for oxygen but it felt so hard to get. His fingers clawed at his chest as he felt the stinging subtle. The skin still ached from the wetness of his clothes.

He wiped his tears, his breathing slowing down. Dream propped up on his arm, trying to get up. His head spun in circles, making everything confusing.

He whimpered in pain as wet clothes clung to his skin. He had to get back home. He dragged his limbs to a standing position, making sure he grabbed his discarded mask, and with wobbly legs, he trekked back.

Dream almost couldn't comprehend what happened, his mind trying to block the pain.

He slowly found his way back to the path towards home and he found himself speeding up. He wanted to be dry, pain-free. He didn't even care that his mask was still off and in his hand.

When he arrived at the door, he swung it open, being treated with a meowing Patches. But at the moment Dream didn't pay her any mind. Limping, he made his way to a chest that had an extra pare of clothes.

When dream changed and got dry, he felt better, no pain. But he was still so confused. He clipped his mask back in place, silently praying no one saw him while it was off. Giving a sigh, he picked up the worried looking cat at the feet, and sat down on his bed.

Dream let his eyes wonder the room. God, it looked so wrong. He wanted to cry, everything was in the wrong place. He had to fix it.

He gently pushed Patches off, making his way over to rearrange everything. He spent hours on hours moving one thing to another place, and then to another place, till he was happy with how it looked. By the time he finished, it was past midnight. Patched laid on the bed--that was now in a new spot--sleeping soundly.

Dream sighed, he had to figure out what was wrong. He couldn't brush it off anymore. But first, he slept, being exhausted after everything.

They next day, he went behind the scenes. . . He checked the codes, basically. Being a coder made it easy to read and change the numbers, so what ever happened would be easy to fix. But when he did see his codes, he quickly realized this wasn't something he could fix.

His code file had been glitched.

How? He'd heard of myths that sometimes a file would get glitched or corrupted but Dream never believed them. But now, he had to believe them.

Because his file was fused with an endermans code.

He exited out, going back to his server. This wasn't something he could fix. he couldn't go into another server and have his character be "restarted". No, this was something that would stay forever. It was his file, the one that described his body, his development, his life.

Oh gosh, oh gosh, what do I do?


No idea where this one went at the end.

If you see any mistakes. . . No you don't.

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