Party (Karlnap)

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TW- Mentions of alcohol; lime; mirror sex(?)

Requested by @HappyFlewer

Hope you like it :)


A woman kept talking to Karl.

She twirled a strand of her blonde hair with her index finger, as she talked to him. She smiled and laughed at everything, cheeks dusted with pink. Of course, Karl, being a bit drunk, thought she was just being nice. Wanting to be friends. Karl, being polite, complemented her, which gave her false hope of him fancying her back.

Sapnap hated it. He wanted to walk over and punch the girl (but he's not going to because that would be rude). He forced himself to stop his glare and turn back around, downing the rest of his cup. Trying to drown out the feeling in his chest, with a burning going down his throat.

"Geez, lighten up Sapnap."

Dream appeared next to him, seemingly out of nowhere. He had to speak up over the music of the party. Sapnap chuckled, rolling his eyes, "Yeah, yeah," He looked over at his empty cup, wondering if he should go get more. His friend wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "I see you glaring over there." He gave a pause, probably for dramatic effect. "Maybe you should go drag him away." Dream pat his back before wondering off, most likely to find their other friend.

Sapnap stared at his partner. Karl was smiling at the girl as they talked about things he couldn't hear. He watched the girl lean closer in interest, and Karl not take notice of this action. She spoke, and Sapnap watched as beautiful lavender eyes avoided eye contact, his ears turning pink. Karl got like that whenever he was complemented. A small thing Sapnap picked up.

He sighed, about to turn away, to let Karl make friends with the girl. But then he saw the girls light brown eyes flicker down as she leaned in more. Sapnap knew exactly what that meant. And he bolted.

He snatched Karl's hand, ignoring the look of confusion from the boy and a gasp from the woman. He dragged the boy up the stairs and pulled him in the bathroom, locking the door behind them. He's finally had enough of this.

"Sap-" He cut Karl off with a kiss. The boy gasped before relaxing into it. He nibbled Karl's bottom lip for a moment before breaking the connection. The older boy chased after his lips, making Sapnap give a breathless laugh. He watched as lavender eyes slowly opened, a far gaze in them, probably caused by the drinks he had that night.

Sapnap turned Karl towards the mirror, adjusting himself behind the boy. He slid his hands under Karl's sweater, rubbing over his sides. Karl looked in the mirror, seeing his shirt slide up, allowing them both to see his tummy. Sapnap smirked, leaning in to bite Karl's ear before moving down. Kissing and biting the soft skin.

Karl whimpered, getting embarrassed having to look at himself. He tried to turn his head away but Sapnap saw this action and, gently, gripped his chin, forcing him to look at their reflections.

"Look at yourself, Jacobs." He whispered against the boys sensitive skin, feeling him shiver under his hands. A moan unwillingly coming out from Karl's lips as he opened his eyes.

"Now," Sapnap moved his hand from Karl's chin to rest on his waist. "Who do you see?" Karl bit his lip before responding with, "You, and me." Sapnap whispered a praise before leaning over to bring Karl into a kiss. It was quick, nothing more than a quick peck, making Karl huff at him. Karl was becoming more sober, his drunken state no longer very noticeable.

Sapnap only smirked in return, looking back at the mirror. Karl looked back with him, blushing. "Who do you see touching you?" Sapnap asked resting his head on Karl's shoulder, loving how the boy got flustered at the question. Karl gulped before answering in whisper, "You are."

Sapnap hummed, moving one hand to rub over Karl's abdomen in a loving way as he shifted to bite down on his neck, hard. "Say my name." Sapnap demanded against his skin. Karl bit his lip to suppress any noises. Even if the music was loud, it was quieter near the restroom. Which could allow people to hear.

"Sapnap," Karl groaned. Sapnap moved back to give soft butterfly kisses on the back of the boys neck, slowly going down to his shoulder blades, kissing through the fabric of his sweater. Karl shifted at the gentle touches. "Good boy," He paused to go up to his ear, whispering, "I'm the only one allowed to touch you." Karl shivered.

Sapnap chuckled and released all hold on the boy, receiving a whine. "Let's go back," He said moving to the door, unlocking it and leaving, not even sparing a glance behind him. He heard Karl huff, before footsteps scurried after him.

He smiled to himself.

Sapnap couldn't wait to see the girl's face when she sees Karl's neck.


I've started using their mc skins more, it just makes me more comfortable. Hope you don't mind. :)

Requests are open!

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